13. Round Two

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"Can you help me with this?" Fina asked, picking up the picnic blanket.

They had spent the morning in Parque de Buen Retiro eating bread and cheese while people watching. It was one of Fina's favorite things to do on a Sunday. Life passed slowly that way and she loved making any time with Marta last as long as possible.

Marta set down the basket of food and grabbed the other end of the blanket, walking towards Fina to fold it in half. Meeting, Fina touched their hands to grasp the corners, getting closer than she needed to and lingering longer than necessary. With their arms outstretched, she pressed her chest against Marta's and smiled before taking the blanket from her fingers.

Marta took a deep breath in and backed away, blushing and blowing air out through her mouth as Fina smirked and turned to walk towards the pathway near the lake.

"So I've been thinking," Fina started shyly, "our anniversary is coming up and I want to do something special for you."

"Anniversary?" Marta's said puzzled.

"Si, the six month anniversary of our first kiss."

"Oh," Marta laughed,"Okay, I didn't know that's where we were counting from."

"Bueno, that's where I'm counting from." Fina replied poking Marta's side.

"Entonces, I'll count from then too," Marta crooned, subtly bumping her hip on Fina's, smiling as they walked.

"Anyway, I wanted it to be a surprise but I think we'll actually need to plan it together because it's not nearby." Fina paused and raised her eyebrows, building the suspense before gushing,

"Montserrat Caballé is going to be performing at the Liceu in Barcelona next month and I've bought us tickets!"

She turned to Marta excitedly but was met with only a lukewarm smile. She quickly backtracked.

"Oh, no. Do you not like her? Is Barcelona too far? Can you not get away from work?" Fina ran through all the potential issues she could think of.

"No, no it's none of that." Marta shook her head decidedly. "That actually sounds...so wonderful, but...Fina, I need to talk to you."

Fina stepped back, her eyebrows knitting together with concern. Sensing her worry Marta adjusted her tone to add, "It's a good thing...I think..."

"You don't sound too sure about that." Fina said skeptically, her mind racing with disaster scenarios.

Marta fidgeted with her dress before walking towards the nearest bench to sit, Fina following behind.

"Well, I haven't quite figured out all the details—"


"And I don't know how it will all play out—"

"How what will?"

"And I know it's maybe not good timing—"

"Marta, dios mio, come out with it," Fina sighed.

Marta locked eyes with her. "What would you think about...moving? Together."

"To Madrid?" Fina felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought, but quickly cooled seeing Marta warily holding her breath.

"To Paris," she exhaled.

Her butterflies turned to knots.

Seeing her hesitance Marta rushed to explain, "I want us to be together more. We're never going to have any privacy, or time alone while I'm living with my family and working with them all the time. And beyond that I'm worried about our safety here."

Holding You, Holding Me. Marta & Fina. MafinWhere stories live. Discover now