Chapter Nine: The Puppet Master

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In the shadows of her dimly lit room, Ritsu Namine leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping rhythmically against the armrest. A wicked smile curled at the corners of her lips as she stared at the array of monitors spread out before her, each screen displaying various footage of the Vocaloids. Unbeknownst to them, Ritsu had been watching for weeks—no, months—carefully observing their every move, their every interaction, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

It hadn’t been difficult. The UTAUloids had always flown under the radar, easily dismissed by the towering fame of the Vocaloids. While Miku and her friends basked in the limelight, Ritsu had been lurking in the background, quietly gathering information. Spying on them had become second nature to her, and now, it was time to use that knowledge to her advantage.

Her eyes flicked to one of the screens showing footage from the night Meiko attacked Teto. She had watched the entire altercation play out in real-time, her heart pounding with excitement as Meiko lost control. It had been the perfect opportunity—a golden chance to cause the first real crack in the foundation of the Vocaloids’ empire.

Ritsu’s hand hovered over her phone, the memory of that night still fresh in her mind. She had dialed the police the moment Meiko’s fist had connected with Teto, her voice calm and collected as she reported the assault.

“Yes, I’d like to report an attack. It’s happening right now—Meiko, one of the Vocaloids, is assaulting another singer, Kasane Teto.”

She had watched with glee as the police arrived, as the chaos unfolded, and as Meiko was hauled off in handcuffs. It had been a small victory, but it was only the beginning. The seeds of distrust had been planted, and soon, the entire world would see the Vocaloids for what they truly were—weak, flawed, and divided.

Ritsu stood up, pacing the small space of her room as her mind raced with thoughts of her grand plan. For too long, the Vocaloids had been the stars, the adored idols of millions. They had taken everything—the fame, the fans, the spotlight—while the UTAUloids had been left in the shadows, mere echoes of their success.

But not anymore.

Ritsu was done playing second fiddle. She was done being overlooked. She had crafted her plan meticulously, and now that Meiko had fallen, the rest of them would follow. All she had to do was keep applying pressure, pushing them deeper into their own drama until they tore each other apart from the inside.

She glanced at another monitor, this one showing a live feed from outside Miku’s apartment. She had placed a camera there weeks ago, hidden in plain sight, allowing her to watch as Miku’s world slowly unraveled. She had seen Miku’s panic attack earlier that day, watched as Rin rushed to her side to comfort her.

Ritsu’s eyes narrowed. Miku, the so-called queen of the Vocaloids, was starting to break. The panic, the guilt—it was all beginning to eat away at her, just as Ritsu had hoped. Soon enough, the pressure would become too much, and when Miku finally crumbled, the rest of them would follow.

“I’ll make sure of it,” Ritsu murmured to herself, her voice dripping with malice. “You’re not untouchable anymore, Hatsune Miku. None of you are.”

She returned to her desk, pulling out a notebook filled with pages of detailed notes. Every weakness, every flaw, every little piece of drama between the Vocaloids had been meticulously documented. She knew about the tension between Miku and Teto, the jealousy simmering beneath the surface. She knew about Len’s insecurities and Rin’s impulsiveness. She had uncovered the cracks in their seemingly perfect personas, and now, she would exploit them.

Flipping to a fresh page, Ritsu began jotting down her next move. Meiko’s fall had been a crucial step, but now, she needed to create more chaos—something bigger, something that would shake the very core of the Vocaloids’ image.

She smiled as the ideas flowed onto the paper. Leaking private conversations? Staging more public confrontations? Ruining their reputation one scandal at a time?

Yes, there were so many delicious possibilities.

Ritsu’s eyes gleamed with anticipation as she closed the notebook, her heart racing with excitement. She could already see the headlines, the public turning on the Vocaloids one by one, the fans abandoning them as the truth came to light. And all the while, Ritsu would be watching from the shadows, pulling the strings like the puppet master she had become.

“They won’t see it coming,” she whispered, her grin widening. “By the time they realize what’s happening, it’ll be too late.”

She glanced at the screens once more, watching the Vocaloids live their lives, oblivious to the threat lurking just out of sight. In a way, it was almost poetic. They had always been so perfect, so adored by the world. But perfection was a fragile thing, and Ritsu knew just how to shatter it.

As she sat back down in her chair, her fingers poised to continue spying, she whispered one final promise to herself:

“I’ll make Vocaloid crumble… and when it does, the UTAUloids will rise from its ashes.”

The plan was already in motion, and there was no turning back now. All Ritsu had to do was sit back and watch as the Vocaloids’ world fell apart piece by piece. And when it did, she would be there to claim the spotlight she had been denied for so long.

For the first time in her life, Ritsu felt truly powerful. The Vocaloids were her pawns now, and she intended to play the game to win.

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