Chapter 23: Fractured Paths

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The small, quiet Russian town lay in a heavy blanket of snow, the cold air biting into their skin as Miku, Teto, and Luka trudged through the streets, their steps crunching in the fresh powder. The landscape was quiet, the only sound being the distant hum of wind and the occasional car passing by, leaving behind clouds of exhaust in the frigid air.

They were deep in conversation, trying to come up with a plan to stop Ritsu. Each of them had their own thoughts racing through their minds, but none had a concrete solution. Miku felt the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders, knowing the stakes were too high. But as the snow flurries swirled around them, she couldn’t shake the feeling that they were running out of time.

“Do you think there’s even a way to fix this?” Miku asked, her voice barely audible over the wind.

Teto glanced at her with determination. “There’s always a way. We just need to find it.”

Luka, a little more detached than the others, was still eyeing the surroundings. “We can’t just sit here and wait for something to fall into our laps, though. We need more information.”

Just as they were about to continue their discussion, something odd caught their attention. A humanoid figure stumbled out of a nearby bookstore, holding a thick stack of papers. It was a Shiba Inu-like figure—his fur was sleek and polished, though his expression was that of frustration.

The three of them watched as the Shiba muttered under his breath, looking around for a moment before shaking his head and adjusting his glasses.

“Ugh, that’s the fourth publishing company that’s rejected me,” he muttered to himself.

Miku, Teto, and Luka exchanged glances, and despite their situation, they found themselves intrigued by the curious figure. He didn’t look like he had been caught up in the chaos—he seemed out of place.

Miku, always the first to try and help, approached the Shiba cautiously. “Hey, are you okay?” she asked.

The Shiba glanced up, surprised but not alarmed by their sudden appearance. “Oh, hey, I’m fine, don’t worry. Just... another rejection. This town just doesn’t appreciate the art of storytelling.” He sighed and looked back at the papers in his hand.

Teto raised an eyebrow, taking a step closer. “What are you trying to publish?”

The Shiba smiled, though it seemed tinged with frustration. “My books. I’ve written quite a few, but none of the publishers around here are willing to take a chance on them. Guess I’ll just have to try somewhere else. Maybe a country that doesn’t have such high standards for creativity.” He chuckled lightly, trying to shake off his disappointment.

Luka, despite the heavy situation, smirked. "Well, good luck with that. Hopefully, one of those countries appreciates whatever you're trying to write." She nudged Miku lightly, and the two shared a quiet laugh.

The Shiba turned to wave at them. “Thanks! Don’t worry about me, though. I’ll figure it out. Anyway, take care!” With that, he gave them a small wave and walked off down the street, disappearing into the snow-covered distance.

As they stood there watching him, the three of them couldn't help but feel a momentary sense of calm wash over them, albeit brief. Maybe, just maybe, there was still hope for people who didn’t feel the crushing weight of the world on their shoulders.

But the fleeting relief didn’t last long. They quickly turned back to their mission, continuing their journey in search of an answer to Ritsu’s devastating plan.

After walking a few blocks, the three of them spotted a small convenience store with a window, and inside, they could see the flicker of a television screen. Curious, they made their way over to the window, and that’s when they saw her—SeeU, one of the few virtual singers who hadn’t fallen to Ritsu’s mind control.

She was sitting near the window, staring solemnly at the news on the TV, her expression distant and empty. Her large eyes were wide as she watched the report on Japan’s collapse, a place she had once known as home.

Miku’s heart skipped a beat. “SeeU!” she called out, waving excitedly. “You’re... you’re still here.”

SeeU looked up, her expression neutral. She didn’t show the same excitement or joy that the others did at seeing her. Instead, there was a sense of exhaustion in her eyes.

Miku hurried over, Teto and Luka following close behind. “It’s good to see a familiar face,” Miku said, a small smile appearing on her face, though it was bittersweet given the circumstances.

SeeU gave them a soft, sad smile. “Yeah… it’s good to see you guys too. But, honestly, I don’t think it matters much now, does it?”

Teto furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”

SeeU sighed, turning her attention back to the screen. “I’ve been watching the news, and everything’s falling apart. Japan’s collapse, the chaos, the destruction… There’s no way we can fix this, guys. It’s too late.”

Miku’s face fell slightly, and Luka looked away. The weight of SeeU’s words was heavy, but it didn’t make the situation any easier. They had been trying so hard to find hope, but here was another reminder that things were dire.

“SeeU, don’t say that,” Miku pleaded. “There’s still time. We can still stop Ritsu, we—”

“No,” SeeU interrupted softly, shaking her head. “I don’t want to spend my final moments stressing out over things that are out of my control. You guys shouldn’t either.”

Luka stepped forward, her expression hardening. “So that’s it? You’re just going to give up? You’re just going to sit here and wait for the end?”

SeeU met Luka’s gaze with a tired look, her voice calm but firm. “Yeah, maybe I am. What’s the point in fighting when it’s all just... collapsing around us? What are we supposed to do?”

Luka scowled. “That’s cowardly.”

SeeU shook her head, her voice quieter this time. “Call it what you want, but I’m not going to waste my last moments stressing out over a world that’s already doomed.”

For a moment, there was silence between them. The cold air outside the convenience store seemed to press in even harder as the reality of their situation began to settle in.

Finally, Miku, Teto, and Luka turned to leave. There was nothing more to say, and despite their sadness, they couldn’t waste any more time arguing with someone who had already given up.

As they walked away, Luka threw one last look at the window, her expression unreadable.

“SeeU’s a coward,” she muttered, more to herself than to anyone else.

The three of them walked into the cold, their breaths visible in the freezing air. They had no answers yet, no solutions, and nowhere to go.

But they were still together, and that, at least, was a small flicker of hope in the darkness.

(Writers Note: That Shiba was me.)

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