Chapter Nineteen: Unseen Shadows

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The morning sun streamed through the windows of the studio, casting a warm glow over the room where Miku, Teto, and the Kagamine twins were gathered. There was an air of peace, a calmness that hadn’t been present for weeks. After everything that had happened—Kaito’s death, the tension, the mistrust—things were finally starting to feel right again.

Miku and Teto sat together on the couch, their conversation easy, their laughter soft. The rivalry that had once burned between them had faded, replaced by a tentative friendship. Moon stood off to the side, watching the scene with a small smile before nodding to the Kagamines.

"Come on," Moon said quietly to Rin and Len, motioning for them to follow him. "Let’s give them some space."

Rin raised an eyebrow, catching the subtle warmth between Miku and Teto. She smirked. "What, so they can become girlfriends or something?"

Moon chuckled. "Something like that."

With a giggle, Rin and Len followed Moon out of the room, leaving Miku and Teto alone. As the door clicked shut behind them, an odd silence settled between the two singers. For a moment, neither spoke, but the atmosphere wasn’t awkward. It felt… different.

Miku glanced at Teto, her heart unexpectedly racing. The sunlight framed Teto’s face in a soft, golden light, and Miku couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she looked, her usual sharp edges softened. They had been through so much together recently, and it had brought them closer than Miku had ever expected.

"Thank you," Miku said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Teto blinked, turning to face her. "For what?"

"For being here. For staying, even when things were… complicated."

Teto smiled, a gentle warmth in her eyes. "I guess we’re not so different after all, huh?"

Without thinking, Miku reached out, her fingers brushing against Teto’s hand. There was a pause—just a brief moment of hesitation—before Teto’s hand turned over, fingers intertwining with Miku’s. The contact was electric, yet calming at the same time, as if something had finally clicked into place between them.

Miku’s breath caught in her throat. She wasn’t sure what this meant, but for the first time in a long while, she felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

Meanwhile, across town, Moon and the Kagamines wandered the streets, their spirits light. They chatted idly, unaware of the storm brewing in the shadows. But that peace didn’t last long. Meiko, her brow furrowed with urgency, came running toward them.

"Moon!" she called, breathless, catching their attention. "We have a problem."

Moon’s expression shifted from calm to concern instantly. "Meiko? What’s going on?"

"It’s Gumi. And others. They’ve been—"

Before Meiko could finish her sentence, a familiar voice cut through the tension. "Hey, everyone!"

They turned to see Gumi standing a few feet away, her signature grin plastered across her face. She looked fine, completely normal, but something about her felt off. Her movements were too smooth, too controlled. And that smile—too wide, too… forced.

Moon’s brow furrowed. "Gumi? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know," Gumi said, her tone light. "Just here to check on my favorite singers. Don’t worry about me." She winked, then turned toward Miku and Teto, who were still holding hands inside the studio.

"Well, well, well," Gumi joked with a smirk, her voice carrying through the open window. "Look at you two! Guess Gumi was right about the girlfriend thing, huh?"

The remark was classic Gumi—playful, teasing—but Meiko’s instincts screamed that something was wrong. This wasn’t right. Gumi had been missing, and there was no way she could have known about Miku and Teto’s growing closeness so quickly.

Before Meiko could say a word, there was a sudden sharp sound—a series of quiet thwip, thwip, thwips. She looked down in shock, realizing that she, Moon, and the Kagamines had been hit with tranquilizer darts.

"Wha—" Meiko started, but the drug worked fast. Her knees buckled, and her vision swam.

Moon tried to grab Rin and Len as they fell, but his limbs felt heavy, his body refusing to obey.

"Miku! Teto!" Meiko managed to shout before everything went dark.

From inside the studio, Miku and Teto looked up just in time to see a van speeding off, tires screeching as it disappeared down the road.

"What—?" Miku gasped, her heart pounding. She dropped Teto’s hand and rushed toward the window, her pulse racing with fear.

"They took them," Teto whispered, standing beside Miku, her eyes wide with horror.

Miku felt a sinking dread in her chest. Something was terribly, terribly wrong.

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