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Taylor POV 

I had never once questioned the choices that Tree made regarding me until right now. This man that she hired was odd and i didn't like him. But i trusted her enough to tolerate him and his weirdness, who knows maybe that was just they way he did his job. 

"Miss Swift i need your updated calendar whenever you can send it through" Daniel comes up behind me and places a hand on my back as i sit at my kitchen stools 

"Yeah of course" I shrug his touch off and go back to what i was doing

The whole week that he had been staying here he had touched me each time he talked, he would go to grab me as we walked and each time i moved out of his hold or squirmed from his touch, i didn't know if i was over thinking it and it was normal for him to do so but a part of me didn't like it. 

I knew that Daniel had a job to do and i shouldn't make it harder for him so i decided to play nice even if sometimes he acted strange 

"Hey Daniel" I called out as i walked into the kitchen 

"What's up Doll?" He lifted his head from his laptop and i squirmed at the name. I loved little pet names like that from Travis but from anyone else i just wanted to be sick. Deciding that maybe he was just trying to be nice i brush it off and continue with what i needed to talk to him about 

"I have an event to go to in like three days i think and i sent it over to you to review and give me the all clear, is that a go ahead or?" I ask, needing to know what i was doing 

"Sorry it must have slipped my mind but yes all clear on that, one thing though? He says 

"Yeah what is it?" 

"Travis can't attend, i don't have the room for him on the team that night" He explains and i frown 

Tree had a pretty lengthy conversation with me when Travis had started this role about how i wasn't treating him fair so i thought i would try to be nice to Daniel and hope it would make both of our lives easier 

"Oh that's okay Travis isn't actually part of the team officially anymore so he is just coming as my company" I explain, making Daniel's eyes narrow onto me and he becomes tense at my words 

"Okay" He gets up from his seat 

"But he isn't needed i will keep you safe" Daniels hand lightly taps my back repeatedly as he walks around me

Some people were touchy people but this just seemed like a little too much, I kept my eyes on the back of Daniel who was getting water as Travis' arms wrapped out my waist as his head rested on my shoulder. 

"Hey baby girl" He greeted as he places a soft kiss on my neck 

"Hi" I giggle out and Daniel turns around staring at the two of us 

"Travis you aren't needed on Friday night" Daniel blurted out and my jaw slightly dropped trying to figure out if he just forgot the conversation we had like two seconds ago 

"What?" Travis asks 

"Nothing baby, You can come to the Event i have on Friday right?" I ask 

"Of course sweet girl, I wouldn't miss it" He kisses my neck again 

"Well I am capable of looking after Taylor" Daniel snaps 

Travis POV

Their was not a single cell in my body that liked Daniel, he looked at Taylor too much and some of his comments were just out of pocket. I think he is a little touchy and i am nearly positive that he has a little crush on Taylor which infuriates me but i like pissing him off. 

"I would hope so buddy you're getting paid to do so" I snap back before spinning Taylor around in my arms so her front presses against me 

I lean down and pull Taylors face up to meet mine before slamming my lips into hers. I will never get over how happy she makes me and i love kissing her so it was just an added bonus that it pissed off Daniel 

I pull my lips of Taylors and press them against her forehead while staring at Daniel who's eyes are glued to Taylor. Of course i did what any normal boyfriend would do and Squeeze Taylors Thighs so she jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. 

Before i walk off to our bedroom i make sure that Daniel is watching before i lightly slap her ass, making sure not to hurt her but also making sure that Daniel see's. 

Once we get up the stairs i place Taylor on the bed as she lays back and hover my body over hers with my elbows above her head so i don't crush her. 

"I don't like him" I say into her neck that i am now kissing 

"I figured, you are not normally this touchy" She giggles pulling my face to meet hers before she places her lips onto mine.  

Rule Breakers- A Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now