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Taylor POV

I learned from  a young age that the industry i work in is tough and grueling, the media and the public eye is invasive and have no care or regard for your feeling or emotions. For years i have lived with people judging my every move, I have planned for the worst to happen not just in the media but also in regard of my safety. It is now normal that i have wound dressings where ever i go and i have plans in place in case people come into my house. 

I have a feeling that Travis Kelce was going to be a pain in my ass to live with but at least he's nice to look at.

It had just occurred to me that he has been around the whole house to make sure it was up to standard but i hadn't yet showed him where his bedroom would be. I walk into the guest bedroom and make sure it is all clean before going to find Travis sitting at the dinning table on his laptop.

I assume he hears me now in the same room and i quickly find his eyes, they are a stunning shade of green and i have a feeling i could get lost in them many times

"Do you need something Miss Swift?" he asks pulling me out of my thoughts and i clear my throat

"No i uh yes, i was going to show you were you will be staying" i explain once i catch my words

"Okay" he says and gets up to get both of his bags before following me

"This is now your room" i explain as i open the door and walk in

Travis walks in and places his bags on to the bed

"Thank you Miss Swift, when i was looking around earlier i figures that was your room over there" he talks, pointing to the room across the hall

"Yes, that is mine, if my family ever comes and stays they are in the rooms downstairs

"Thank you for letting me know"

I walk out of the room and leave Travis alone, going back to the book i was reading.

I didn't need a bodyguard, i had my security and that was enough. Ever since i had first came into the spot light i had never truly been alone. I was always driven places, always had security with me no matter where i was but now i had someone living in my house, someone that i didn't know. It is safe to say that i wasn't happy when Tree demanded it and i still don't like it but i knew their really isn't a lot i can do.

Minutes later there is a piece of paper being placed in my lap with a list of events that are on my calendar

"What's this?" I ask, looking up from my book to make eye contact with Travis

"Everywhere you can't go" He explains

"What why? I have to attend these things" I roll my eyes

"They aren't safe and they don't have the room for the safety that you are needing"

"Is it not your job to keep me safe? you will be there so it will be fine" I ask

"It is my job to keep you safe hence why you will not be attending" He says before walking away 

Annoyed that Travis is cancelling my events i decide to invite over one of my friends Blake to lighten my mood, she said she will be over in half an hour so i get up and start cleaning the kitchen from the mess that i had made earlier in the day. 

"My friend is coming over soon, please don't bother us when she is here" I mention to Travis as i walk passed him 

"Who is this friend?" He asks 

"Blake Lively" 

"Next time you invite someone over i need you to ask please, i cant do my job if you are not cooperating" 

"I can have my friends over in my house" I snap 

"I never said you couldn't"  He snaps back and in return i walk off. 

Maybe i was being a little harsh on Travis but i wasn't happy that he was here and i found no reason to fake that i was. He had walked into my house and changed all of my plans without bothering to get to know me and i personally thought that to be quite rude. 

A knock at my door causes me to jump slightly and then i quickly get up from the couch to go and answer the door but am quickly stopped by Travis arm being extended out Infront of me 

"What are you doing? That is my friend at the door" 

"are you positive that it could be no one else?" He asks back 

"Well no but i know its her" I answer

"Exactly, let me do my job" Travis moves in front of me and opens the door

"Hi, who are you" Travis asks and i roll my eyes knowing he knows who it is 

"Blake lively, and you are?" She asks back 

Instead of replying Travis moves out of the way to let her in and closes the door behind her 

"I will be in my room doing work if you need me" Travis explains walking off and up the stairs leaving the two of us behind. 

"Who is that" Blake asks moving to take a seat on the couch 

"My new bodyguard that now lives with me, Tree hired him" I explain following to also take a seat. 

As the hours of the day passed Blake and I had baked cookies and made dinner, all while drinking most likely way to much wine. We talked about Travis living here and how i felt about it. 

"Okay, i have to go home" Blake complained as she got up from the couch, i followed her actions but almost fell back over 

"Have fun with hot stuff up there" She laughed finding herself more funny than i did 

"Goodnight, thank you for coming over" I half walked and half stumbled over to the door with her 

Once she was out the door and i closed it behind her i decided that i had drank enough and it was now time to head to bed, making my way up only a few of my steps before i fell back but quickly grabbing the railing to steady myself. I huffed loudly as i tried again. 

"Need some help?" Travis asks as he walks out of his room with a smirk 

"Don't make fun of me" I roll my eyes annoyed at him 

"I'm not, come on i will help you to bed" He offers, moving closer to me and helping me up the stairs 

"Yes you are, you are rude" I complain 

"I am just doing my job" He explains 

"No you are rude, you came into my house and told me i cant do things that i want to, you came into my house and didn't even tell me anything about yourself. You haven't tried to be nice at all or talk to me and i think you are really mean" I complain, not realizing that i was saying as i stumbled over my words 

"Okay i'm sorry" 

"No your not you are just saying that" i say as we make it into my room and i am placed onto my bed 

"Goodnight Miss Swift" He says before moving to leave my room

"And you don't even call me Taylor" I yell out, falling back onto my bed before quickly falling asleep. 

Rule Breakers- A Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now