12. How we make up

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Adrenaline pumped through Marta's body, sobering her up faster than a night's sleep. She grabbed Fina's arm then quickly retracted it, realizing she shouldn't be touching her right now. Clenching her fists at her sides, she tried to steel herself for the presumed onslaught. Fina sat down next to her, placing herself between Marta and the entrance. They both stared at the curtain to the stairwell, running through scenarios and exit strategies in their heads.

The room was almost completely silent. Withheld breaths full of anticipated dread sucked the life out of the air. Then finally, the curtain was drawn back revealing only a woman, no police.

"They've left. We're safe," she announced.

There was a collective exhale as the everyone recovered. Marta looked at Fina who was still reeling, her eyes full of fear. She felt her stomach drop at the cold realization: they weren't safe anywhere.

With their argument still on her mind despite what had just happened, Marta placed her hand gingerly on Fina's arm.

"We should go home," she said grabbing her bag. Fina nodded quickly.

"Wait, I left my purse in the booth." She said realizing.

They crossed the room through groups of women who were whispering and comforting one another, some in nervous laughter others close to tears.

Lucia saw them approaching and rushed over. "Están bien? I know that's a little scary the first time."

"Si we're okay, we're going to go though," Fina said getting her bag.

"No wait, you can't just leave. The cops are probably still outside. I know a way out the back. A bunch of us are going to sneak down and go to my apartment. Please come with us and then you can go home from there in a little while."

Marta and Fina shared a brief look, easily reading the other's thoughts and Fina turned back to Lucia.

"Okay, how do we get out?"

Lucia motioned for them to follow her. She walked down the steps near the stage and dipped around the curtain. Waiting backstage were a handful of the women that had been in the booth with them plus some they didn't recognize. Lucia led them all down a fire escape and into the alley. The group walked silently and swiftly, their heels knocking on the sidewalk.

Marta stayed slightly behind Fina, guarding her but not daring to touch her. A few blocks later they reached Lucia's apartment and everyone spilled inside, finally buzzing about what had just happened.

Marta's head was spinning. She couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or the adrenaline but either way she needed a minute before she could talk to anyone, even Fina. Or maybe especially Fina. She now felt so stupid for starting a frivolous fight and had to sort out an apology without telling Fina all her plans. Marta watched a woman go into the bathroom so she slipped behind the door next to it to gather herself.

Cool moonlight illuminated the small room. The darkness calmed her so she didn't bother looking for a light. A desk and bookshelf sat along one wall, with a low, mirrored dresser and chest on the other. Marta went to the dresser and braced herself, hanging her head before staring at herself in the mirror. She narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw, forcing down her angst and nerves.

The door creaked open and Marta straightened up, quickly composing herself. A sliver of light from the hall burst through the shadows and Fina peeked around the edge. Marta relaxed her posture a bit, but felt her anxiety pick back up.

"I thought I saw you come in here," Fina said plainly, not knowing how to proceed given everything that had transpired.

"I just needed a minute," Marta replied, swallowing the lump in her throat. She shifted gears, settling into herself. "Listen Fina, I don't want to argue, especially not after what just happened."

Holding You, Holding Me. Marta & Fina. MafinWhere stories live. Discover now