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Taylor POV 

Falling asleep in Travis arms definitely settled the thought about what had happened earlier in the night but once i was asleep it was free game for all of my feeling and thought to come out when i couldn't do anything about it. 

In the last twenty or so years with me being in the public eye and getting my photo taken where ever i go i had never had someone successfully grab me and pull me away from my team, don't get me wrong people tried all types of things but this was the first time i was actually grabbed and i was so scared. 

Some nights i preferred sleep and my dreams rather than the crazy real world that i lived in, normally my dreams were peaceful and i was just a normal person in them getting to do whatever i pleased. 

But tonight my dreams were anything but peaceful. The strangers hands were on me again and i was being pulled away. I could once again feel the feeling of his hands on waist and him gripping like i belonged to him. 

My eyes flew open as i panted, trying to get my breath back to normal after such a realistic dream but that didn't work, instead i started crying. 

"Sweet girl what happened" I hear Travis ask as he rubs his eyes

I didn't realize who he was in the moment, all i knew is that i wasn't in my room and there was a man in my bed and i was terrified. I quickly jump out of bed and move to  stand in the corner as i try to wipe my tears

"Princess it's me, It's Travis baby' Travis softly says as he also get off of the bed 

I quickly take a deep breath as i figure out that i was safe and it was only Travis next to me. 

"Can i hug you" Travis asks as he moves closer slowly, not wanting to scare me more 

I nod my head and move to quickly be in his embrace, Travis quickly pulls me into him before taking us back to sit on his bed as he whispers sweet and calming words in my ear while i try to steady my breathing 

Eventually my tears stop and i am breathing normally again. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Travis asks 

"It was just happening again, he grabbed me and i was scared it just all felt way to real" I explained and felt him nod his head 

"I'm so sorry baby"

"You don't have to say sorry it's okay i just need sleep" I offer feeling bad that Travis had been blaming himself for what had happened 

"Would it be easier if you slept alone, so if you wake up you know you aren't any danger when you see someone next to you?" Travis asks in a soft voice as he rubs his hand up and down my arm 

Even though i had only slept next to Travis a few times the thought of sleeping alone sounded like the worst thing in the world, i liked falling asleep in his protective arms and being held all night but i knew that if i go back to sleep with him i will wake up and have the same reaction that i did just minutes ago. 

I slowly nod my head "I'm sorry"

"No no you have nothing to be sorry for, lets get you to bed hey" Travis grabs my hand and walks me across the hall and into my my bedroom 

I get into bed and Travis places the covers over my body, tucking me in like a child 

"Goodnight baby girl" My lips are me with Travis' before he walks out of the bedroom and i close my eyes hoping for a better sleep. 

Rule Breakers- A Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now