Chapter Fifteen

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I awoke, breathless and shaking. The vision of snapping teeth and flowing blood shook me to my core. My gaze slid toward the window, the moon was still shining. As I rolled over the book I had been reading dropped to the floor.

"Damn it." I cursed aloud. Slipping out of the bed I bent over and picked up the book, setting it on my nightstand. The wind picked up outside, causing the trees to tap against my window. Something unsettled me, something was not right. I felt sweat roll down my back, alerting me to how warm I felt.

Padding across the floor I unlocked the window and cracked it open, letting the cool breeze hit my face. I stood by the window for a while, looking out across the lawn. Somewhere a dog began barking, setting off a chain reaction. Soon, almost all the dogs in the neighborhood were either barking or howling.

"Strange..." And it was. Nothing about this night seemed right. I shook the odd feeling off and closed my window. Suddenly a strange sound came from downstairs. I stopped dead in my tracks. It happened again. It sounded like someone was walking around downstairs.

"Lina. Don't do it." I whispered to myself as I opened my bedroom door. "Don't you dare go down there." I wish I listened to myself. The creaking continued as I made my way downstairs. "This is how everyone ends up dead in the horror movies." Shaking my head I stood at the bottom of the stairs. "This is how it ends." Something crashed in the kitchen. Slowly, ever so slowly did I sneak over to the hall closet. Inside sat my dad's old titanium baseball bat. I don't know why but the Pink Panther theme song slipped into my head as I tiptoed to the kitchen. Soon I caught myself humming the tune under my breath.

A pot clattered to the ground, silencing the hum. My heartbeat quickened. I grabbed the bat tightly, losing feeling in my fingertips. Mentally preparing myself I peeked around the corner, not being able to see anything.

You can do it.

No I can't.

I jumped around the corner, bat held high overhead, ready to hit whatever was in my kitchen over the head. Except, there wasn't anyone in my kitchen. That's when I heard it. A sharp hiss came from my sink. I padded over and almost burst out laughing. A small black cat stared up at me. It had fallen in the dish water.

"C'mere." I picked up the soaking wet ball of fur and set it on the counter. Retrieving a dish towel from the drawer I began drying the poor little thing. It meowed at me, it's whiskers twitching. I felt as if I'd seen the cat around before.

"How'd you get in here?" I murmered. As soon as I finished drying him he was gone, out of the kitchen window. I tsked. "Who left this open?" Shaking my head I shut it, fitting the latch into place to lock it.

Draining the water in the sink I hung the dish towel up to dry and began heading back to my room. As soon as I opened the door I was met with a strong wind. My window was open.

"I thought I closed this." Frowning I walked over and pulled the window shut, locking it. Looking back I probably shouldn't have done that. Suddenly the door to my bedroom slammed shut. Jumping I turned to see someone standing in the shadows.

"Who... Who are you?" My lips trembled. Whoever it was made a pained sound. "D-Don't hurt me please." I backed away. The stranger stepped forward.

He stepped right into a pool of moonlight. My breath caught in my throat. I could swear I'd seen those blue eyes before. That hair. I gulped.

"Please, take whatever you want just don't hurt anyone." The man laughed but it wasn't a typical laugh. It sounded twisted, unnatural.

"You were always so thoughtful, weren't you?".

"Excuse me?" I swallowed.

"I guess that's what made me fall for you." He paused. "Well, that among other things." He smiled to himself.

"Look, I don't know what kind of drugs you're on but we've never met so I'd kindly like you to leave." The man's eyes became dark as he took a step forward while I took a step back.

"Oh Rozalina. If only I could leave you." He stretched a hand out towards me. "But its not that simple."

"Sure it is. You just take your two long legs and walk yourself right out of the door." He chuckled quietly to himself.


"Yes?" The man looked up at me with one of the most painful looks I have ever seen.

"Forgive me." Before I could ask what he meant he lunged, grabbing my wrist and pulling me against his chest.

"Hey!" I screeched.

"Please don't fight it Rozalina." There was pain in his voice but his grip only tightened.

"Let me go you creep!" I struggled, kicking and clawing, trying anyway to get myself away from him.

"Rozalina please!" He bellowed, holding me tighter. I was scared he would break my wrist. The man wrapped an arm around my waist. He was surprisingly strong, being able to hold me still with just one arm. "Dont make this harder on yourself." He gulped. "Harder for me."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about!" I struggled more, just trying to get away.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I was about to ask why he kept apologizing when something sharp sunk into my neck. I don't think I realized it was him biting me until I was almost gone. The strange man was at my throat, sucking the life out of me. Literally.

"Why are you doing this?" I whimpered. The pain wasn't that bad, it just made me extremely tired.

"I'm doing this to bring you back." He whispered against my neck.

"Back... Where?" I didn't hear his reply. As I finally gave in to the pain I was pulled under, into a world of darkness. For once I felt ok. For once I felt safe.

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