One Last Run...

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Six months later

I frantically search for my dress in my prep room. Dani and Pri were trying to calm me down while Izzy had to help Joe with a last minute emergency.

"Oh my God where is it. It was here last night. I can't find it anywhere!"

"Chill, it has to be somewhere. Let me and Dani look. you are going to ruin your hair and makeup." Pri pleaded with me.

"Fine but we need to find it."

"Ok ok, come on Dani lets go." Pri and Dani left the room to go search for the dress. I sat in the room anxiously waiting. Izzy walked in and starts to get worried.

"So, slight problem. Joes tux got washed with the red dresses. His tux is now pink..."

"WHAT?! OH NO WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO? IZZY THIS IS THE DAY WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR AND YOU ARE TELLING ME HES GOING TO BE PINK IN THE WEDDING?!?! OH MY GOSHHHHHHH. I NEED KEVIN TELL HIM TO COME IN HERE!!!" After hearing this Izzy bolted out of the room and down the hall to the Men's suite.  She soon came back with Kevin right behind her.

"You needed me?"


"Uh-h its not pink?"

"OMG you lied to me. this can not be happening. Is there any way to get him to a tux store and get him a new one?"

"One, you told me to tell you it's not. Second, no there is no time the ceremony starts in thirty minutes. The nearest town is an hour. Third, why are you not in your dress?"

"I CANT FIND IT! Pri and Dani were supposed to find it but its missing." If right on cue the girls walk in with my beautiful gown that I picked out five months before. 

"Oh my sweet baby. ok Kev go to Joe and tell him to make it work somehow I have to change and so do my bridesmaids. I love you Kev. Thanks for being there for me when I couldn't be there for my self. I really appreciate it. I also want to say that you have really shown me that I can be who I want to be by just being myself and showing my true colors. I love you. Oh Dani and Pri. You guys are the best sisters ever. I love you guys forever. But really go now. we needed to change. quickly!!!"

After my little debrief with them I quickly changed and fixed my make up. Which got ruined by my little meltdown. And soon enough I was walking down the isle. I never got into my history of my family. That's a story for another time. I am walking my self down the isle. Kevin offered but I told him no. I wanted to show Joe no matter my history I could still stand up and be glad where I came from. From singing on a sidewalk to singing for my own label and getting signed is an accomplishment in itself. Before I know it I am walking down the isle and Joe is busting out in tears. I could barely keep them in too. I was starting to tear up when Nick put his hand on Joes shoulder.  Soon I got to the end and he whispered that I looked beautiful and I whispered back that he looked handsome. Soon the officiant started. We got to the vows and Joe went first.

"Barron, from the moment our paths crossed, I knew there was something special about you. You have a unique way of bringing tranquility into my life, like a gentle breeze on a warm day. Your laughter is my favorite melody, and your smile lights up even my darkest moments. In your presence, I feel an incredible sense of peace—a calm that envelops me, reminding me that everything will be okay. You have taught me that love isn't just about grand gestures; it's in the quiet moments we share, the simple joys of being together, and the warmth of your hand in mine. Today, I vow to nurture that peace between us. I promise to support your dreams and encourage your passions. I will cherish our laughter and hold you close during the storms. Together, we will create a sanctuary where love grows deeper and stronger every day. With you, I have found my safe haven. I am so grateful to call you my partner, my confidante, and my heart's true home. I love you, Barron, now and always." 

By the end of the speech I was full on ugly cry. I tried to start my vows but I couldn't the tears were too much but I couldn't stop. Soon Joe wiped my tears away and I could finally talk, 

"Joe, standing here with you today fills my heart with such warmth and joy. You have brought an incredible sense of calm and love into my life. Your strength and kindness inspire me every day, and your unwavering support makes me feel like I can conquer anything. In your arms, I have found my refuge—a place where I can truly be myself. Your laughter is my favorite sound, and your presence is my greatest comfort. Together, we've created a beautiful world where love flourishes, and I promise to cherish that forever. Today, I vow to continue nurturing our bond, to celebrate our victories, and to stand by you in challenging times. I will be your partner in adventure and your comfort in times of stillness. I promise to listen, to laugh, and to love you fiercely. Thank you for being my greatest blessing, Joe. I am so grateful for every moment we share, and I can't wait to build our future together. I love you more than words can express. I love you silly with all of my heart, now and forevermore."

The rest of the night was a blast. We all got hella drunk and had a great party. Joe pulled me to the side and stared right into my eyes, "Hello Beautiful."


AND THATS THE END FOLKSS!!!!!! <<<<3333 thank you so much for reading and I enjoyed every moment of it. I can't thank you enough! Also expect another book to come soon after! 

This is not forever but a goodbye for now <3 ~ Josie

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