19. Holding me (pt.2)

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Fina's heart swelled alongside the opening measures of Sediziose voci—the vibrations of the highest notes bouncing around her chest, down through her arms, and into her fingers. She felt Marta's hand, warm and steady in hers, and squeezed it as Callas swooped and soared, weaving her way through Bellini, Verdi, and Rossini. Marta's presence and the base of the orchestra were the only things anchoring her to her seat.

For over an hour they sat in rapt silence, broken only by booming applause between movements. Without even looking at her, Fina could tell Marta was swooning just by the sound of her breath and the pulse of her body where their skin pressed together.

Midway through Puccini's Vissi d'arte, Callas sang a high note that sent goosebumps across Fina's skin. Being in the room with such dazzling power absolutely decimated the last shreds of composure she had been holding onto all night. She tried to swallow the impending tears, but a glittering trill sent them spilling onto her cheeks. Without a word, Marta reached across herself and gently wiped the wet from Fina's face with her thumb.

Fina couldn't take her eyes off the stage, but heard Marta also sniffling beside her. Still engrossed in the show, Fina searched blindly through her purse trying to find a handkerchief, her hand passing over the small black box she had hidden away earlier in the evening—the small black box containing her mother's wedding ring.

Fina had wanted to propose to Marta properly ever since her desperate plea when her father was so near to death. Her feelings had only grown deeper and more sure in the time in between. Being together in Paris solidified what she had known all along: Marta was her person. She wanted to be with her forever.

Touching the box sent a jolt through her body, breaking her enchantment for a moment just as the audience erupted into applause. She looked over at Marta who had quiet tears streaming down her cheeks. Fina caught her eye and a smile crept across Marta's face before she leaned in to kiss her, inhaling quickly and cupping her jaw with both hands.

"God, I am so in love with you, Fina," she murmured against her lips, before joining the rest of the audience in their standing ovation.

As Fina gazed at Marta's tearful smile the weight of the moment settled in. Any doubts she may have had before tonight were now gone. Her heart fluttered, as she tried to push aside the overwhelming urge to pull out the ring and and ask Marta right then and there. But the audience quieted, sitting down for the final number, and she forced herself to wait for a more opportune moment.

She wasn't sure exactly where, or how it would happen, but she knew by the time they fell asleep in each other's arms that night, she was going to have asked Marta to marry her.

As the last glimmering notes dissolved into the air, the two shared a lingering, loving look.They stood together as the crowd filtered out of the opera house, the hot summer air refreshing their lungs.

Now that the concert was over, Fina's nerves began to build again. There was nothing left to keep her from dropping to one knee, but she wanted it to be perfect and this was too public, so she suppressed her impulse and shifted her focus to crafting the right moment. Her hand found Marta's, their fingers intertwining momentarily as they stepped to the curb. Marta held up her arm to hail a taxi but Fina tugged at her dress, needing more time before they got back to the apartment.

"Lets walk," she suggested, trying to sound casual despite her anxious excitement.

"Its kind of far, honey," Marta replied, before turning to see Fina's little pout and quickly changing her mind. "But, whatever you want to do is fine with me."

Fina tried to hide her amusement at how easily Marta gave in to her. It was comforting to be constantly considered, but she didn't want to take advantage of it too often—only when she really needed to and now was one of those times.

Holding You, Holding Me. Marta & Fina. MafinWhere stories live. Discover now