3. She prefers Adam's rib

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Despite trying to stay awake Fina had slipped into a light sleep by the time they had arrived in Madrid. She was tired from the day and after having been satiated by Marta, she couldn't help but doze off. The city lights flickering through the tree lined streets awakened her.

"Oh no," her voice caught in her throat. She swallowed and sat up. "I fell asleep."

The rain had almost stopped but the windshield wipers slowly cleared the remaining water away in a steady "thud thud" that was almost in time with the song playing quietly on the radio.

Marta's warm eyes rested on Fina's before turning quickly back to the road.

"No te preocupes. I don't blame you." Marta said with a slight air of self righteousness in knowing she was at least partially responsible for her girlfriend's nap.

Fina blushed and swatted at Marta's shoulder. She tucked her hair behind her ears and turned back to the road. She recognized this street, they were almost to the apartment. Her stomach did a little flip. She was finally going to be there alone with Marta. She thought back to the last time they were in Madrid and had been interrupted by a surprise visit from Jamie.

Fina caught herself from delving into the jealousy that arose inside her. She reminded herself that Jamie was actually being very understanding now. She peered over to Marta and silently thanked him for stepping back once he found out about them. It could have gone so badly and she was grateful that things were turning out the way they were instead. Just a couple weeks ago she couldn't have imagined being with Marta at all, let alone pulling up to their apartment together. It felt like a dream.


The apartment was small but cozy. A kitchenette lined the far wall next to the powder room with a chair and small love seat in the middle where the front door opened into. At the other side there was a folding screen with a bed behind it and a tall wardrobe in the corner. Two large windows sat at both ends. Marta had pulled back the dark green curtains and opened them all. A cool wind blew through the stagnant air that had been trapped in the room.

Fina could smell the newly bloomed rose bush outside wafting into the apartment as she rested her suitcase on the golden, crushed velvet chair. She eased herself onto the matching loveseat and took off her shoes.

Marta had busied herself in the kitchen leaving Fina time to take in her surroundings. The wooden floors were worn but newly buffed and the large Persian rug beneath her feet warmed up the otherwise sparse space. The bright scent of fresh paint mixed with the roses on the breeze. It smelled like new beginnings.

Fina imagined making coffee for Marta in the morning, bringing it to her in bed. She turned to check for a kettle but didn't see one on the counter.

"Guess we'll have to buy one tomorrow," she thought.

She pictured Marta and her, arm in arm, walking around the city, popping into stores and stealing kisses in hidden vestibules. Fina shook her head back to reality. Marta would never kiss her out in the open like that, not this close to home at least. Yes, they weren't in the colony or even Illescas but Fina knew she would have to get Marta to Paris if she wanted to kiss her in public.

"Baby steps," she thought. "Buy the kettle together first."

Marta had opened a bottle of wine and was getting glasses from the cupboard above her head. As she reached up, the short sleeve of her dress dropped back a few inches. Fina admired the lean muscles along the back of her arm. She could faintly see the veins that ran down her forearm into her hands and her long fingers. Marta glanced over her shoulder at Fina before she poured.

"Tell me when to stop."

Fina almost impulsively replied "never" with where her mind was going, but resisted the flirtation. She didn't want to appear too desperate after what she had already received in the car.

Holding You, Holding Me. Marta & Fina. MafinWhere stories live. Discover now