Chapter 4

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It turned Saturday two days later. We were off the studio work for two days for a break of practising, and I was still wondering if I should go to Ashton's party. I don't want to see his rat of a girlfriend. And I don't even know if I want to see Michael.

He's been texting me since, but I haven't texted back. I feel mean, yeah, but it's for the best.. I think. I decided to go. I wanted to put it behind me and be friends with Michael again. After all, he was my only friend. And a heck of a friend he was.

I pulled on my leather skater skirt, matching it with my Nirvana crop top and black thick-heeled strappy high heels. I had my hair down in waved and did my make-up.

Would it be awkward though? I mean Ashton texted an apology and I texted back saying it was fine. Luke and Calum texted me too asking why I ran off on Michael and what was up and stuff. I told them it was nothing. I had confirmed with Ashton that I was still going to the party, but deep in my gut I knew I'd regret it.

I grabbed my black shoulder bag and put in my phone, keys, a five dollar bill and my lipgloss. With that I locked the door behind me as started driving down to Ashton's house. I pulled up quite far away, seeing as cars were parks all the way up the road. He must've invited a hell a lot of friends.

I walked up the road to his house and found the door already open, so invited myself in. I pushed through the crowds of people blocking the corridors, all holding plastic cups and talking over the loud blurring music. Stepping outside, I looked around and saw Calum approach me.

"Hey! Ashton's a bit wrapped up with his girlfriend." I rolled my eyes and we chuckled. "Michael is by the pool if you wanna see him."

"I'll go in a minute. I just want a drink." He nodded and lead me back inside to the kitchen.

He gestured at the many bottles of beer and soda, etc. I picked up a bottle of beer and cracked it open, taking a sip. "Dang I needed that." He smiled and saw Luke, waving him over.

"Hey. Sorry about Ashton's girlfriend the other day. She's a right arse." He gave me a small smile. I nodded and said it was cool.

"I'm gonna go find Michael now." I looked behind me to see Ashton and his girlfriend making out not too far away. I grimaced, as did the other two. We laughed and I said I'd see them later, before stepping out into the warm air. I made my way down the deck towards the pool, trying not to trip in my thick heels. I saw him sitting by himself with his back to me.

Frowning, I put my beer bottle by my side and took a few more steps towards him, before sitting on the deck besides him. He looked up and seemed surprised to see me.

"L-Lilac. I didn't er think you'd come." He stumbled through his words, ruffling his hair. I shrugged and noticed him examining me. "You look hot- I er I mean pretty. You look pretty." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Thank you. You too." I noticed he was wearing his usual skinny jeans and band t shirt.

"I'm still sorry for saying that. You're right it was too soon and stupid- I promise it won't happen again."

"I'm not gonna agree on that." I smirked, the bottle to my lips. I saw a spark of hope flicker in his pale green eyes and we both smiled at each other. I smelt the alcohol on his breathe.

"How drunk are you?"

"Not that drunk, why?" He looked up and I shook my head, taking a swig of my beer.

"Wanna get totally hammered?" I asked, perking up.

"Fuck yes!" He got up and we stammered to the kitchen, grabbing a few bottles of vodka and sneaking them back to our spot. We giggled as we took turns in taking a swig of the first bottle.

"You know." Michael said between a sip. "We're tech-technically kissing right now." He hiccuped, making me giggle.

I took the last gulp and tried to stand up, failing as I toppled onto Michael as he tried to get up too. "Whoops" I giggled, lying on top of him. We scrambled to our feet and stumbled around the party, holding on to each other and laughing for no reason.

"Let's go upstairs!" I hiccuped, stumbling towards the stairs. Michael laughed as I struggled then tripped and landed on someone else, spilling their drink.

"S-sorry mate!" He giggled as the person started shouting and cussing at him. We just stumbled upstairs laughing.

"Ooh what's in here?" We opened a door to see two bodies in Ashton's bed, obviously doing something naughty in there.

"Piss off!" The male said, and we burst out in a fit of giggles as we shut the door and stumbled around a bit more.

"L-look it's Luke!" Michael pointed as the blonde haired boy came up the stairs. I hiccuped and grinned.

"Hiiii Lukey-wukey." Me and Michael laughed, holding on to each other. Luke looked at us weirdly.

"You two are so hammered." We nodded and carried on giggling, before struggling back down the stairs.

"Weee!" Michael squealed as he began jumping on the couch. I laughed at him and struggled on to join him. We bounced as if it was a trampoline, giggling like schoolgirls.

"Aw man this is so much fun." I grinned, getting off. We saw Ashton walk in with his friend.

"Ashton! Ashtonn!" Me and Michael beamed at him.

"There's two people doing the naughty in your bed." I giggled.

Ashton groaned and dragged his friend with him up the stairs. "You know what would be fun?" Michael put his hands on my shoulders.


"If we jumped in the pool!" We grinned and started trekking outside.

"But my skirt!" I frowned as we approached the pool.

"Take it off you daft.. nugget." Michael smirked.

"Alright if you do too." I stumbled, taking off my shoes and putting it by my bag on a sun-lounger next to the pool.

Michael nodded and pulled off his shirt and tugged off his skinny jeans, as I did with my skirt and shirt. We squealed before jumping in, hitting the warm water below.

I kicked my legs under water, looking around and saw Michael. I swam towards him and tickled his stomach, seeing his splash and kick his legs. I put my head out of the water to hear him laughing and telling me to stop.

"No!" I grinned, tickling him till he cries. He grabs me suddenly and pulls me towards him, tickling me back. "It's not fun when someone is doing it to me!" I squealed as he tickled me and I squirmed in his arms.

We looked up to see Calum watching us with an eyebrow raised. "IYAA!" Michael waved, giggling with me. He shook his head, pulling out his phone and took a picture of us in the pool before wandering away.

It got dark soon and we were still in the pool, messing about. "Michael" I yawned.

He nodded, ruffling his hair. "I'm tired." I whined, putting my head on his chest. He swam with my to the edge where we climbed out and stumbled to a sun-lounger. The party was getting smaller now, people have left and it was getting late.

Michael sat on the sun-lounger, I was trying to get dry. His arms wrapped around my torso and he pulled me into his lap. "Mikey." I whined, my head lying on his chest. He hummed a reply, and I looked up at him. "I promise to never leave you." I watched as his smile grew, his hands slightly squeezing my arm. I could still smell the alcohol on his breathe.

"Thank you, Lilac." He murmered.

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