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Taylor POV 

I wasn't meaning on being rude to Travis but he wasn't listening and i just snapped which was really no excuse and i felt really bad about it. 

This morning was already a rollercoaster of emotions and it just seems to be getting worse as the minutes pass. 

I had walked back into my room to get ready for the day when i was met with a sight no other than my period, I always hated everything that was walking and talking when i was on my period convinced that it was every body's fault i was feeling sick and in pain and Travis had been the latest victim. 

I sat on my bed for a few minutes more minutes before deciding that i should probably go down and say sorry to Travis before he quits the job like i told him to and then i wont see him again. I walk down the stairs slowly, totally unsure of what i will say but i was really hoping that he didn't hate me.

I walked back into the dinning room where i normally find him working, which is where i find him now. Sitting with his head down as he focuses on whatever he was doing on his laptop. 

"Hi" I shyly say as i walk closer, his gaze comes up to quickly meet mine before he returned it back down to his laptop. 

"I'm sorry i was really mean just before and i didn't mean to be i don't know why i was" I try to explain as i pick at my fingers 

Travis lifts his head to look up at me "I forgive you, what's wrong though?" He asks 

"I just feel crappy and sick today and i took it out on you, i'm sorry" 

"I already said it's okay you don't have to say sorry again" He says closing his laptop now 

"I know but i was mean and i don't want you to quit and leave and I'll be lonely again" I blurt out, not realizing the words i was speaking. My eyes stinging with tears as they slowly move from my eyes to down my cheeks 

"Hey woah take a second, I am not quitting nor am i leaving. You had a moment and that's okay everybody has them" He tries to reason with me but i shake my head as i keep crying 

"I'm really sorry" I cough out one more time and this time Travis gets up from his seat and walks over to where i am standing

"Can i hug you?" He asks and i nod in return 

Travis pulls me into his embrace and i instantly let out a loud sigh, sniffling as i wipe my tears with one of my hands as my other arm wraps around Travis torso. I immediately start to feel calmer and better the longer i stand with his arms around me  

 "It's okay beautiful" He whispers, rubbing my back up and down 

The sweet name causes me to both smile and blush, I know that we said nothing can happen but when he says things like that it makes me only want to break the rules more. 

Eventually my tears stop and i am no longer sniffling so Travis slowly lets go of me, i sigh at the lack of contact and he smiles at me with a sad smile. 

"How about we go sit down and you can tell me why you feel so crappy today, because i really like happy Taylor and i want her back" He says sweetly 

Travis grabs my hand and leads me to the couch and we both sit down, he goes to let go of my hand but i tightly squeeze it and in return he doesn't let go. 

"You want to tell me what happened?" He asks and i drop my head 

" I just got my period and i get in a bad mood when i have it and i know that is no excuse but it just happens" I blurt out 

"Hey okay, that is a reason to be moody and it a good reason to so don't feel bad, I'm sorry that i didn't listen to you earlier when you asked me to leave that probably didn't help" 

"No Travis this isn't your fault, i was rude but thank you for being understanding" I explain and he nods his head in response 

I move my head slightly so now we are making  eye contact, with unspoken words we somehow both know what the other is thinking and as i move my body closer Travis his arms open, I quickly fall into them moving my head so it's resting on his arm.

"We shouldn't do this" I admit but making no effort to move 

"I know" He agrees 

"But i don't care, i didn't mean to have feelings for you but it happened and im not mad about it" I admit again 

"Me too, i just can really lose this job Taylor as much as i want to be with you" I nod against him as he talks 

"I wouldn't let you get fired i promise, I know that Tree pays you but i pay her so if she fires you i will just hire you" I laugh about the last part but i was still being serious, i close my eyes feeling like they are to heavy 

"You sleepy?" I hear Travis ask and i nod my head 

"I didn't sleep good last night" I admit and he lets out a hum 

"Sleep now, we have nothing to do today and i don't mind staying here all day" He says and with that i drift off into a sleep. 

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