Chapter Fifteen: The Weight of Loss

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The sky was overcast, casting a grey gloom over the cemetery. A gentle breeze rustled the trees, making the soft murmurs of those gathered at Kaito’s funeral feel even more solemn. Rows of friends and colleagues stood in silence, their heads bowed as they gathered to say goodbye to a beloved friend.

Miku stood near the front, her hands trembling as she clutched a single blue rose, Kaito’s favorite color. Her eyes were red and swollen from the tears that hadn’t stopped since that horrible night. The whole thing felt like a blur—a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from.

The service was brief but heartfelt, as each of Kaito’s closest friends stepped up to say a few words. Luka spoke first, her voice shaky as she recounted the joy and kindness Kaito brought to their lives. Gumi followed, her usual cheerful energy replaced by a soft sadness. Moon, still in his astronaut suit, offered words of courage, though even he struggled to keep his voice steady.

Finally, it was Miku’s turn. She stood before the crowd, trying to gather her thoughts, but every memory of Kaito came flooding back at once—his laughter, his unwavering support, the way he always knew how to lighten the mood. She couldn’t stop the tears that welled up again.

"I—" she began, but the words caught in her throat. "I don’t even know where to begin. Kaito was… everything. He was a friend to all of us, someone who always knew how to make things better, no matter how bad they seemed. He protected us, and now he’s gone because of it." Her voice cracked, and she quickly wiped her eyes. "I’ll never forget him. None of us will."

She stepped down, the weight of grief pressing down on her as she returned to her spot. As the service ended, the crowd slowly began to disperse, but Miku remained, staring at the headstone, her mind numb with loss.


Later, after everyone had left, Miku sat on a bench near the cemetery, the cold air biting at her skin. She was lost in thought, her mind replaying the events of the past few days on an endless loop. She didn’t hear the footsteps approaching until a soft voice broke through her reverie.


Miku looked up, surprised to see Teto standing there. Her first instinct was to feel the familiar tension between them, but Teto’s expression was different. There was no anger, no rivalry—just sadness.

"Mind if I sit?" Teto asked gently.

Miku nodded, and Teto sat down beside her in silence for a moment.

"I… I’m sorry," Teto said quietly, her voice soft but sincere. "For everything. I know we haven’t always gotten along, but… no one should have to go through what you’re going through right now."

Miku blinked in surprise. The weight of Teto’s words hit her, and for the first time, she realized just how much things had changed between them. The bitterness she had harbored toward Teto suddenly felt so insignificant in the face of this loss.

"Thank you," Miku whispered, her voice barely audible.

Teto hesitated for a moment, then added, "I know we’ve been rivals, but maybe… maybe that doesn’t matter anymore. Kaito wouldn’t want us to be fighting like this. He believed in all of us."

Miku nodded, her tears returning. "You’re right."

The two of them sat there in shared silence, the weight of the moment pressing down on them. After what felt like an eternity, Teto spoke again.

"How about after all this… we call a truce? Maybe we can get a coffee sometime—just as friends."

Miku looked at Teto, the warmth of the offer surprising her. In that moment, something shifted. The rivalry, the bitterness, the anger—it all felt so trivial. "Yeah," she agreed, a small smile breaking through the sadness. "I’d like that."

The two of them exchanged a soft look of understanding, a mutual truce born out of shared pain. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.


Meanwhile, in the shadows of the UTAUloid headquarters, Ritsu sat in her office, her eyes narrowed as she stared at the reports in front of her. News of Kaito’s death had reached her, and though her face remained calm, a storm of fury brewed beneath the surface.

"Fukase," she muttered, her voice laced with venom. "You fool. That wasn’t supposed to happen. You were supposed to destabilize them, not get caught in your own mess."

She clenched her fists, the veins in her temples pulsing as the anger built within her. Kaito’s death had thrown a wrench in her plans, and now, instead of the Vocaloids crumbling from within, they were beginning to unite. It was a problem, one she hadn’t anticipated.

"Everything was going perfectly… until now," she growled, her mind racing through possible solutions.

She stood abruptly, pacing back and forth as the gears of her mind turned. Fukase’s reckless actions had disrupted her careful orchestration, but she wasn’t about to let everything fall apart. She was too close, too invested.

"It’s time to put Plan B into action," Ritsu said, her voice cold and calculating.

A twisted smile crept onto her face as the new plan formed in her mind. It was more drastic, more dangerous—but it would be effective. And this time, there would be no mistakes.

The fate of the Vocaloids was sealed. And Ritsu was going to make sure of it.

Discordant Harmonies: A Teto X Miku story.Where stories live. Discover now