Chapter Eight

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You're making a mistake.

"Hush." I whispered to Mike. He had helped me figure out how to get a plane ticket. We were now headed out to Romania.

Your friends told you to wait for them. This doesn't look like you're waiting.

"Desperate situations call for desperate measures and all that." I waved a hand in the air to emphasize my cavalier attitude. Inside I was a nervous wreck. The same three thoughts swirled through my head. What if she's hurt, what if she's dead, and what if she hates me? These thoughts coupled with the fact that I have never flown in an airplane before made me extremely nervous.

You're shaking. Mike observed. His voice was laced with sarcasm and a hint of laughter.

"No I'm not." I growled lowly.

Yes you are. He said in a sing-song voice.

"Well why aren't you nervous? You claimed to have loved Rozalina and now she's in danger."

Because of you. That stopped me in my tracks. It was my fault she's in danger. It's all my fault. I gulped and sat back.

"I know." My voice sounded strangled.

Hey I didn't mean it-

"No. It's fine you're right."


"Just. Be quiet, you're giving me a headache." I felt him leave my head but knew he wasn't very far away. I looked out the window, it was night and wispy white clouds swirled and danced below the plane. Reaching out I placed my fingers on the glass, closing my eyes I could feel the vibration of the plane, could smell the blood rushing through everyone's veins. I fought to keep my fangs in line, I didn't know when I had last fed.

Searching through the inside pocket of my jacket I took out a folded picture. Carefully I unfolded it. She was smiling up at me, her hair twisted up atop her head. Even though the picture was in black and white I could still recall those bright green eyes she had.

Who is that? Mike's voice was a whisper in my mind. That looks an awful lot like Roze. I smiled to myself.

"This woman's name was Rosaline." I ran my thumb along the picture.

Who was she?

"The first woman I ever loved." Mike was quiet, as if processing what I had just told him.

Is that why you like Roze? His voice was sharp, a challenge.

"In the beginning yes I suppose I was fascinated and entranced by the similarity." I folded the picture over. "But Rozalina and Rosaline are two vastly different people. While Rozalina is free spirited and speaks her mind Rosaline was more soft spoken, never sticking her nose into places it didn't belong."

What happened to her?

"She died."

So she wasn't a vampire? I shook my head.

"I considered telling her, but I knew that if I turned someone I'd have to love them and I didn't love Rosaline like that. I didn't love her deep enough if that makes sense." Placing the photo back in my jacket I licked my lips. "But I was going to tie her the choice, let her decide her fate but it was not meant to be."

Why not?

"Because on the night I had decided to ask she was killed. Struck by an out of control locomotive. Fate works in mysterious ways." Mike was quiet once again. I could feel his pity, it slammed into me like a wave crashing into the shore.

I'm sorry.

"It's ok. I think part of her soul is within Rozalina. I can see Rosaline in some of the things she does. Maybe that's why I fell so hard so fast." I shrugged and turned to look back outside.

Would you turn Rozalina? There was no challenge, no contempt, Mike genuinely wanted to know.

"If she wanted it." I rested my chin on my hand. "I'm prepared to spend the rest of my existence with that girl." We were silent for a few moments, I could see the ocean rocking below us, pulling back and forth in an endless game of tug of war.

I think she'd say yes.


Rozalina. I think if you offered to turn her she'd say yes. She may not show it but she cares for you, maybe even more than your cold heart can fathom.

"I think you may be right." I smiled softly. His chuckle filled my ears from the inside of my head. In death, Mike and I had mended the rift between us. We both had to die in some way or other to see we had the same goal; to make sure the people we cared about were happy.

Don't go soft on me Vlad, we're still mortal, maybe immortal now, enemies in this story.

"A story you say?" I breathed a laugh. "I don't think our lives, or deaths, are interesting enough to be a story."

You never know. I shook my head, smiling to myself. Do you think we'll be trapped together forever?

"Who knows. Would it be that bad?"

Oh yes it would! I think I might have to figure out a way to kill myself in the afterlife just to escape you.

"Am I that horrible?"

Yes. When in doubt I always think the worst of you.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?"

Hmm. If I were a ray of sunshine maybe I'd be able to kill you even from the Netherworld. Mike laughed to himself.

"You do that."

It's almost sunrise. I nodded. Pulling down the screen in front of the window I wrapped myself in a blanket, making sure to cover every inch of exposed flesh. Rozalina's face kept flashing across my mind. Her smile, her eyes, the way her nose crinckles when she laughs. My father would call me a fool, my mother would just shake her head and smile softly. Maybe I was a fool but did I care? No. As I began to fall asleep I could swear I heard two woman gossiping about me.

"Did you hear that guy talking to himself?"

"He must be one messed up fruit loop."

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