Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning, feeling Michaels soft breathe against my neck. I twisted my head to see him curled up besides me, still asleep. I ruffled his bed-head softly and turned on my other side so I was facing him. I glanced at the clock sitting on the window-sill above the bed, it read 10:24. It was a Saturday, anyway.

His eyes soon lazily opened and they met mine instantly. Not a moment later, his smirk appeared. "Well, hello there."

"Seriously, dude?" I tried to untangle my arms and legs from his, and got up. His hands gripped around my waist, trying to pull my back down. The grip he had on my waist, it made me think of Steve. I froze and moved from him immediatley with a shudder.

"What's up?" He saw the fear in my eyes and sat up, shaking his head at himself. "I'm sorry. I'm not gonna be like him. I promise." Michael reached out his hand, and I thought for a second, before I took it and stepped back towards him. He twirled me into his arms and we found our faces inches apart yet again. "Why oh why do we keep finding ourselves like this." He muttered. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breathe tickle my cheeks.

"Must be a sign." I joked, smirking. Michael didn't see this as a joke, though, as he began to lean in like we did yesterday. As if by trance, I found myself leaning to him as well. I guess the heart took over my mind, because when our lips touched, I didn't even regret it.

We pulled a part though, quite awkwardly. "Uh, I er, sorry." He murmered, scratching the back of his neck. I shook my head and apologised too.

Ignoring the situation, we joined hands and walked down the narrow stairs. Michael went to find some breakfast, and I dodged around the messy living room and sat on the couch, thinking about what just happened. We.. We just kissed. Like, our mouths touched.

The thought clouded my head, and I found myself.. smiling. It then came to me, I- I like Michael.


I was in Michaels place, shovelling rubbish into a binbag. Michael was out getting food. The only thing that I've been thinking about all day, is that kiss. Was it an accident? I mean, we both leaned in. And to be honest, I liked it. I could still taste him on my lips, and I could still feel his arms wrapped around my waist.

I missed him being a part from me, like we were two halves of one soul. He made me happy, instantly. Is this what it feels like to be in.. love?

I tried to ignore the thought for as long as possible, as I had finished tidying downstairs and went to tidy the upstairs. First, I tried to tidy his bedroom, throwing his underwear lying on the floor into one pile which I had dragged to the washing machine in the next room. After putting all of his dirty underwear in the wash, I started throwing beer cans and junk in a bin bag. I went down the side of his bed, finding the Blink 182 shirt shoved down there, from when I had fell down the side. I then thought of when we almost kissed.

I went pink, and I held the shirt close. The smell of Michael drafted from the shirt, and I pulled it over my head. It was a bit big on me, since I was smaller than him. But I liked it. I carried on tidying his bedroom, as best as I could, trying to dodge any other hiding underwear. Then I went into the bathroom, and I almost dropped the bin bag to the floor.

Hair dye bottles everywhere, of every colour in the rainbow. I looked in each bottle to see if there was any dye left in them, and threw away the empty ones. Then I put all the either half full or new bottles in the cupboard, followed by his shampoos, etc. I opened the window, finding it was quite stuffy in here, and saw my car pull up infront of the house. He opened the door and climbed out, opening the boot of the car and started hauling out some bags of shopping.

His head tilted up and he saw me. "Having fun there, watching me struggle?" Michael smirked. I rolled my eyes and hopped down the stairs, opening the door for him. Then I helped him carry in the shopping, locking my car after and we put away all the food and drink in the correct places.

Afterwards, he admired my work and I gave him a tour of his 'new, improved home'. He seemed pretty impressed, especially when he noticed his shirt on me. "What you doing with that old thing?" He asked, tugging at the hem of the shirt.

I shrugged and felt his arms snake around my waist. "I like it."

"I like it on you too, though I'd prefer you in nothing." He smirked. I swatted his arm in a jokey way and he laughed at my embarassment to his remark.

"Michael," I began, catching his attention as we sat on the bed. Well, he did, he pulled me onto his lap, gently. "What happened this morning?" I asked, wanting to bring up the kiss. I bit my lip as he ruffled his hair and thought.

"Well, we woke up," He began. I shook my head.

"No Michael, the kiss." His mouth formed into an 'o' shape. Michael's cheeks then went pink and I turned myself around on his lap to face him, so my legs were wrapped around his waist. He seemed to like this position, a smirk slowly appearing on his lips.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and he got back to the subject, ruffling his hair. "I don't know. I just really wanted to kiss you, I guess." He looked down. I smiled and put our foreheads together, trying to catch his eyes. "Lilac. What are you-"

I cut him off as I closed the space between us, our noses squishing against each others. I felt him smile into the kiss, causing me to too. The kiss lasted atleast 5 seconds, and when we pulled a part we just stared at each other, knowing that wasn't a mistake. I could taste him on my lips, and it felt nice. To have him in my arms, and myself in his, it felt right.

"Well.." He grinned, playing with my hair. "That was fun."

I bit my lip, looking up at him. "Wanna do it again?"

"I though you'd never ask." He smirked, our lips melting into each others immediatley.

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