Chapter Eleven

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With those six words I lost all sense of self.

"What do you mean you don't know me?" I asked, looking into her lifeless eyes. She looked utterly broken, her body caving in on its self.

"I mean I don't recognize you. The only thing I know is what she's told me and what she's told me is that you're a bad person. A person that wants to kill me. I don't want to be killed."

"Why would I-" Stopping mid sentence I turned to Vivian. That sly little bitch. A snake's smile played across her crimson colored lips. "You did this."

"Who? Me? Now why would I do something like that?" Her words set me on edge, my fangs started to ache.

Alexander, is she going to be alright? Mike's voice was full of fear that mirrored my own.

"I don't know." I whispered.

"Who are you talking to my love? Don't tell me you've got voices in your head now too."

"Shut your mouth you slinky little-"

"Tsk tsk tsk. Such a temper and dirty mouth. What would your mother think?" Mock surprise registered on her face. "Oh wait that's right, you killed your mom so I guess she won't have much to say about your potty mouth."

You killed your mom?

"That was a long time ago, I was young, my hunger wasn't in control."

Dude, no wonder you have chick issues. It all started with dear old mommy.

"Oh bite me."

No thanks. You probably have rabies or something.

"Seriously Alexander, are you talking to yourself?" Vivian laid a hand on her hip, looking at me incredulously.

"It's none of your business, rat."

"Rat? Ooo, that burns." She made a hissing sound.

You have got to get new comebacks. You're embarrassing yourself and me.

"No matter." She began walking toward Rozalina. My hands balled into fists as she put one heeled shoe on Lina's back. "I know exactly how to get you where it hurts." Suddenly she slammed down, causing Rozalina to yelp in pain and crumple to the ground. I jumped forward, ready to attack. "And it's not where you'd think it would be."

"You're crazy."

"I know. But I'm also happy. That's more than I can say for you."

"Lets cut the chit chat shall we?" Vivian's smile sent chills down my spine.

She is grade A, confirmed, bat shit crazy. I say we grab Looney Tune on the floor over there and skiddadle pronto.

"This is not the time."

"What's not the time?" Vivian stalked forward, like a predator stalking it's prey. "Its not the time to save your princess." She made a disgusted sound. "You're pathetic."

"Would you shut the fuck up. I am in no mood to deal with your bullshit, Vivian." I whipped around to face the person who had just interrupted us.

"Bram, how lovely to see you again."

"What are you doing here, little brother?" Bram faced me, a look I had never seen before was set in his eyes.

"Well since you decided going rogue was a good idea I had to track your scent. You know how long that took? I haven't eaten in days so excuse me if I come off a little hostile."

"You shouldn't be here." I replied.

"I'm never where I should be, I wasn't supposed to be born yet here I am."

"Isn't this touching? Two brothers, back together again. It makes me want to vomit." Bram looked towards her and boy, if looks could kill.

"Well I'm glad you're all here. I've got something to show you."

This doesn't sound good

"Yeah, you said it."

Rozalina's P.O.V.

I watched them. All three of them. The woman was smiling, the men were not.

What's going on?

What do you mean?

Why are they fighting?

They're fighting because those men are trying to hurt you. She is trying to help you.

That's right. Those men are bad.

What is that thing? It looked human but it walked on all fours, it's spine was bent oddly and it was completely hairless. The thing was snarling at the men, talking in staggered sentences.

It's just a dog.

It's just a dog.

That's right. You're such a smart girl. Pitty what's going to happen to you.

What's going to happen to me?


Looking over I saw the woman striding toward me, something long and metal was in her hand. She raised her arm and in a minute everything went black. All I could hear was the screaming that followed.


Hey guys! Sorry it's taking so long but my story advanced in the competition I'm competing in so fingers crossed! Something big is going to happen soon so stick with me. Ill talk to you guys later. See ya!


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