Chapter Twenty-One

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My breathing was ragged, my heart threatened to beat right out of my chest. My mind was scattered, wisps of thought fighting to make themselves known. The only constant, clear, thought was: She's dead. She's dead. She's dead.

And so was I.

Or so I used to be.

I stared down at my hands. Thick, crimson liquid was still dripping down my pale fingers. I could hear talking but it was muffled and at the back of my mind. Letting my hands fall to my sides  I stared at the headless corpse that used to be Vivian. She was finally gone. She couldn't hurt me, or anyone I cared for, ever again. A smile touched my lips. I was happy. I was at peace for the first time in a long time.

"Lina?" I turned to Ashley. I saw her through new eyes. Her childlike aura was gone. She had aged ten years in the matter of months. I couldn't decide if it was a good or bad thing.

"Ashley." Her eyes water as I stepped closer.

"Oh Lina." She gripped me in a fierce hug, ignoring the blood I was soaked in. I could almost feel it. The pain, the sadness, the longing. But I could also feel the relief, the contentment, the joy. And I knew she would be ok. "I've missed you." She whispered into the crook of my neck and in response I hugged her tighter. A feeling of warmth washed over me. It was as if someone was smiling down on me. Perhaps they were. Ashley pulled away, wiping a stray tear from her eye.

"That was badass Lina!" Bram bounced over to us. Gone was his intimidating act, replaced by his usual easy going humor. I returned the goofy grin he wore. "When you burst through those doors it was like something out of a movie. I felt like there should of been a wicked song playing in the background."

"Oh there should have been, but I won't get upset that you weren't playing it. This time." Bram let out a thunderous laugh. "Wouldn't want to have to kick your ass in front of your big brother now would I?"

"I would say you couldn't win but now I'm not so sure."

"Lina would definitely hand you your ass if it came down to a fight. She's a tough chick. Always has been, always will be." Freya winked at me, pulling her wife closer.

"For eternity now, it seems." Stella purred. Something flashed in those feline eyes and instead of frightening me like it used to I was intrigued. I grinned at her. As a hush fell over the destroyed church I realized I hadn't heard from the person I had counted on speaking first. I turned to find Alexander staring at me. His eyes dark and unreadable. Without a word he turned on his heel and walked out. I would think he was mad at me if it were not for a tug I felt at the back of my mind. Pulling me in the direction he disappeared. And so I followed that tug.

I found him standing on the edge of a cliff, his back to me. I noticed that his muscles were tense and his jaw was clenched. Taking  a step forward he looked at me and smiled. It was a dazzling, genuine smile. I couldn't help but return it. He extended a hand toward me. When I took his hand he pulled me into a fierce hug.

"You're getting blood all over yourself." I laughed breathlessly.

"I've had blood all over myself before. I assure you, I can handle it." The old Rozalina would have been frightened by his words but I was not. We stood there silently, nothing but the gentle breeze made a sound. "I thought I lost you." He uttered, the pain clear and sharp in his voice.

"Well, I'm afraid you're stuck with me for a few more millennia. Sorry buddy." That's when he gave the loudest, most carefree laugh I had ever heard.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said as his laughter died down and he pulled back just far enough to look down at me. He placed a cool hand on my cheek, stroking my chin with his thumb. I closed my eyes briefly, getting lost in his touch before returning the gesture. Not caring about the dead woman's blood that coated my hand I placed my small hand on his cheek. He smiled a devastating smile, looking utterly vulnerable and childlike despite all of the blood. We stayed like that for a while, letting all of the emotions built up throughout the past few months dissolve through gentle touch and soft spoken apologies. His thumb moved from my chin to my bottom lip, resuming its rhythmic motion. Something sparked within me, white-hot and ferocious. Without warning I took his head in my hands and pulled his lips to mine. The surprise was quickly replaced with desperation and desire. Alexander pulled me closer, as if trying to meld our bodies, minds, our existence together. There were love stories greater than ours before this moment and there would be many more after this. But at this moment it didn't matter. We were one in the same. Now and forever.

 The intensity in this moment could only be matched by my own. The power that now coursed through my veins hummed at the closeness of two predators. Two beasts that now paraded around in human skin. My hands moved from his cheeks to his hair, my slick fingers slipping into the inky black locks. We payed no mind to the blood that now stained both his and my face. It slid between our joined lips and ignited something inside of him. It ignited something inside me too, a part of me that I didn't even know I had until now. The moonlight cut through the clouds and bathed us in incandescent light.  I was his and he was mine and that was enough for now. 

It was enough for eternity.

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