The details

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Pri P.O.V

Barron sat right in front of Dani, Jinjoo, and I. She put her stuff away and turned to us as she began,

"Ok, I know you guys want to know stuff, but we have to be quiet since the boys are right behind us."

We all agreed, and she told the story. Throughout the story, we might have screamed at some parts. Of course, the boys were curious, but we told them to shut up and mind their own business. Once Barron finished, I had so many questions to ask her.

"DID he ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"Uh, no? I mean, it's just a date, I think. He probably doesn't even think of it like that." She says.

"What do you mean He probably doesn't even think of it like that? Girl, he kissed you, brought you back to HIS hotel room, and helped you from the paps. He is in love with you." I exclaimed

"Yeah, he would be pretty stupid if he gave this piece of beauty up." Dani motions to her.

"Plus, Joe is pretty oblivious, but he knows when he likes a girl and beer." Jinjoo confirms

"Yeah, I guess so, imma rest now, though. We have a show like right after we land and I need sleep." She sighs.

"Ok! Have a good rest, " I said as she retreated to one of the bedrooms in the plane

Barron P.O.V

The next week

Finally, we have a week off. Everyone is dispersing off to different places. The band is going  to one place together while the brothers are heading to their parents' house with their families to celebrate Thanksgiving. As for me, i was heading back to my flat. I was supposed to hang with Izzy there, but she left for home instead. I don't really talk to my family anymore, so that's why I'm alone this week. Of course, I didn't tell Joe because he would make me come with him, and I didn't want to be a bother to his family. I move slowly to my apartment. I take my key out and unlock the door. I step inside and sigh. I put my luggage in my room as I doordashed food to my apartment. The rest of the night, I just did nothing.  As a matter of fact, I did nothing the whole entire week.

Expect the fact that I went out one day and adopted an Australian Shepard dog. Yeah. It was a rash decision, but I needed something to keep me company. I named her Indiana. Indiana and I traveled New York for the last two days of the break. I also signed up for doggy training. I want her to be able to go on tour with me just in case I get any help or just need a buddy. In training, Indiana learned to be alert of my commands and learned so many commands.  Now, she is on alert all the time and is ready for any alerts. Soon came the day when it was time for tour. I booked a flight for me and Indiana. I told the boys I would meet them there, and I would take a separate flight to keep Indiana a secret for now.  I boarded my flight and waited for us to land in Utah .

We touched down, I was walking off the plane when I got stopped by someone. Indiana didn't like that, so she stood between us. The person spoke.

"Are you Barron? I'm supposed to pick you up for the Jonas Brothers."

I sighed and commanded Indiana to relax as I nodded, "Uh yes."

He led me to the car where I spotted Pri and Dani in there. I got in and got Indiana situated. Dani and Pri gushed over her and asked where she came from.

"Oh, uh, my spur of the moment when I was lonely."

"I thought you said your roommate was going to be there?" Dani asked

"I did too, but she texted me on the flight that she was going to be at her hometown instead."

We finally arrived at the hotel and we all got out. I grabbed my luggage as the girls arrived already, their luggage was inside.

"Is the boys here I missed them. I hope they like Indiana." I remarked

"No, they are getting food. Nick texted me. But they should be back soon. Until then, let's get you your room." Pri responded

I walked over to the front desk and checked in. I walked up to my room with Indiana trailing behind. We approached my room, and I carefully unlocked it and stepped in. I put my luggage in a corner and pulled out new clothes to wear.

I put on the new clothes and heard a knock at the door. Indiana came and alerted me, which was good, so I rewarded her with a treat. I commanded her to walk behind me. I opened the door to see Joe with WingStop.

"WINGSTOP!!!!" I embrace Joe in a gigantic hug and squealed. I pulled him into the room with a giddy smile. Joe, however, gasped. I turn to see him petting Indiana.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you about her. Joe, this is Indiana. Indiana, this is Joe." I introduced.

"It's fine. I was just surprised. I was also told that you were alone for Thanksgiving. You could have told me and I would have been there in an hour."

"I know that's exactly why I didn't say something. I wanted you to hang out with your family." I said. I started to cough horribly, and I couldn't stop. I had to drink so much water before I stopped.

"Are you alright? You have been coughing a lot lately the past week I saw you and probably over the break."

"Yeah, I have. It's pretty weird after the accident. I have been coughing a lot lately. Maybe I should see a doctor tomorrow before the show." I said, and he nodded in agreement.

The rest of the night, Joe stayed with me as we cuddled in bed with Indiana. We both fell asleep. I woke up in the morning from the sun coming in through the curtains. I see a shirtless Joe next to me. I trace my fingers up and down in his chest. Then, down his muscles. He stirred awake with a grin.



"Ready for today? You have an appointment at two with a doctor, then rehearsals."

"Oh yeah, the doctor office. I hate that place will you come with me?" I pleaded.

"Of course silly, come on."

We finally got out of bed, and Joe went to his room to get ready while I got ready in my room. I was in my room when the door to my hotel opened, and Indiana barked.

"Indy hush. Hey Joe." I greeted with a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh heyyy. Do I get another on my lips. Technically, I took you on a date."

I laughed. "Sorry, kisses on the lips are reserved for boyfriends."

"Oh, good thing I came in hers prepared. I have something for you." He hands me a velvet box. I open it to see a beautiful tennis bracelet with the words written, 'girlfriend?'. I gasped and hugged him. I kissed him so hard on him lips that he couldn't breathe. We kept making out in the bathroom until someone knocked on the door again. We separated as I walked over to the door to see Kevin.

"Hey, have you seen Joe. I was going to ask him if he had wanted to go to breakfast."

"Oh, I've seen him. He's busy. I'll go ask, though, if you want. And no, we didn't have sex. We kissed, that's all."

"Ew, I did not need to know that. Just go get him." He waved me off.

I walked over to the bathroom and told Joe as I continued my hair. Joe walked back in as I heard the door shut.

"Ahh, just us today before show. How does that sound, girlfriend?"

"Amazing, boyfriend."

Hey guys! I haven't talked a lot but man have I been enjoying writing this. This story is not done yet I have so many ideas. Thank you so much for 200 reads!!! I'm really thankful for you guys.
                            ~ Josie

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