Chapter Five: A Sudden Storm

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The night air was cool and quiet as Kasane Teto walked down the dimly lit street, headphones on, lost in her music. After hours of rehearsal, she needed a breather, something to clear her mind. The tension with Miku and the others weighed heavily on her, but she tried to push it aside, focusing instead on the steady rhythm of the song playing in her ears.

But just as she was beginning to relax, a figure stumbled out of the shadows, blocking her path.

“Teto!” a slurred voice called out.

Teto blinked in surprise, pulling her headphones off. Her eyes widened as she recognized the person standing in front of her—Meiko, looking disheveled and unsteady on her feet. Her face was flushed, and the strong smell of alcohol hit Teto before Meiko had even fully approached.

“Meiko?” Teto said, confusion lacing her voice. “What are you doing out here?”

Meiko took another step forward, her expression a mix of drunken anger and determination. She pointed a shaky finger at Teto, her eyes narrowing. “You think you can just… waltz in and take everything from Miku? From us?”

Teto’s heart skipped a beat. She knew there was tension between her and the other Vocaloids, but this? She hadn’t expected something so direct, so… aggressive. “Meiko, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not trying to take anything from anyone!”

Meiko wasn’t listening. Her hand clenched into a fist, and her voice grew louder. “You don’t deserve to be where you are. You haven’t earned it. And I’m not gonna let you walk all over Miku like she’s nothing!”

Before Teto could react, Meiko lunged at her, her fist swinging wildly. Teto barely dodged the punch, stumbling backward in shock. “What the hell?! Meiko, stop!”

But Meiko was relentless, her movements clumsy but driven by a drunken rage. She threw another punch, and this time, it connected, striking Teto’s shoulder. The impact knocked her off balance, and she fell to the ground, her headphones scattering across the pavement.

Teto’s heart raced, panic setting in. Meiko was serious—she was really trying to fight her. And for what? Because of Miku?

Teto scrambled to her feet, backing away as Meiko came at her again. “I don’t want to fight you, Meiko! Please, just stop!”

But Meiko wasn’t hearing any of it. “You think you can just walk in and take what’s Miku’s?!” She swung again, but this time, Teto managed to grab her arm, trying to restrain her without causing harm.

“Meiko, you’re drunk!” Teto shouted, her voice frantic. “This isn’t you—just stop!”

For a moment, it seemed like Meiko might calm down, but then she broke free of Teto’s grip and swung again, this time with more force. Teto winced as the punch landed against her side, sending her staggering back.

Before the situation could spiral any further, flashing blue and red lights appeared in the distance, and the sound of sirens filled the air. Police cars screeched to a halt on the street, and two officers quickly approached the scene.

“Hey! Break it up!” one of the officers shouted.

Meiko, too drunk to notice or care, tried to take another swing at Teto, but the officers moved in swiftly, pulling her away and restraining her.

“Let go of me!” Meiko slurred, struggling against their grip. “I’ve gotta teach her a lesson… for Miku…”

Teto, still panting from the altercation, watched in shock as the officers cuffed Meiko and began leading her toward the police car. “Wait!” she called out, her voice hoarse. “It’s not what it looks like—she’s just drunk!”

One of the officers gave Teto a sympathetic look. “We’ve got it under control, miss. She’s coming with us to sober up.”

Teto could only watch as Meiko was placed in the back of the police car, still muttering incoherently about Miku and taking down Teto. As the door slammed shut, a heavy silence settled over the street, leaving Teto standing there, dazed and shaken.

What had just happened? Why had Meiko come after her so violently, and why had she mentioned Miku? Did Miku send her?

Teto’s mind raced, trying to piece it together. Meiko had clearly been drunk, but there was something about the way she spoke, the way she kept mentioning Miku, that made Teto’s stomach twist with dread.

Had Miku really sent Meiko after her? Was this how Miku planned to deal with their rivalry—by using someone else to fight her battles? The thought sent a cold chill down Teto’s spine. She had admired Miku for so long, even despite the tension between them, but this… This felt like a betrayal.

As the police cars pulled away, the flashing lights disappearing into the distance, Teto stood alone in the darkened street, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and hurt.

“Miku…” she whispered to herself, the name leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. Had she really been so wrong about her?

Discordant Harmonies: A Teto X Miku story.Where stories live. Discover now