Chapter 16

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(I'll be noting the POV's as they'll be changing from Lilac to Michael for a while now as the story progresses.)

Lilac's POV

I woke up with a soft groan, my arm aching and a bright white light flooding in to my vision. Shutting my eyes tight, I tried to wake up properly before opening my eyes again and adjusting to the light.

"Ah, Alice, you're awake. Feeling any better?" The nice guy from yesterday was here, whom directed me to this room. The other doctor, who I got blood on, was stood besides him.

I studied their nametags. Doctor Smith and Doctor Lucas. "Uh, I don't think so.." I said with a mumble, looking at my right arm to see a giant purple bruise, almost the size of my fist. "What the fuck?" I yelped, feeling it sting again. I cursed under my breathe, pulling the sleeve of the hospital gown over the bruise.

"Oh yes, we have to ask a question about that nasty bruise. We found it to be there already when we were about to begin examinations. It seems that someone had a hard grip on your arm or you hit your arm of some sort..?"

I blinked, my vision going blury, my head began to hurt again like it did yesterday when I tried to remember something. "Er, I don't know how that got there. Must've got it before I woke up yesterday." I muttered, watching Doctor Lucas scribbling something down on his clipboard.

"Yes.. And there's something else we must ask about.." Doctor Smith continued, with a deep sigh. "We found some scars on your stomach.. I suppose you don't know about them either. But we gathered an explanation.. Which is why we want to put you under therapy with us while you'll be staying here."

"Woah, what?" I said, sitting up, which only made my arm hurt again when I put pressure on it to push me up. "Therapy? I'm-I'm not crazy!" I said with a stutter, breathing deeply.

"Yes, we understand that. But not only do you have no remembrance of what occurred before you found yourself standed.. but it seems you've been harming yourself too.. I'm sorry, but we must." He said with a soft tone.

"How long am I staying here?" I squeaked, looking down.

"Until your memory and state have both became stable.. That could take weeks, months, possibly.. years.." Dr Smith said with a sad look, as my breathe hitched.

"Years?" I repeated with a whisper. Dr Lucas now spoke, with a stern tone as he did yesterday.

"We can't let you leave this hospital till all of your memory has returned.. Having discovered your head had a concussion which resulted in internal bleeding, which we fixed up, you were lucky to survive." He said with a short breathe, before continuing.

"If your friend hadn't brought you here, you could be suffering from even worse results.. possibly death. And as Doctor Smith said, the recovery of your brain damage could take a long time, so we need to act quickly."

I nodded, biting my lip.

"Soon the cops will be here for a talk with you to scope further into the situation, it seems the wound at the back of your head which caused your concussion was intended. By someone else, we presumed when you discovered this note in your pocket." Dr Smith added, showing the piece of paper I found yesterday.

"There'll be a plan to put a picture of you on the news, along with a description of your situation. If anyone recognises you then there'll be more chance of recovery to your brain, seeing a refreshing face could speed up the brains process. If you recognise that personal, then you could be out of here sooner than thought.."

I gave a nod, pursing my lips into a thin line as I took in all the information, ignoring the small sting in my arm. "Now.. Your therapist will be here shortly along with your medication which you will take daily. We'll see you soon, Alice." Dr Lucas gave a weak smile before turning on his heel and exiting the room, followed by Dr Smith.

I lay back, my head softly hitting the pillow. My eyes stared up at the ceiling.

How the heck did I get in this mess..?

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