Am i Crazy?

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Barron P.O.V

"IZZY! IM BACK!" I yelled through the apartment. I didn't instantly get a response back, which was weird because her car was here and the house was unlocked.

"Dasiy? Hellooooooo. I have dinner. It's chinese... Das come on, where are you?" I chimed trotting through the apartment. I went to her bedroom and heard little sniffles through the door. " Dasiy? I hear you. Can I come in?"

" *sniff* no. I-Ill come out and give me two seconds." She quietly stated.

"Ok..." I only could muster an ok. I had never heard her this broken before. Before I knew it, she came out when I was sitting at the kitchen counter.

"Where's the Chinese and Vodka? Because this story is about to get crazy." She resumed as her normal self with tear stained cheeks.

"Whoa girl, it's only nine. And yeah, what happened?" As I pulled out the Villa One tequila and gave Izzy her order.

"Well, first Ryker broke up with me. Then I found out he was cheating on me with my assistant, then onto everything that happened today. I spilled coffee on this really hot guy today!" She admitted

"Girl, I'm so sorry! Ryker was never good for you, and you know it. He was a complete A-Hole and never deserved you, btw." I stated

"YEAH, I know. I just wish I knew about this sooner. Anyways enough with my mope town. You seem happier, got food for not just you but me, and you have that sparkle on your eyes. Who's the guy?" She probed.

"Oh, you will never believe me. Today was a dream. First, I gained 10k followers. That was the notifications last night. The Jonas Brothers reposted one of my reels, I was singing a Jonas Brothers song that a little girl requested. Then the plot twist Joe Jonas was there and the little girl was Alena, his niece!" I rambled on." And I got his phone number, and we are going to hang out tomorrow! EEEEEEE."

Izzy just gave me a dead stare, and I started to get nervous about what she was going to say, so I gave her a weird look to signal her say something, but instead, she just laughed. Like laughed really hard.

"What? What is so funny?" I questioned.

"You want *laughs* me to *laughs* to believe that?" She smirks. She just shakes her head as she gives me that smirk.

" Uh yeah, because it happened." I shot back with a disbelief look because she was being rude.

"Girl, it was all believeable until you got the Joe Jonas being there part. Really come on, it's NYC out of all places he was there? That's a pretty big odd. Are you sure you weren't buzzed a little from last night, or that headache got to your head a little too much?" She spit out.

I shook my head in disbelief. I can't believe she doesn't believe me. After everything and she thinks I've gone crazy. Am I crazy? Maybe this didn't happen, and I daydreamed. I have been doing that a lot lately.

"You know, you might be right. Maybe I was daydreaming. Ugh, I need to stop drinking before performance days. Imma head upstairs and write down some lyrics. Bye, " I choked out, hiding the sadness in my voice.

"Alright, imma watch some marvel come down sooner or later to watch some movies with me. ok?" She agreed

"Uh yeah..." I blubbered out.

Third P.O.V

Barron walked up the stairs with heaviness in her steps to her loft room. She couldn't get the fact out of her mind that it could have been all in her mind that Joe was there, and she was just imagining it. Her room was dark and brought a gloominess attitude to her even more. She slipped into her PJs and sauntered over to her bean bag and whipped out her songbook. She peered out the window to look at the raindrops that were forming on the window

She fixed her gaze on her notebook again as she began to write new lyrics that came to my heart. The song was about her ex-boyfriend who abused her. He reminds Barron of when she met Daisy, and she took her in when he did all of those things to Barron. She named this song 10 things I hate about you ( this song is from Leah Kate), and the song meant much more to Barron. It was about the passion she had to speak out about it.

She began to sing the lines slowly,

I caught you cheating
You had the nerve to say you were sleeping.
Just not with her, but tell your friends

When Barron broke up with him, all of his friends told her about him sleeping with someone else, and they we threatened not to tell anyone about it.

That I'll be lost without you
And I'll admit it
Sometimes, I miss when we were in it
So I made a list so I never forget
All the things I hate about you
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds, and I had to fake it
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you
you still have mommy issues
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
Your friends must suck if they think you're cool
A sloppy drunk obsessed with his Juul
Keep buying bottles with your daddy's money
And I don't know how I fell for your shit
You gross me out, now I've got the ick
And I've got a list of why you don't get to fuck me
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds and I had to fake it
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you
Three, you still got mommy issues
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you
You made me love you
You made me love you
Ooh, ah
How'd you make me love you?
And I'll admit it
Sometimes, I miss when we were in it
So I made a list, yeah
Ten things I hate about you
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated
Seven talk a big game 'til you're naked
Only six seconds, and I had to fake it
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you
Three, you still have mommy issues
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you

She ended the song and decided to post it on Instagram as a reel with the caption "past sucks but new crushes form 😍". She clicked off her phone and stumbled downstairs, and sat next to Izzy.


A/N: Hey! Hopefully, this is a long enough chapter. This was kinda a filler but a well needed one! Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!.


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