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Travis POV

Taylor walked off into the bathroom and i took my seat back on the couch next to my family 

"What is in the envelope?" My mum asks me 

"Five million dollars" i answer honestly and she laughs along with everyone else. They all quickly stop when they realize i wasn't joking 

"Wait, actually?" Jason asks me and i nod in return

"So obviously she pays me but we are kind of falling in love with each other and obviously that wasn't the plan, If her Publicist finds out who is also like her second mum she might fire me but Taylor doesn't want that so she said she was giving me this to make sure i was okay in case anything bad happens." I Explain and everyone's jaws drop

"What the fuck" Kylie speaks 

"Yeah" I agree, not knowing what else to say. 

Taylor walks out of the bathroom and all eyes fall onto her,  i get up and walk over to her placing my hands on either sides of her face before moving my lips down to meet hers 

"Travis, were are in front of your family" Taylor whispers as she pushes me away from her 

"They know" I tell her and she nods moving back to wrap her hands around my neck 

We go back and take a seat on the couch, i pull Taylor close. 

"So how long has this been going on?" Jason breaks the silence and asks

"Well last week we kind of figured that we felt the same way about each other" Taylor explains

"And you to aren't allowed to be in a relationship" My mum confirms and i nod my head 

"Well he is hired by my publicist who will be royally pissed off if she finds out but she is hired by me so really if she fires him i can just hire him" Taylor laughs

"Damn Boss lady" Kylie laughs out  

The rest of the afternoon goes smoothly as we all sit around and flow through conversations. 

Taylor and I are back in her house and ever since we spoke about how mad Tree would be if she found out it has been playing on my mind and i need to talk to her about it 

"Taylor" I say as i walk into her office 

"Are you okay?" She asks as soon as she lifts her head to see me standing in her doorway

"Yeah i just want to talk to you about us" I explain and watch her face slowly drop but she walks over to sit with me on the couch 

"Is this the type of talk where we sit far apart or where i can comfortably sit on you?" she asks softly and i let out a chuckle as i open my arms and she makes herself comfortable on my lap. 

"I just want you to know that i am falling for you pretty fast and i really want to keep exploring us if you do too" I admit 

"Travis of course i want to, I really want us to become something" She honestly states moving to kiss me 

"I want you to be my girlfriend but i want to ask you properly" 

"Whenever you ask the answer will be yes" She smiles 

Getting to spend my days with Taylor was one of the greatest things and i feel so lucky that she thinks i am worth her time and energy. 

Taylor and i aren't dating yet and i also still work for her so when night time rolls around we separate into our respected bedrooms

"Goodnight beautiful" I say to Taylor as she lets go of my hand and she starts to blush 

"Goodnight Travis" She walks into her bedroom and lowers herself into bed as i go into mine and get under the covers 

Unable to fall asleep i spend what seems like an hour tossing and turning trying to fall into a deep sleep but it doesn't seem to be happening. I quickly flip my head to now face my bedroom door when i hear Taylor walk quietly to the door 

"Are you okay?" I ask instantly 

"Can i come in" she asks shyly. I just nod my head in return and she starts walking towards the bed

"What's happened?" I ask worried that something might have happened to her 

"I can't sleep and i just feel safe near you" she admits. I lift one of my arms so the blanket also comes up, indicating for Taylor to climb into the warm bed. 

she hesitantly gets in and moves closer to me as i wrap one of my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as she can be. 

"Thank you Travis" Taylor whispers as she tilts her head up to look at me, placing a soft kiss upon my lips 

"You never have to thank me sweet girl" I explain and she blushes instantly causing me to let a chuckle escape my lips 

"I like when you call me things like that" she admits 

"Yeah?" I ask 

"Yeah, it makes me feel special" 

"You are special sweet girl. Get some sleep" I place a kiss on Taylors head as she snuggles deeper into me 

Soon enough her breathing evens out and she is out like a light, feeling okay now that i know she is safe i let myself drift off to sleep a lot easier than list time now having Taylor in my arms. 

Due to going to sleep so late and being so comfortable i didn't hear the knocking that would have occurred at the door, instead i am awaken by Tree standing at my bedroom door looking at Taylor who is lying directly on top of me with her face buried into my neck. 

"What the fuck" Tree yells, causing both me and Taylor to jump awake. 

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