Chapter 3 - One More Day

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Last night I had a crazy dream

A wish was granted just for me

It could be for anything

I didn't ask for money

Or a mansion in Malibu

I simply wished, for one more day with you

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Roman entered his home already feeling guilty for his earlier encounter with Taylor McCall. They'd been working through lunch, but decided to check out the hotel room that had been used by the suspect, Lacey James, the night Randy Houston was murdered. It was still a crime scene, and Taylor had suggested that it would be perfect to set the stage for reenactments. There was a part of Roman that knew it was a bad idea, but there was another part that convinced him Taylor was right. What better way to move forward in the investigation than to submerge themselves in the location?

The problem was that Roman and Taylor had become so immersed in their reenactment, that he'd pushed her against a wall. His heart was pounding, and Taylor's eyes had gone wide. Before either of them considered the repercussions, they were kissing like horney teenagers with no self control. He could still feel the sting in his lips, and a nauseous roll in his belly. He needed to figure out how to reconnect with Marlena, and making out with Taylor McCall wasn't the way to do it.

Glancing over as he hung his keys on the hook, he saw Marlena look up. She was on the telephone, so he waved at her, walking through the living room to take the few items he'd gotten at the grocery store into the kitchen. A few moments later, when he exited, he heard Marlena say, "No, Caroline, John just left."

Fuck. Why had John been there yet again? He didn't say anything, but he was getting frustrated that John seemed to be in his life more often recently. If only Isabella hadn't died.

Marlena didn't miss the quick sneer that had flashed across Roman's face before he schooled his features. Glancing away from her husband, she said to Caroline, "Well the truth is, I think he's bearing up pretty well. I just don't like to see him covering his pain quite as well as he is."

Roman smirked. It had been a couple of weeks since Isabella's death, and Roman had thought, if he allowed Marlena to get it out of her system - this desire she had to be his emotional comfort during his time of grief - they could get back to normal, but that didn't seem to be the case. How long was that man going to mourn for? Roman went back into the kitchen, knocking the door against the wall in frustration.

Marlena sighed watching it swing back and forth heavily. Ignoring Roman's juvenile tendencies, she said, "Yes, well, what I mean is he hasn't begun dealing with Isabella's death yet... well, the longer he postpones it, the more difficult it will be when he does have to face it. I mean, we all have to grieve."

Roman came out of the kitchen with the newspaper in his hand, and his eyes caught Marlena's. She barely acknowledged him as he sat on the couch.

Roman's childlike petulance was getting on her last nerve. Turning away from him, she said into the telephone, "I think that the answer is for all of us to be there for him, and let him know how much we love him and care about him... yes, well, I'm only sorry that I've got to make this trip to New York. I don't want to be away from him so long."

Shaking the newspaper roughly, Roman wanted to laugh. Poor John. Poor, sad, lonely, grieving, John Black.

"Yeah, yeah, I realize that too," Marlena said softly. She glanced over at Roman again, as he made himself comfortable on the couch. She was going to have to get off the telephone, and sooth Roman's battered ego. "Well, Roman just walked in... no, it's okay, but I'll say hello for you. Okay... bye-bye."

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