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Taylor POV 

"What the fuck" I jump awake as i hear Tree shout from the doorway of Travis' bedroom 

I blink multiple times hoping that each time i open my eyes Tree wont be standing there looking at me like she id going to kill me. This isn't how i wanted her to find out, not with me wrapped in Travis' arms 

"Taylor Alison Swift downstairs now" she demands and i nod, not knowing to say i sigh as she stops down the stairs i quickly get up and see a worried look on Travis' face before i follow her downstairs. 

"Tell me that was a joke, tell me that i didn't just find you in bed with your bodyguard" She yells standing in the kitchen as i rub my eyes awake 

"I'm sorry, i was going to tell you" I try to explain but she cuts me off 

"Taylor you are smarter than this, i hired that man to protect you but you just jump into bed with him are you kidding me. I knew you needed a bodyguard but i didn't realize i should hire a babysitter too" 

I open my mouth to speak but once again Tree starts 

"You just had a breakup a few months ago what is wrong with you?" she asks still yelling. that hurt. 

"What's wrong with me?" I clarify, tears threating to run down my cheeks 


"Tree i didn't mean to develop feeling for him" I explain softly trying not to cry 

"Feelings Taylor? You clearly don't know what feelings are by your track record" Tree yells, that's what breaks me and tears start to run down my face as i begin to try and wipe them all 

I sniffle as i wipe my face and see Travis walking down the stairs, as soon as his eyes fall onto my face he starts walking faster 

"Sweet girl why are you crying?" He asks as he walks over 

"Sweet girl" Tree scoffs 

I ignore her comment and look at Travis trying to stop my tears. He quickly pulls me into his embrace and places kisses on my head as i slowly stop crying, feeling somewhat better i pull away from Travis to look back at Tree 

"You're fired, and you i don't even know what to with you" Tree points between the two of us 

Gaining some courage i quickly start talking "Okay Tree you can fire him but that doesn't change the fact that i am falling in love with him, it also doesn't change the fact that i can just hire him. Also you don't have to do anything with me i am an adult and i am your boss" I snap  

"Taylor you can't fall in love with him that is crazy, the media will have a field day" 

"Tree they have a field day any day, no matter what i'm wearing or who i'm dating. It doesn't matter what i am doing with my life they will always have a problem so i just don't give a fuck anymore" I admit and she slowly nods 

"Okay" she takes a deep breath 

"I'm sorry that i came in a yelled and i am really sorry for what i said it isn't true and i am happy that you seem happy but seriously Travis can no longer be your bodyguard, it isn't safe for you so i will be looking for a new one" she explains and i sigh

"She is right sweet girl, I wouldn't be able to protect you right if we are doing things together" Travis backs up Tree 

"Do you mind if i figure that out here?" Tree asks and i nod 

Tree walks off to the kitchen counter pulling her laptop open and i move to wrap my arms around Travis' middle.

"I'm so sorry" 

"Why? You didn't do anything" He asks 

"Now you don't have a job" I Explain and he nods 

"Yes but i can figure that out, what matters is that we don't have to hide if you don't want us to baby girl" Travis smiles down at me 

"We can be together without caring" I smile back

I being my head up and stand on my toes to make it easier to kiss Travis 

"Thank you for being here" I say after pulling away 

"I wouldn't be anywhere else"

"Okay it is going to take me at least a few days until i can find someone who is a good fit for the job, to bad this happened Travis was an easy hire" Tree explained as she lifted her eyes above her computer 

"I can stay her body guard until you find someone else, we remained professional outside of the house for long enough already i'm sure we can do it again" Travis offered and i nodded  

"Only for a week until i find someone else" Tree agreed 

"Well that settles it, Miss Swift send over your schedule for the next week" Travis laughs looking down at me 

"No" I giggle "If you want to know what i'm doing i respond to mothing but sweet girl or any of the other nice names you use" 

"Okay princess show me your calendar" Travis says leaning down to kiss me

"Okay" I whisper into his lips  

"Okay you too are gross and cute and now im leaving" Tree gets up and walks over to the two of us 

"I'm sorry for what i said to you" She explains softly 

"All is forgiven, have a good day Tree"

Rule Breakers- A Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now