5. Caution Tape

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"Fina!" Carmen's voice hissed through the stock room. "Señora Perez is waiting for her lavender soap!"

Fina fumbled with the box she was holding. She had been daydreaming again after smelling a bottle of the perfume Marta had worn that past weekend. She refocused her attention and called back to Carmen, "Si si si, lo siento."

Fina grabbed a pair of scissors and went to cut open the box, but in her haste slipped and sliced her finger. Blood pricked to the surface. She stifled a yelp and sucked air in through her teeth. Carmen stuck her head around the doorframe again and saw Fina with the side of her finger in her mouth.

"Ay Fina, que paso? Are you okay?" Carmen said exasperated but Fina could tell she was concerned.

"Si, I'm fine," Fina replied. "Just a little cut."

But the blood was still beading on her skin. Carmen crossed to her, holding out a handkerchief.

"Here take this, and stay back here til it stops," she said retrieving a bar of lavender soap and returning to the shop.

Fina wrapped her finger in the handkerchief. The bleeding seemed to have slowed down and she could hear more people coming in the front door. She didn't want to leave Carmen alone so she looked around for the first aid kit.

"Buenas dias Carmen," Marta's voice rang through the shop.

Fina felt her heart beat skip. She hurriedly pulled some gauze out of the first aid kit and went back to stand in the stockroom doorway. Marta's bright eyes caught hers and they both blushed.

"Buenas dias doña Marta."

Fina's voice came out sultrier than she meant and she cleared her throat trying to cover it up.

Over Marta's shoulder, Carmen rolled her eyes at Fina before returning to help a customer. Marta thankfully didn't see her and smiled at Fina before looking away. The blood on Fina's hand caught her eye though and she turned back quickly, her eyebrows raised in concern.

"Are you okay?" Marta mouthed, swiftly crossing the room. She ushered Fina into the stockroom, touching the small of her back. Fina's heart swelled at the warmth of her hand. Marta closed the door behind them and cradled Fina's hand in hers.

"The box slipped. I'm fine, really," Fina said, but then winced from the sting.

Marta had unwrapped the handkerchief and retrieved the tape from the first aid kit. She gingerly placed the gauze on Fina's cut and started to wrap the tape around her hand. Marta's tongue curled up to her top teeth in concentration. Fina watched, admiring the care that Marta took to ensure the cut was covered and that she wasn't hurting her.

Finishing, Marta placed a soft kiss on the bandage and looked up at Fina.

"Better?" Marta asked tenderly.

"Si, gracias," Fina replied. She wanted to reciprocate the kiss but resisted. She stayed holding Marta's hands and peeked over her shoulder before whispering excitedly, "I can't wait for this weekend."

Marta tilted her chin down, and looked coyly at Fina through her eyelashes. "Yo tambien. Just two more days".

"Two days too many," Fina cooed. She stepped closer, closing the already small distance between them.

"I have to confess, I lied just now." Fina smiled sheepishly. "I cut my hand because I had gotten distracted by the scent of your perfume."

Marta raised her eyebrows and laughed. "Fina! You have to be careful!"

She bent her head to kiss Fina's hands again.

"I need these," she hummed seductively.

Fina face flushed pink thinking of all the places she wanted to put her hands right then.

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