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Taylor POV

I was woken up by the light shaking of my body that Travis was doing as he softly kissed my head, i squirm around and open my eyes to see a streesed Travis hovering over me 

"You okay baby, you seem stressed?" I ask with a worried look

"I have to go to Jason's house kylie is in the hospital im sorry sweet girl i need to look after the girls" He hurried out and i shook my head

''No no don't say sorry go. I can come with you if you like" I offer

"No you have so much to do today but if you want to join later then i would love to have you there"

"Of course I'll come" I place a light kiss on Travis lips before he goes back up the stairs to pack.

Travis had left an hour ago and i was no fully ready to start my busy day, going through meeting after meeting and having a small break to quickly make some lunch.

I walk into the kitchen to find Daniel already in there doing something on his laptop. I move around him to go and find food

"Where did Travis go?" He asks as he appears behind me

"Just to his brothers" I reply, moving to grab the salt and pepper

"How long until he is back?" He asks another question

"Most likely a few days" I inform not really thinking to much about his questions because it is his job to know where i am and what i am doing all the time

"Guess it 's just us two then" He laughs as he grabs the sides of me but i quickly move out of his grip and walk off

Travis was never touching me or making such odd comments when he was just working for me, don't get me wrong the moment i confessed my feelings and let him know i didn't care about the rules we were all over each other but i don't know why Daniel was always touching me

The day passed and i have messaged Travis to let him know that i would come join him tomorrow morning if he would have me there, of course he had said yes so i packed an overnight bag with a few things i would need and moved to go say goodnight to Daniel

"Good night, i am off to sleep" I announce as i see him sitting in the living room but he just nods in response

I turn to walk up the stairs to get into bed when i turn around and see him following me as i walk into my room

"Do you need something?" I ask confused

"I was just thinking about something" He explains and i nod my head for him to continue, thinking he was talking about work

"Travis isn't here" He got closer, walking into my bedroom

"So you don't have to pretend" I had no idea what he was talking about

"Pretend what?" I ask confused

Instead of responding to me with words Daniel grabs my waist roughly and pulls me into him

"What are you doing?" I try to move his hands but he just holds them tighter

"Giving you what you want, i know you want my hands on your body"

"Daniel please let go" I plead

"Your mine now" He whispers

"Ouch Daniel your hurting me" I whimper

He pushes his head closer in a fast motion and before i can even know or react to what he is doing his lips are roughly on mine as he tries his hardest to kiss me. I quickly press my lips together tightly and push his shoulders so he slightly stumbles back

"Get out" I yell

"You can't tell me to get out, i live with you Taylor you can't get rid of me" He smirks

"Get out before i scream and you have three men in here dragging you out" I point to the door trying my hardest not to cry

He moves out the way and i follow him to the front door making sure he actually leaves

"Do not let him back in and do not drive him anywhere" I sternly state to the three men outside of my house

"Drew can you please come inside for the night" I ask softly and he nods following me back inside the house

The one good thing about these guys is they knew i paid them to protect me but also to ask no questions.

As soon as i heard the front door close i run up into my bedroom and get into bed as the tears start to flow.

The adrenaline was now well out of my body and my mind was starting to run. Did i make him think that was okay? Why did he do that? Will Travis be mad? That wasn't cheating.

And lastly, where did Tree find this guy 1800CREEP?

I quickly move my hands around to find my phone, i turn it on and wipe my eyes as the screen is blurry because of the tears that are flowing from my eyes. I frantically find Travis contact before pressing call. Needing his comfort right now

"Hey beautiful" He greeted, his voice making me cry harder

"Woah hey princess are you crying?" He asks, his voice going from cheerful to extremely worried

"Travis" I cry out

"Hold on baby i'm switching this to FaceTime" He tells me before i see his worried face fill up my screen

"I didn't cheat" I cough out needing him to know

"Baby why would i think that, i know you didn't i only left today" He is clearly confused

"Take a deep breath my love and then tell me what has happened" He instructs

I do as told and take a deep breath trying to regulate my breathing and after awhile it works

"Daniel came into my room and he kissed me, he was being touchy a lot this week and i didn't think anything about it but he grabbed me and it hurt Travis but i didn't want him to" I hurry to explain before once again taking a deep breath

"He did what" Travis yells through the phone

"Travis i'm sorry" I cry out

"No baby it's okay i am not mad at you" He comforts

"I need you, i feel gross and he touched me" I let out a shacky breath, not really knowing what i am saying

"I can't get to you baby girl how about you go and get into my bed huh?" He offers and i nod, hurrying to climb into his bed

"Okay baby girl, when you get up in the morning you can come here and it will all be okay" He explains and i nod my head

"It's time for you to sleep now sweet girl, Close your eyes" I shake my head quickly at his words, not wanting him to leave me

"You can't go" I cry

"No princess i'm not. I will be on the call all night okay, i will be here when you wake up but you need to sleep darling" He explains

"Can't i just come to you now" I complain

I see Travis move his eyes from the phone and then they fall back onto me, as if he was thinking about something

"You can if you need to" He offers and i get out of his bed before walking down stairs and telling Drew to get the car ready

"I will be there in an hour" I let Travis know

"Okay sweet girl. I love you"

"I love you too"

Rule Breakers- A Tayvis storyWhere stories live. Discover now