Chapter 13

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5SOS // Amnesia ~

My head was spinning, it was dark and I was sitting on a grassy bank, looking over the town. I had ran away from Michael, Ryan, Luke, Calum and Ashton. After what Ryan had said, I couldn't take it anymore.

I really did deserve it. I deserved everything Steve did to me.

No. I held my head, trying to block out the voice in the back of my head. I cried out. I just wanted to be in Michaels arms. I wanted to be with him. But now he's going to hate me. He's going to hate the fact that I ran away and pushed him from me.

I had built these walls up since I met Michael, I had put Steve to the past. But now my walls were crumbling, and I couldn't take it. I was a mess. I was a heartbreak girl.

But then the thought of what my past manager had said to me came back to mind. "I'm sorry but you two aren't going to make it one way or another. The band is going on tour soon, I'm sure that Michael will know what's best for you two.. And I know that you do too.."

I sighed. I saw this coming all along. The boys are going on tour, in less than two weeks, and Michael was bound to leave me. But we were going to move in with each other. We were going to make our relationship stronger than it is now.

But I wouldn't see Michael for months, maybe a year. So what's the point in him trying for me? I'm not worth his time anyway..

I stand up, rubbing my eyes and start walking back towards my house, which was the other side of town. I just wanted to sleep, and never wake up.

After what seemed like hours of walking, I knew I was lost. I heard my phone buzz for the 100th time, and I dug my phone out my bag desperately.

20 missed calls from: Mikey <3. 15 unread messages from: Mikey <3. 8 unread messages from: Cal-pal. 10 missed calls from: Ash. 6 unread messages from: Penguin Boy.

I gulped, reading the messages.

Mikey <3: Where r u?? R u ok i'm worried :(

Mikey <3: babe tell me where u r

Mikey <3: i'm worried lilac are you okay?

Mikey <3: ignore everything that prick ryan said! you deserve nothing bad i love you

Mikey <3: i'm looking for you

Mikey <3: I cant stop worrying knowing u r somewhere alone at midnight

Mikey <3: ur scaring me are you okay? im worried sick!

And so on. I felt warm tears flood down my cheeks, and I called him. "Lilac! Are you alright? Where are you? I'm worried to fucking death you haven't been answering my calls." He babbled, answering almost immediatley. "Babe are you crying? Are you hurt? Please talk to me!"

"I-I don't know where I am." I squeaked, finding my voice. I heard rustling on the other end of the phone.

"I'm coming to find you!" He said, through other muffled shouts. "T-Tell me what you see and I'll find you. I can't stand it knowing you're gone." Michael said. I could tell from his voice how hurt he was. I knew then how much of a selfish bitch I've been by running away. I should've just ignored everything Ryan said.

"I-I see houses, uhh" I looked around, in desperate for something useful.

"What street are you on?"

"Uh, West Smith Str-" I said, before feeling a whack against my head.

"Lilac? Lilac? Are you okay? What's that noise?" I heard Michaels worried voice blur from the phone, as my vision became blury. Before I knew it, I blacked out.


Michaels POV (For once)

"What street are you on?" I asked, tears in my eyes as I hailed a taxi. Calum and Luke stumbled out my house after me, mumbling incoherents as Ashton failed to catch up.

"West Smith Str-" I heard a crackle and a muffled banging noise, then the phone went silent. I gasped.

"Lilac? Lilac? Are you okay? What's that noise?!" I choked on my words, as taxis drove past, ignoring my panic.

"Where is she?" Ashton asked, as I stressed out, waving my arm frantically for a fucking goddamn taxi.

"West Smith Street." I whispered, before I began running across the busy road, Luke and Calum calling for me to watch out as I dodged the beeping cars. I didn't look back to see if they were following me, I was focused on finding her. Finding my one true love, Lilac.

I was still on the phone to her, constantly asking if she was okay, but no answer. I hung up, wiping my tired eyes as I heard footsteps get closer to me from behind. "Michael! Michael! Jesus christ you run fast." Ashton said as I slowed down, catching my breathe. Luke and Calum caught up too, and we took a moment to breathe.

I tried to run again, still catching my breathe. Calum grabbed my arm. "We have to find her together, I don't want you getting lost too." He frowned as I tried to pull my arm away.

"I need to find her!" I shouted, tears in my eyes. "Sh-She's-"

Luke pulled me into a hug as tears ran down my cheeks. "I just want her in my arms. I j-just need her safe in my arms, Luke." I mumbled as warm tears escaped from my eyes.

"We'll find her. Where did she say she was?" Calum asked, as Ashton tried to look for signal on his phone.

"W-West Smith Street." I stuttered, looking around as I pulled away from mine and Luke's hug.

"This way." Ashton said as he finally got up directions on his phone, and we followed the way down winding paths and streets till we stopped at the corner of West Smith Street.

"Are you sure? She's not here." Luke said, catching his breathe again. I looked around, blinking, and began calling her name.

"Lilac? Lilac?!" I raised my voice, earning some shouts back from people hanging out of windows of their houses, telling me to shut up. I ignored them and ran down the street, till I found a flashing item on the floor. Looking closely, it appeared to be her phone. I picked it up, shivering and choking on my breathe.

"What's tha- oh." Ashton gulped besides me as I turned it on, finding a picture of me and her on the lock screen. I noticed a crack down the middle of the screen, knowing that wasn't there this morning. I choked and looked around.

"She has to be here. She has to." I panicked.

"Let's call the police." Luke suggested, knowing something was up. Calum and Ashton agreed, as I continued to look around and call her name.

Whilst Luke was on the phone, I sat on the curb and buried my head in my hands, her phone in my left hand. I was flicking through photos on her phone, smiling weakly at selfies we took. There was one after the gig we did the other day, one of just us, smiling and grinning, another of us two, but me giving her a kiss on the cheek as she grinned at the screen. Then there were more, of the whole band and her, Lilac being given a piggy back by me and Calum and Lukes back as Ashton stuck his head in the bottom of the screen, taking the picture.

Tears fell again, and I rubbed my eyes. "We should go, the cops are gonna be here soon.. You need some rest." Luke frowned, rubbing my shoulder.

"B-But somethings happened to her Luke, I need- I need her now. I c-can't take it anymore." I struggled with my words as I attempted to wipe away my tears. Luke nodded, rubbing my back. "I love her so much."

He pulled me into another hug, as I cried into his shirt. "I know Michael, I know."

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