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Travis POV 

The girls had fallen asleep on Taylor so i took them to bed, making sure they were still asleep when they were tucked in before walking out of their bedrooms and returning down the hall back to Taylor.

Taylor had been at Jason's house for twenty four hours now and i still hadn't kissed her which was unusual for the two of us. I had kissed her head and her cheek but our lips were yet to meet and as much as i wanted to i didn't know what she was comfortable with so i am letting her decide what happens and when it happens. 

while Taylor was curled up in the bed earlier i had called Jason to check up and see how everything was going, he let me know that the two of them will be back tomorrow and that all was okay. Kylie just had a horrible sickness bug but she was nearly fully better. 

Knowing that Taylor and I could leave this house tomorrow it got me thinking on where she would want to go, i know she didn't want to go home. understandably so. But i didn't know where we were headed off to 

"Hi sweet girl" I greeted as i walked beside the couch before sitting down next to Taylor 

"Hi" she softly smiled

"Kylie and Jason will be back tomorrow morning, do you know what you want to do? Where you ant to go?" I ask her softly 

"I was thinking that i could maybe go visit my family, i haven't seen them in awhile and i miss them. I would also really like them to meet you if you want to" She offered 

"That sounds lovely princess of course i would love to meet your family" I agree with her plan

"Thank you Travis" 

"No need to thank me baby, let's get to bed"

Taylor and i walk back up the hall and get into bed cuddling close to each other as sleep overcame the two of us. 

I was worried about Taylor, she tossed and turned the entire night i knew that she couldn't possibly have gotten a restful night sleep so i knew i would have to make her sleep on the plane. I messaged Jason late last night to let him know that we would be leaving as soon as they were back because Taylor had some private things going on and he understood. 

Eventually after a few hours of the morning had passed we made it onto the plane and we taking a seat getting ready for Taylor's pilot to start flying. 

"I need to call mum" Taylor announced 

"Okay, let me know if you need me" Taylor nodded and got out of her seat once the plane was in the air, moving down the plane and into the room that she had earlier mentioned had a bed in it. 

At least thirty minutes later my phone lit up with a message from Taylor

Baby girl: Can you please come here? i don't want to get up but i want your cuddles

I laughed at the message but instantly stood from my seat and moved to the door that Taylor entered when she started the phone call with her mum

"How did your call go baby?" I ask as i close the door 

"Good. Mum knows you are coming and i told her everything that happened but i didn't want her to tell my brother or dad" She explains 

"I'm glad it went well, how are you felling?" I wonder as i get into the bed and pull Taylor into my arms 

"I think i am okay, do you mind if i have a nap? i didn't sleep good last night" 

"Sleep baby girl" 

The rest of the pane ride was peaceful and it was only a short car ride until we arrived at Taylor Mum's house. It wasn't a secret that i was nervous to meet her family but my worry for her was way stronger so i really didn't care what they thought, i cared that she was okay and safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: 5 hours ago ⏰

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