Chapter 23

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Michaels POV

We're back in the truck, after another hour of me and Ashton finding a gas station, walking back to the van and filling the tank up.

"So what you're saying is you saw something glittering in the sand and you went and took a look, then bam, it was hers?" Luke went over what Ashton had told him in the front seats. I was sat in the back, staring at the ring with my head hung low and tears in my eyes.

"Yeah, and then I realised there was this like, boulder, next to it, with blood smeared on it and I was like- shit. We're definitely so close to finding her, Mikey knows it."

I clench my fists, gazing out the window dimly, uninterested in the conversation. "Fuck, man. Is he okay?" Calum mumbled to them, listening to them talk.

"I think he needs some time.. We're almost at the gig, he'll cool off then we can go to the local police station after the show and see if there's been any reports of sightings. I mean, she must be here."

"But, Ashton. You saw the blood right? What if it was hers.. What if she's, you know.." Luke lowered his voice, knowing I could hear him. "Dead?" He said in the quietest whisper, though it wasn't quiet enough. I slammed my fist on the car door next to me in anger, silencing them.

"She's not dead.. She's not." I sigh, lowering my head.

"Alright guys.. Let's change the subject. I mean, we're 10 minutes away from the venue and we can't go on stage with tension.. lets play a game, sound good?" Ashton smiled, trying to bring the spirits of us all up. The other two smiled brightly to the idea and they played their stupid guessing game. I ignored them and stared out the window.

She's out there somewhere. She is.

Out of reach (Michael Clifford)Where stories live. Discover now