2. Midnight Honey

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The drive to Madrid usually took about an hour and half but it had started raining, and though she feigned otherwise, Marta was unsure of herself. They had been in the car for an hour and 15 minutes and were definitely not close to getting there. The glow of the dashboard dimly lit Marta's face, her forehead creased with concern. She could feel Fina's eyes searching her with worry.

"The roads are just muddy, I'm fine. It's just hard to see with the stupid rain."

Marta pushed her hair out of her face and started to shirk off her coat. She was usually so composed so Fina could tell she was getting flustered.

"Marta, why don't we pull over for a minute and just give the storm some time to pass?" Fina tried to help untangle Marta's bracelet from the lining of the coat that was halfway off, leaving Marta to drive with just her left hand.

Shaking her arm loose Marta almost shouted, "No! no. I'm fine. I just want to get there."

Fina pulled a short breath in through her nose and turned to face the road with her arms crossed without saying anything more.

Marta glanced over at Fina's pout and realized she had let her anxiety get the better of her. She immediately regretted her short outburst. Sometimes she forgot how quick to anger she could be when she was tense. It came with the territory. Having Jesus as an older brother and growing up as the only girl in the de la Reina family there were a lot of times that anger had served her. Now was not one of them. Fina was incredibly sincere which Marta adored, but it also meant she could bruise easily. You can't carry that much passion and trust in you heart without putting up a fight sometimes.

Damnit, she hadn't meant to ruin this and she was. Marta slowed the car over to the side of the road.

"Fina, I'm so sorry." Marta almost whispered, her forehead resting on the steering wheel. She turned to Fina, "I just, I really want to get to the apartment. I've been waiting so long to be there with you and this drive was supposed to be nice and it's been a mess instead. La lluvia estúpida, and the flooded road, and, and I just wanted this to go well and,"

Marta breathed out unevenly and leaned back. She was more worked up than she had realized while she was driving. Her nerves had gotten to her and her hands were actually shaking. She tried to steady them in her lap but kept tugging on her dress instead. Fina reached across the bench seat and rested her hand on top of Marta's bouncing leg.

Marta looked up into Fina's softened gaze and felt a lump form in her throat. Everything that had been going on the past few months started to bubble up inside her. She should be relieved to be here with Fina, but she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. She had almost lost her, in too many ways, not too long ago and she was desperate to hold on to her. But it felt like trying to hold onto the beams of a setting sun. It seemed as though she would never get enough time with her. How often would they be able to get away like this? There was always so much going on and even though Jamie knew about them, they were still going to have to hide their relationship from everyone else, probably forever. How long until someone else found out, someone who wasn't as understanding?

This was all a lot to explain and Marta was sure that to Fina, crying now would seem like an outsized reaction to what had just happened in the car. She opened her mouth to start apologizing again when Fina spoke.

"Escuchame, I know that this is a lot. And I don't mean the stupid rain." Fina half laughed gesturing to the practical monsoon outside. Marta's eyes started to well up. It was like Fina had read her mind.

Fina crooned, "It doesn't matter where we are supposed to be, or how long it takes to get there. Wherever we are together is where I want to be. Nothing makes me happier than just...breathing the same air as you so the fact that we're here together...alone...is more than I could have ever hoped for."

Fina reached up to brush a lock of hair from Marta's wet cheek. Just then a huge crack of thunder bolted through the car. The sudden noise made them both jump and then collapse into laughter. Fina leaned her head on Marta's shoulder to steady herself.

Marta could feel her heart racing from the thunder but also from the nearness of Fina. The faint scent of her perfume hung in the air as her giggles calmed into quieted breaths and then all they could hear was the pounding of the rain on the roof of the car.

Marta reached across herself to delicately guide Fina's chin towards her's. Their eyes met and Marta almost started crying again at the beauty of her.
Her lipstick had faded and she looked tired but there was a hunger in Fina's gaze that made Marta feel like someone had lit a hot air balloon in her chest. She could have floated both of them away.

Fina closed the distance between them and when their lips touched it was like they were kissing for the first time. But a first time that they had been deprived of. When your love is a secret, a first kiss isn't always the most fulfilling. There are so many layers of complexity that the beautiful simplicity of falling in love sometimes gets lost. This was that pure, simple love. There was an eagerness, but also a stillness. As if the world had slowed down to make room just for them to exist.

Marta inched closer to Fina across the bench as she wrapped one arm around her waist and held onto the back of the seat with the other. Fina turned into her and grasped the back of her neck, her breath hot on Marta's lips. Fina bit down lightly and hummed into Marta's mouth. She pulled closer, her dark hair making a curtain around them.

Marta's hand blindly but smoothly traveled to Fina's thigh, slowly hiking up her skirt. Thankfully she didn't have on her tight uniform so it was easier for her to move the fabric up Fina's leg to rest her palm on her hipbone.

Fina quietly gasped as Marta hooked her fingers over the top of the front of her underwear and slid her hand across her stomach. She could not have been happier that Fina was not wearing stockings.

Marta shifted her shoulders and her curls cascaded over the back of the seat. She guided Fina's hips toward her and Fina eagerly swung her leg across Marta's lap to straddle her. She unbuttoned the top buttons of her blouse and Marta could see where her soft chest peeked over the lace of her white bra.

Marta's insides buzzed as she leaned forward to kiss Fina's skin. She dragged her lips from the center of her chest, across her collarbone, and up her neck. Fina relaxed all her weight onto Marta's lap and their mouths met again.

Fina slid her tongue across Marta's bottom lip and whispered huskily, "I need you."

Marta could feel the heat between her own legs swell. Nothing turned her on more than turning Fina on. She lightly grasped the softest part of Fina's inner thighs with her thumbs, wrapping her long fingers around the back of both legs. She stroked her thumbs under the bands of Fina's silky underwear.

Another crack of thunder rumbled around them.

Startled, Fina shot her weight off of Marta's lap but stayed straddling her. Marta leaned back to look up at the honey eyed goddess hovering slightly above her.

"How lucky am I that you love me the way I love you?"

Fina leaned down to kiss her again and purred into Marta's mouth,

"Not as lucky as me."

Holding You, Holding Me. Marta & Fina. MafinWhere stories live. Discover now