Chapter Ten: Liftoff

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Miku paced around the studio, her teal pigtails swaying with every frustrated step. Meiko had been gone for a few days now, and the pressure was mounting. Without Meiko’s steady presence, things had started to feel… off. The rest of the Vocaloids tried to hold things together, but the tension was palpable. They all knew they needed someone to step in and help keep the momentum going while Meiko served her sentence.

That someone had just arrived.

A soft ping on Miku’s phone signaled a new message: "Landing in five minutes. Get ready for impact!" Miku smiled despite herself. Moonbase Alpha—her old friend from the days before the Vocaloid craze fully took off. He was a virtual singer like her but with a different kind of fame. In his massive astronaut suit, helmet and all, he stood out wherever he went. His deep, American-accented voice always managed to lighten the mood, and Miku knew that’s exactly what they needed right now.

As she waited by the entrance to the studio, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She hadn’t told him everything yet—about Meiko, about how things had spiraled out of control. Moon knew she needed help, but he didn’t know the full extent of it.

Just then, the door slid open with a mechanical hiss, and there he was—Moonbase Alpha, his gleaming white astronaut suit catching the studio lights. His suit made him seem larger than life, and the helmet’s visor was tinted, giving him an air of mystery. He extended his hand in a mock salute as he stepped inside.

"Captain Moonbase Alpha, reporting for duty!" His voice boomed, a mix of playful and commanding. He reached up and flipped open the visor of his helmet, revealing a wide grin. His dark eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked at Miku. "So, what’s the mission, Miku? You’re looking a little more stressed than usual.”

Miku tried to smile, but it faltered. “Thanks for coming on such short notice, Moon. It’s… been a rough time.”

Moon raised an eyebrow as he removed his helmet and tucked it under his arm. “Rough, huh? I thought you called me for a simple substitution. What’s going on?”

Miku sighed, running a hand through her hair. “It’s Meiko. She, uh… she got arrested.”

For the first time, Moon’s jovial demeanor wavered. “Arrested?” He blinked. “Meiko? Are we talking about the same person? The responsible, tough-as-nails Meiko?”

Miku nodded slowly, feeling the weight of everything they’d been dealing with crash down on her again. “Yeah. It’s complicated. She got into a fight with Teto. A serious one.”

Moon let out a low whistle. “Wow… that’s… not what I expected. I knew there was some tension between you guys and Teto, but I didn’t think it would get this bad.”

Miku folded her arms tightly across her chest, her eyes downcast. “It got worse than any of us could have imagined. And now the media is watching us like hawks. We can’t afford to mess anything up while she’s gone.”

Moon rested a gloved hand on Miku’s shoulder, his touch gentle despite the size of his suit. “Don’t worry. I’m here now. I’ll help out however I can.”

Miku nodded, grateful for his presence. She knew Moon could bring some much-needed levity to the group, even in these dark times. But first, there were more introductions to make. She led him down the hallway to the main studio, where the other Vocaloids were waiting.

Inside, Gumi, Luka, and Kaito were talking amongst themselves, their conversation pausing the moment Miku and Moon walked in.

“Everyone, I’d like you to meet Moonbase Alpha,” Miku said, gesturing to her friend. “He’ll be helping us out for a while.”

Gumi was the first to react, her green hair bouncing as she rushed forward. “Whoa, no way! The Moonbase Alpha? I’ve seen your videos!” She grinned, practically vibrating with excitement. “What’s it like being in that suit all the time? It’s so cool!”

Moon laughed, his deep voice echoing slightly in the large room. “It’s not too bad! A bit hot sometimes, but hey, you get used to it. I’m glad to be here—feels like I’m finally getting a chance to work with the legends.”

Luka approached more calmly, her long pink hair flowing behind her. She extended a hand. “Nice to meet you, Moon. I’ve heard good things about you.”

“Likewise, Luka,” Moon replied as he shook her hand. “I’ve followed your music for a while now. You’ve got a really unique sound.”

Kaito leaned back against the wall, his arms crossed. “So, you’re the guy stepping in for Meiko?” His voice was friendly but tinged with curiosity. “You’ve got some big shoes to fill, you know.”

Moon gave a dramatic sigh and looked down at his own feet, clad in the large boots of his astronaut suit. “These boots are pretty big, too, but yeah, I get it. Meiko’s a powerhouse. I’m just here to help out where I can.”

The group relaxed as Moon’s easygoing nature began to settle in. Miku could see the others warming up to him, and that small glimmer of hope she’d felt earlier grew just a little brighter.

Gumi continued her barrage of questions, her curiosity insatiable. “So, like, how do you even sing in that thing? Isn’t it heavy?”

Moon laughed again, shaking his head. “I get asked that a lot. The suit’s heavy, but I’ve been doing this for a while. Plus, I’ve got some pretty advanced tech helping me out.”

As they talked, Miku stood back and watched the group, her mind briefly drifting to the bigger picture. She still hadn’t told them everything about what was happening—about Ritsu, about how deep the cracks were in their team. But for now, having Moon here was a relief. He was already bringing a much-needed positive energy.

Luka eventually turned to Miku. “So, what’s the plan now that Moon’s here? Do we just… keep going as usual?”

Miku hesitated. “I think we need to stay focused. The public is watching us closely, and we can’t afford any more mistakes. Moon’s here to help us stay on track until Meiko comes back, but… we need to be careful.”

Kaito nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I get that. We can’t let what happened derail everything.”

Moon crossed his arms, his expression turning serious for the first time since he arrived. “I’ve got your back, Miku. We’ll make sure things run smoothly.”

Miku smiled at him, feeling a little lighter. For the first time in days, it seemed like things might be okay—even if just for a little while.

With Moon stepping in and the rest of the group ready to move forward, Miku allowed herself to hope that they could weather the storm ahead. But deep down, she knew that the real challenges were still waiting, lurking in the shadows. And one wrong move could send them all spiraling again.

Discordant Harmonies: A Teto X Miku story.Where stories live. Discover now