Chapter Eight: Spiraling Down

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Miku sat alone in her apartment, the dull hum of the city outside muffled by the thick glass windows. She stared blankly at her phone, the headlines glaring back at her.

"Vocaloid Meiko Arrested for Assault on Rising Star Kasane Teto!"
"Vocaloid Drama: Infighting Among the Legends?"
"Is the Vocaloid Brand in Jeopardy?"

The words felt like daggers, each headline driving deeper into Miku’s already fragile state. She had spent years building her image, her legacy, and now, because of one mistake—one moment of recklessness—everything seemed to be crumbling around her.

Miku’s chest tightened as she scrolled through the comments on social media. The fans were already talking, already speculating about what this would mean for the Vocaloids. Some defended Meiko, while others blamed Miku, wondering if there was more behind the rivalry between her and Teto than anyone had realized.

“How could this happen?” Miku thought, her breath coming in shallow gasps. She had always been so careful, always so meticulous about maintaining her reputation. But now, with Meiko in jail, the world would see them differently. They wouldn’t be the beloved idols anymore—they’d be problematic.

Her mind raced, a thousand scenarios playing out in rapid succession. What if their contracts were revoked? What if the fans abandoned them? What if this marked the beginning of the end for the Vocaloids?

The pressure built in her chest, like a weight pressing down on her, making it harder and harder to breathe. Her vision blurred as she dropped her phone onto the couch, her hands trembling uncontrollably. She pressed her palms to her face, trying to calm herself, trying to think clearly, but it was like her mind had been hijacked by the fear of losing everything she had worked for.

Her breaths became rapid, shallow, and erratic, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. She couldn’t control it—her thoughts were spiraling, tumbling out of control. She tried to take a deep breath, but her lungs wouldn’t cooperate. It felt like the walls were closing in on her, the air thick and heavy, suffocating her.

Her hands fumbled at her chest, as if trying to claw her way out of the tightness gripping her. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her body shook with the intensity of the panic attack overtaking her.

Her heart raced, beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode out of her chest. Her vision darkened at the edges, and a ringing sound filled her ears. She was losing control—she couldn’t stop the fear, the panic, the overwhelming sense that everything was falling apart.

Her legs gave out, and she collapsed onto the floor, curling into herself, trying to make herself as small as possible, as if that could protect her from the storm raging inside her mind.

Just then, the door to her apartment creaked open, and Miku barely registered the soft footsteps that followed. It wasn’t until she felt a pair of warm hands on her shoulders that she realized someone was there.

“Miku!” Rin’s voice cut through the haze, her tone urgent but filled with concern. “Miku, look at me! It’s okay, I’m here.”

Miku tried to focus, but her vision swam, her body still shaking with uncontrollable tremors. She gasped for air, her chest rising and falling in uneven spurts.

Rin knelt beside her, her hands gently guiding Miku’s face toward her. “Hey, hey… breathe with me, okay?” she whispered softly, her own voice steady despite the worry etched on her face.

She took a deep breath, holding it for a moment before exhaling slowly. “In through your nose… out through your mouth. You’re going to be okay, Miku. Just breathe.”

Miku tried to follow Rin’s lead, her breaths still jagged but slowing slightly as she focused on Rin’s voice, on her calming presence. She gripped Rin’s hand tightly, as if it were the only thing tethering her to reality.

“That’s it,” Rin said softly, continuing to guide her through each breath. “Just keep breathing. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

Little by little, the crushing weight in Miku’s chest began to ease. Her breaths became deeper, less frantic, and the world around her started to come back into focus. She blinked through the tears, her body still trembling but no longer on the verge of collapse.

Rin stayed by her side, her hand never leaving Miku’s, her voice a steady anchor in the chaos. “You’re going to be okay,” she repeated gently. “We’re going to get through this.”

After what felt like an eternity, Miku finally managed to sit up, her back leaning against the couch for support. Her breathing was still shaky, but the overwhelming panic had passed, leaving her drained and exhausted.

“Rin…” Miku whispered, her voice hoarse and barely audible.

Rin smiled at her, her eyes filled with compassion. “I’m here, Miku. You don’t have to go through this alone.”

Miku wiped at her tear-streaked face, her hands still trembling slightly. “I’m scared, Rin. What if… what if this ruins everything? What if the fans turn on us? What if…” Her voice cracked, unable to finish the sentence.

Rin shook her head gently, squeezing Miku’s hand. “That’s not going to happen. We’re going to figure this out, okay? One step at a time. The fans love you, Miku. They always have. And this… this is just a bump in the road. It’s not the end.”

Miku nodded weakly, her heart still heavy with the weight of everything that had happened. But as she sat there with Rin, feeling the warmth of her friend’s presence, the crushing fear that had threatened to overwhelm her began to fade, replaced by the faintest glimmer of hope.

For now, at least, she wasn’t alone.

Discordant Harmonies: A Teto X Miku story.Where stories live. Discover now