Chapter Twelve: The Livestream

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Miku adjusted her headset as she glanced at the countdown on the screen. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off her nervous energy. Today’s livestream was important—not only for the fans but for the Vocaloids' reputation as a whole. With Meiko still in jail, the last thing they needed was for people to start questioning what was going on with this new addition to their team.

Moon, sitting next to her in his full astronaut suit, gave her a thumbs-up. His visor was still open, and he smiled reassuringly.

"You got this, Miku," he said in his deep, calming voice. "We’ll explain everything, and the fans will love it. Plus, who doesn’t like an astronaut?"

Miku smiled faintly, though the knot in her stomach remained. "Thanks, Moon. I just… I hope this helps clear things up. The last thing we need is more rumors."

The clock hit zero, and the screen transitioned to the livestream interface. The chat instantly flooded with comments from fans, excited to see their favorite virtual idols live. Miku’s face appeared on the screen first, and she greeted the viewers with a bright smile.

"Hi, everyone! Thanks for joining us today!" she said, waving at the camera. "I know you’ve all been wondering about the new face you’ve seen in our recent performances, so I thought I’d introduce him to you all properly."

She motioned to Moon, who waved as well, his large astronaut glove making the gesture look almost comical. "This is Moonbase Alpha, or just Moon for short. He’s stepping in for Meiko for a little while, and we’re super excited to have him with us!"

The chat exploded with questions, some curious and others confused, but most were enthusiastic. Moon leaned toward the microphone, his voice warm and friendly. "Hey there, everyone! I’m excited to be here with Miku and the rest of the crew. I’ve always been a big fan of the Vocaloids, so getting to work with them is a dream come true. Don’t worry, I’m just here to help out until Meiko is back!"

Miku kept smiling, answering questions from the chat while Moon chimed in with jokes and anecdotes about his career as a virtual singer. The two of them played off each other well, and the fans seemed to be responding positively. It was a relief, at least for now, to know that things were going smoothly.

But unbeknownst to them, someone else was watching.

In the shadows of a dimly lit room, Ritsu Namine sat at her computer, her face illuminated by the glow of the livestream. She had stumbled across the stream by accident, but now she couldn’t look away. Miku was introducing someone new—a virtual singer in an astronaut suit.

"Who the hell is this?" Ritsu muttered, her fingers tapping impatiently on the desk. She watched as Moon interacted with the fans, making them laugh with his charm and humor. It was clear he was well-liked.

Her eyes narrowed as her mind began to whirl. This “Moonbase Alpha” wasn’t part of the original equation. He wasn’t part of the group she’d planned to take down. But now… now he was a problem. An obstacle.

Ritsu’s lips curled into a twisted smile as a new idea formed in her mind. "So, you’re the substitute for Meiko, huh? Well, I’ll have to add you to the list." She opened her notebook, scribbling Moon’s name on the page alongside the others. She stared at it for a moment, her mind racing with the new possibilities.

With Moon now in the picture, her plan needed adjustments. But that didn’t worry her. If anything, it made things more interesting. "Welcome to the game, astronaut," she whispered, closing the notebook with a snap.

Later that day, Kaito stood outside the small visitation room in the prison, his breath caught in his throat. He hadn’t seen Meiko since she had been arrested, and though they had all tried to be strong for each other, the weight of everything was starting to sink in. Kaito wasn’t sure how this visit would go, but he knew he had to see her. She was his friend—no, more than that. She had always been like a big sister to him, and he couldn’t stand the thought of her being alone.

The door opened, and there she was—Meiko, dressed in the dull, drab prison uniform, but still very much the strong, resilient person he knew. She walked in with her head held high, though her eyes softened when she saw Kaito standing there, waiting for her.

"Kaito!" she exclaimed, a small smile spreading across her face as she approached him. "You actually came."

Kaito smiled back, his heart lifting just a little. "Of course I came. How could I not?"

They sat down across from each other at the small, metal table, the sound of the heavy door closing behind them leaving a sense of isolation. For a moment, they simply looked at each other, neither knowing where to start.

"It’s… it’s not too bad in here," Meiko finally said, trying to sound casual. "I mean, it’s not ideal, but it’s only for a few months. I’ll be fine."

Kaito frowned, his voice soft. "You shouldn’t be here at all. This whole thing got so out of hand. You didn’t deserve this."

Meiko sighed, leaning back in her chair. "I lost control. That’s on me. I let my anger get the better of me, and now I’m paying for it. But I don’t regret defending you all. I don’t regret standing up to Teto."

Kaito reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "We’re all standing behind you, Meiko. You don’t have to go through this alone. We’re going to keep everything running smoothly while you’re gone. And I’ll visit you as much as I can."

Meiko squeezed his hand, her tough exterior cracking just a little. "You’re too sweet, Kaito. I don’t deserve all this kindness. But thank you… it means a lot."

For a moment, they just sat in the quiet, the world outside of the prison walls feeling distant. Despite everything, the bond between them hadn’t weakened. If anything, it had only grown stronger.

Kaito smiled softly at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "We’re a family, Meiko. And family doesn’t give up on each other."

Meiko looked down at their joined hands and nodded, her heart full of gratitude. "Yeah… I know."

They sat together in silence for a little while longer, finding comfort in each other’s presence before the guards came to escort Meiko back to her cell. As Kaito stood to leave, he looked over his shoulder one last time, giving her a reassuring smile.

"We’ll get through this," he said softly.

Meiko nodded, watching him go. "Yeah… we will."

Discordant Harmonies: A Teto X Miku story.Where stories live. Discover now