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I stared out over the darkening horizon. Colors faded and blurred together in a mass of pink and purple, until the dark blue of night took over. Energy hummed throughout my being as I awaited my husband's approach. My eyes narrowed to slits as I parted my lips and tasted the air, the more animalistic side of me emerging. He was close, it was easy to hear his footfall. I crept out of the brush slightly until I saw him. He ran at inhuman speed and was close in a second. Without a seconds hesitation I pounced, dragging Alexander to the ground. He let out a sharp hiss of dismay but I was gone in a flash. The chase was on. A laugh escaped as I crashed through the trees, a step ahead of the man I loved. I coupd hear his laughter too as he gave chase. He loved this game. As we neared a cliff I turned and grabbed his face in my hands, pulling him to me for a kiss. As we pulled away I whispered softly in his ear,

"Beat you." His laugh was a thunderous roar as he simply pulled me to the ground.

"Yes you did. Once again." He twirled a lock of my hair in between his slim fingers before speaking again. "You win almost every time chère, perhaps there is a reason? Perhaps I am letting you win." Alexander waggled his eyebrows and grinned.

"Or perhaps I am just better than you, old man."

"Ah that you are, undoubtedly better than me in any shape or form." He pulled me close, his hand cupping the back of my head. "But I am faster. And I love you too much to see you lose to me all the time." I growled and pushed him away, springing to my feet. "Oh come on Rozalina!" He called after me. "Where are you going." I looked back and winked as I replied.

"Well if you're so fast why dont you keep up and follow me?" With that I was off again, stealing away in to the night. I ran fast and far stopping at another cliff and sitting at the edge. It had been crazy for the past few years; the traveling, the power, the immortality. It put me in a tailspin. I pulled my knees to my chest and gazed up at the stars. Each night was different and beautiful each place we went. The beasts of the night howled and called to one another. I called back. Alexander and I hadn't heard much from the council since my first encounter. The last I had heard from them was when I sent them a letter, explaining what I thought myself to be.

"A Revenant?" Alexander asked. I nodded and turned back to the computer screen.

"Look." Pointing to a sentence I recited what was written. "'A Revenant is a visible ghost or animated corpse that is believed to have returned from the grave to terrorize the living.' I'm an animated corpse. Although I dont much fancy terrorizing the living." Alexander scratched at his chin, almost in disbelief. "Although most Revenant's drink blood and are rendered useless in the daylight that's what I mostly am." I turned back to him, my face lighting up because I finally understood what I was, even if I wasn't that entirely. Alexander looked down at me, his eyes growing soft.

"If that's the people you claim then I will support you, to whatever end."

I smiled, recalling the memory. I was so zoned out I didnt realize Alexander creeping up on me.

"Got you!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me and pushing me down. His laughter shook me to the core as he held himself over me. I smiled up at him. My massive goofball.

"Yes you did. You had me the moment I stumbled into that wretched mansion."

"I still can't believe you let Ashley take it over." Sitting up on my elbows I grinned.

"How could you not believe me? I would do anything for my best friend."

"Yeah, like letting her move into my mansion and give cheesy tours."

"Oh come on!" I shoved his shoulder. "Those tours are hilarious and pay the bills. Tourists eat that stuff up." He shook his head.

"Bram sent me a message yesterday. Their expecting their second kid, he's hoping for a girl this time."

"Really! I wonder why Ashley hasnt told me."

"Maybe if you bothered to check your phone-"

"I know I know." I cut him off. I had been ignoring my messages but it was because I was all tangled up inside my own web of happiness with Alexander. Sometimes I was downcast, realising I could never truly move on with my life. Have a kid, grow old. But I got over it as soon as I looked at Alexander's smiling face and remember I had some of the greatest people that ever lived to call my friend.

"I'll probably give her a call when we get back to the hotel." I reached out and ran my index finger along his jaw,  relishing how my skin scraped along his stubble. I pulled his lower lip down with my thumb and smiled seeing the tip of his fangs peaking out. "I like these." I whispered, letting the pad of my index finger run along the sharp edge of his fang. "And this." I touched his nose. "And lets not forget these." I gently touched his eyelids as his eyes fluttered closed. He smiled and I kissed him. I never understood how one person could love another so unwaveringly and faithfully until I met Alexander. I never knew how strong I could be on my own until I had to face more dire situations than I could count. Alexander's eyes opened again and his mouth was on mine, ravishing my lips. I allowed him to lay me back down and got caught up in his mouth, my hands tangled in his hair and my legs wrapped around his. It was in these moments that I appreciated him and understood that we were one with each other. He suddenly pulled back and stared at me, saying nothing. I looked back and wished this moment would be forever burned into my memory, etched into the very being of my soul. In this moment one predator stared into a mirror and found its other half and found the courage to utter the words,

"I love you."

"I love you too, Alexander." And I would love him until we were both dead, nothing but a whisper between the stars. I took Alexander's hand and entwined his fingers with my own, eager to live with him for the rest of eternity.



The end of an era. Thank you guys so much for following me on this incredible journey. I couldn't have done it without you. If you'd like to see anything more this world has to offer (maybe from another character's storyline) feel free to share. Or maybe you want a whole new adventure? Either way I just wanted to say thanks again for giving me my own spot in this vast eternity.

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