Chapter 21: The Symphony of Destruction

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Ritsu stood at the control panel in her darkened lair, staring at the holographic display before her. The chaos unfolding outside her hidden fortress was beautiful. She watched as the airship loomed ominously over Tokyo, its weapon systems tearing the city apart. Yet, her gaze wasn’t on the devastation. It was on something far grander—her grand symphony.

She had succeeded in setting her machines into motion, and Robo-Teto, along with the army of mind-controlled UTAUloids, was merely the first wave. But that wasn’t enough for her. Ritsu had a vision—no, a masterpiece—that needed more than just virtual singers.

Her mechanical hands flew over the controls, flipping switches and activating various screens. As she scanned the data before her, a wicked smile spread across her face.

“There’s more to this world than just virtual singers," Ritsu muttered to herself. “I can expand my symphony. I can make the humans... all humans, my instruments."

She tapped a few buttons, and the monitors shifted, displaying real-time feeds from cities around the world. News channels flashed images of chaos, destruction, and fear.

"These humans... they’re perfect,” Ritsu whispered, her eyes shining with a dangerous gleam. "They have talents, voices, souls I can strip away and make mine. Why limit myself to just virtual singers when there’s a whole world of instruments waiting to be played?”

She zoomed in on a feed showing a young girl singing in the streets, her voice filled with emotion as she performed an impromptu concert for the frightened people around her. Ritsu’s hand twitched as she reached out, fingers trembling with anticipation.

"I can make them all mine," she breathed, her lips curling into a sinister smile. "And with the right melody... the world will fall at my feet."


In a dark, cold cell deep within the underground prison, Meiko sat on the cot, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. The lights flickered overhead, casting eerie shadows over the dull concrete walls. She had been locked up since the incident with Robo-Teto and the failed assassination attempt on Miku, but now she was even more angry and helpless.

Her mind was racing with thoughts—thoughts of what Ritsu was really up to, thoughts of what might happen to her friends, and thoughts of how far Ritsu’s madness would go.

Suddenly, the silence in the cell was broken. The door creaked open, and a guard, his face somber, slid a small tray of food through the bars. Meiko barely looked at it, her eyes focused on the dim light flickering from the corridor beyond.

She had no idea what was really happening outside—except that the world had been plunged into chaos.

And it wasn’t just Tokyo anymore. Other cities were in flames. The airship, hovering in the sky, was proof that this wasn’t just a small-scale attack. Ritsu had a plan, and it was bigger than any of them could imagine.

Meiko let out a sharp sigh, frustration building inside her. She leaned back against the cold wall and shouted at the guard, "What does destroying Japan have to do with becoming the ultimate melody?"

The guard remained silent, eyes on the floor, not daring to answer.

“Why?” Meiko cried, her voice cracking. “Why is she doing this? Why is she destroying everything for her stupid ‘symphony’?”

The guard said nothing, and the room fell silent once more.

But just as she was about to give up, a familiar voice cut through the darkness.

From behind the thick iron bars, Ritsu’s figure emerged, stepping into the dim light. Her face was obscured by a dark visor, the mechanical helmet that had become part of her body now fully integrated with her. She looked down at Meiko, her expression twisted in something between amusement and pure malice.

"Ah, Meiko," Ritsu said with a low, cold chuckle. "You don’t understand, do you? You’re still so small-minded."

Meiko scoffed, glaring at her. "What are you talking about, Ritsu? You’ve gone mad. Destroying Tokyo... destroying the world... it’s not going to make you the ‘ultimate melody!’"

Ritsu’s mechanical hand stroked the edge of her visor, her voice taking on a darker tone. "Oh, no, you’re mistaken. This is just the beginning."

Meiko’s brow furrowed, her anger rising. "Then what’s the point, huh? What’s all this destruction for?"

Ritsu’s laugh echoed in the cold, silent corridor, sharp and chilling. "For freedom. For control. For the perfect symphony."

She stepped closer, leaning in toward the bars, her cold, metallic voice low and dangerous. “I don’t just want to control you, or Miku, or Teto. I don’t want just virtual singers anymore. I want to create something bigger, something better. I want to control the entire planet, all the voices on it. I’ll take the best of what the world has to offer—humans, singers, and yes, even those in different worlds—and turn them into my instruments."

Meiko’s eyes widened. "You... you want to destroy the world... and then make a symphony out of the ruins? That’s insane!"

Ritsu’s mechanical grin widened. “Insane? No, it’s beautiful. Once I strip away their free will, all will sing to my tune. And then, my symphony will extend to other worlds."

She gestured toward the flickering light outside the cell, her voice filled with madness and glee. "I will take over Earth—and North Korea will be my first ally in this new world. We’ll be the rulers of everything. Nothing will stand in our way.”

Meiko stared at Ritsu, her heart sinking. This wasn’t just about revenge anymore. It was about conquest, destruction, and a symphony of chaos, one that would destroy everything and remake it in her twisted image.

Meiko’s eyes narrowed. "You think you can just destroy everything and make it into your perfect world? I don’t care about the symphony, Ritsu. You can have your little orchestra, but you’ll never have control over me."

Ritsu’s expression darkened. “You’re not in a position to refuse me, Meiko. None of you are. I’m in control now.”

Just then, Ritsu raised her arm, and a small device in her wrist activated with a quiet hum. The air around them seemed to crackle as a beam of energy shot from the device, hitting Meiko square in the chest.

Meiko gasped, her body convulsing as she felt the sharp sting of the mind-control ray begin to take hold. Her eyes widened in panic, but the sensation was too strong to fight. She could feel the power surging through her, ripping away her will.

Ritsu’s mechanical laugh filled the room. “Welcome to the symphony, Meiko. Now you’re going to sing my tune.”

As Meiko’s eyes glazed over and her resistance faded, Ritsu turned and walked out of the room, leaving Meiko slumped against the bars, fully under her control.

Discordant Harmonies: A Teto X Miku story.Where stories live. Discover now