The Break-In

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Third P.O.V

All of the backup singers and band mates had been sleeping for about 4 hours now. While Barron has been sleeping for seven. They were all resting peacefully while two people masked people outside of the bus and were getting ready to attack the bus. The two people walked around to the door to find it was locked. Which, of course it was locked. They walked over to a window big enough to where they could throw in multiple things in the windows in different area. One of the masked men threw in a canister that slowly released Co2 into the bus, while the other masked person threw a few crackers. After they threw I items in, they bolted away and got away. Meanwhile. Once objects landed in the Co2, it was seeping in, and the fire crackers went off real fast. Jinjoo and the band mates quickly get up fast after the fire crackers. They saw what was going on, and they booked it out of the bus. Jinjoo called Joe, but to no avail, he didn't answer.  She then called Nick, but there was no answer. Her last chance she called Kevin. Three rings, then it was picked up,

"Hey, what's wrong? You never call me."

"No kev, people threw things into the bus. They broke a window and threw in some gas and fire crackers. I think everyone is out. But I don't know. I'm so stressed right now, Joe and Nick didn't pick up." She panicked

"Hey, hey. It's ok, I'm heading down there right now, and I'm grabbing Joe and Nick. Just make sure everyone is out safe, ok?" He said relaxed.

Kevin exited the call and quickly went to his brother's rooms and swiftly woke them up. Joe kept asking if Barron was safe, but he kept telling Joe that he didn't.

Jinjoo's P.O.V
I look around, looking for everyone like Kevin said. I found everyone except Barron. I panic. I tell Mike I have to go get Barron. I put my sleeve over my mouth and nose and quickly rush in.  I could barely see but I knew I had to keep going. I rushed into Barron's room to find her unconscious in her bed. I tried to pick her up but I was far too weak to pick her up. I kept trying but there was no use. The last attempt I tried picking her up was unsuccessful and I was about to give up but then I felt her being lifted very gently. I looked over her shoulder to find Joe picking her up and motioning me to leave the bus and fast. Once we exited the bus, I removed my hand and I gasped for multiple breaths of air. Kevin ran over to me. He helped me breathe while Joe was focused on Barron.

Joe P.O.V

I looked at Barron with desperation in my eyes. I look at her limp body hoping that the ambulance would come faster.  I saw the workers come over to put her on the stretcher and I hopped in the ambulance with Barron. I hold her hand as they perform CPR on her to keep her going, they get a more steady pulse and put an O2 mask on her.  On the way to the hospital her eyes opened slightly. i felt my breath hitched and i couldn't believe it. I notified the worker and he said it was normal as her pulse was getting stronger. He explained to me that we got to her in time and she was going to make a full recovery. I felt anger towards those people who did this. I remembered back the first time I met Barron. She was street performing and Alena ran up to her to suggest one of our songs. Then I think back to when I last saw her, and she kissed me on my lips. I realized I was in love with her then and I love her even more now. I'm really hoping that she gets better soon so I can shoot my shot and go on a date with her. I know I'm rambling but this is important. I get pulled back into reality when they ushered me into the hospital with her. 

"Sir, are you related to her?" A doctor asked.

"Uh, I'm her boyfriend. Yeah, boyfriend." I lied back.

"Ok, well I'll tell you. She is severely damaged. However she made quite a comeback in the ambulance. She is perfectly healthy, however we do want to keep her a little longer. she does have an abnormal amount of CO2, so we are going to keep her for the night. However, tomorrow if she seems normal and we see a normal amount of CO2 she can go home. but I persist a bed rest for about a week." The doctor explained to me. I nodded back and thanked him as I entered the room.

She was sleeping in the bed because they gave her some sedatives to sleep.  I sat at the chair next to the bed. I sigh and question if this was happening right now. I hate seeing her like this but I know that this is helping her right now. I decided to see if I can find some way to message Izzy. I looked up on Instagram on Barron's profile. I quickly found Izzy's profile and d'med her. I quickly explained what happened and told her the hospital we were at.

J O E J O N A S 

hey.... I know you prob didn't expect this but uh. Barron is in the hospital. some threw a CO2 canister into the tour bus and she was sleeping and didn't get out until I came and got her. she is perfectly fine and she is healthy. the Doctor said she has to be on bed rest for a week before joining the tour again. So if you wanna come get her tomorrow or visit her tonight this is the hospital: ****************. Thanks. I'm here with her so she is at least accompanied for the time being.


OMG! ARE YOU SURE SHES OK? I'm coming now. oh my gawd I cant believed this happened. thank you so much Joe. you are a real lifesaver. I will make sure she is on bed rest. I will see you soon.

J O E J O N A S 

Yes, I'm sure she is alright. I'm sitting right next to her. she is starting to stir awake. I told her that you are coming, and she is grateful.

I clicked off my phone and looked back at Barron. she smiled weakly at me as she spoke, 

"my hair isn't messed up, right? I didn't bring a brush. and nor do I have time to get one." she giggles. I smile back at her, 

"nah, but I will go get you one, Barry. once Izzy gets here I'll leave you guys alone you haven't seen her in a while."

"Barry, hmm I haven't heard that one before. I like it. Barry. Anyways, yeah I would love a little alone time. Maybe you can have some time with your brothers too. I don't want you spending all of your time here." 

"Barry, I can't just leave you here. also I need to tell you something that I found out about myself. I like like you. more as a friend and a best friend. and I cant live without you. and you have to know when I saw your limp body in that bus my heart broke. I thought I lost you and I couldn't live with my self if you would have. So I will be spending my time with you and I will be with you every step of the way." I confessed. after I said that I felt a weight pulled off my shoulder and I was brought back to life.

"I didn't know you felt that way. And I want you to know that I feel the same way silly, I love you and I cant wait until you ask me on a date. hint hint. but I do appreciate that. but I do want you guys to continue on with the tour with out me. I'll join you back when I can I promise. but you should really go talk with your brothers to see what you guys are going to do."

"Silly? huh I like it. But you are right I'll go talk to them." I walk over to her and kiss her forehead. I start to lean back but she pulls me in again just to kiss the corner of my lips so its not a full kiss. "oh you little tease. I will see you tomorrow though. I love you so much Barry."

"Love you silly. wait remember a hair brush tomorrow. and tell your brothers hi, oh and Jinjoo. Also tell her thanks, and-"

"I get it. I'll talk to you later."

That was when I walked out the room door into the hall way. I let out all of my tears I was hiding. I wipe my tears knowing I have to be strong. I walk out of the hospital and start back to the hotel.

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