Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes lazily, gazing over at Michael besides me, who surprisingly, was awake before me. "Morning, sleepy head." He smirked, before yawning. I chuckled, snuggling up so my head was nuzzled in his chest. Michael kept his hand draped over my waist.

"It's your gig today." I murmered into his shirt. He nodded his head, and scooped his hands underneath my thighs. "Michael!" I squealed as he lifted me up, and carried me out of my bedroom and down the stairs. He soon put me down, and I folded my arms, frowning.

"Aw come on." He pouted, trying to move catch my attention again.

"Meany." I hit his chest softly, causing him to laugh. He leant down to me and put his hands on my torso, kissing me. I could taste his morning breathe, and I could feel him smile into the kiss.

We broke apart after a few seconds. I hung my arms loosely around his neck, smiling widely at him. He moved his face forward so our noses touched, causing me to giggle. "You're so lame." I ruffled his hair.

"So are you, Queen Of Weirdos." He declared with a weird, high pitched voice which made me laugh.

I parted from his arms, shuffling over to the kitchen. His hand reached out touching mine so I grabbed it and dragged him with me. "What do you want for breakfast?" Michael asked, opening a few of my cupboards.

"Food, dumbass." I giggled, scrolling through Twitter on my phone.

"Alright, alright, toast?" He asked, smiling.

"Sure, I'm gonna get ready." I said, leaning against the counter.

"Okay, babe." His head shot up once he said that, and we both looked at each other.

"Michael?" He nodded a yes. "What are we?" I moved closer, wrapping my arms around his own waist.

"Well, I'd like us to be numerous things, but I'll be whatever you want us to be." He smiled.

I bit my lip, looking up at him. "I want to be your girlfriend."

"I want to be your boyfriend." He added, with a grin.

"Does that make us..?"

"If you want, then yes. That means we are now officially a couple. NO TAKESIES BACKSIES!" He ran to the living room. I giggled, following him in.

"Then, now I'm gonna get dressed." I began walking to the stairs.

"Hey, if I'm your boyfriend now- does that mean I can watch you get dressed?" He appeared from the living room, his phone in hand, a smirk smacked on his lips.

"Ha, ha, ha, no." I scrunched up my nose, causing him to pout. Giggling, I walked upstairs and went into my room.

After taking a quick shower, I dried my hair and got changed into my Greenday shirt, Michaels tartan shirt, ripped jeans and converse, pulling on my black hat over my pink hair. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed a trail of small brown dots across my neck. Sighing, with a smile, I tried my best to cover them up, then I did my make-up and grabbed my backpack.

"Do you want to stop by your house to change? I'm not letting you go to a gig looking like a mess." I smiled, sitting at the barstool.

"Err, sure yeah, thanks." He pushed a plate of toast towards me, taking a bite of his own.

"Thank you." I began eating mine.

Once we were done with our food, we got in the car and drove over to Michaels place. I waited for him to shower and change, then we drove over to Ashtons house at approximately 11 o'clock. The boys ran through a few songs quickly before packing their equipment into the van Ashton had hired. Then we split into the van and my car. The van could only seat 2 people so Ashton and Luke got into that one, leaving Calum, Michael and I to my car.

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