We're back with the bullshit, y'all already know what the fuck going on.
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"You fuckin with the main character bruh, move around"
Likes: Bullshitting with food services, Yeezy's, Kanye West (whoops), getting new iPhones
Dislikes: Food services that go along with his bullshit, Lil Broomstick living in his house, people talking bad about Kanye or his Yeezy's
Y E E T - Powerful shout which sends the afflicted through the dimensional plane and out of existence
Kanyekanyeha - Charged up power which summons a ball of energy in his hands, which can blast targets several miles back or even disintegrate them if they're weak as shit
FOH B - Similar to YEET, albeit far less powerful. Usually only sends mfs back
Y E E E Z Y - Summons Kanye Omari West
Voice Amplification - Can say any word with bass in his voice, which can cause different effect varying on how much base he uses, ranging from disorientation to temporary deafness to permanent deafness
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"It's Yung Cash Register A.K.A Lil Broomstick"
Yung Cash Register AKA Lil Broomstick
Likes: Not having any motion, not having to work, freeloading off Baku, having a Grammy, sipping fake wok, hitting the studio
Dislikes: Being called 'Dr. Phil', working, falling off, people talking bad about his SoundCloud Career, hitting the studio (it's a double-edged sword)
Open Carry - Always keeps an assault rifle on him despite seemingly having no place for it
Hard Outer Shell - Even though he has the body of an M&M, he's damn near indestructible
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"Nah you can call ME the manager cuz I'm about to hit you with this work!"
Dislikes: Debt dodgers, Lil Broomstick, Lil Broomstick's bank account, broke people in general
Gun shit - Similar to Lil Broomstick, he always carries a pistol on him no matter the situation or setting. Where he keeps it is also a mystery, potentially has an interdimensional shirt pocket
Limited Voice Amplification - Can't use it with every word, specifically works for B R E A D and M O N E Y, though it is more powerful (AKA louder) than Baku's bass boost
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"You pulled up to the wrong place to order food"
Likes: Winning the lotto, I guess?
Dislikes: Bullshit, nonsense, working food service or any other retail, the other three main characters
K A M U I - Sends people to the 'PS2 Dimension', pretty much an inescapable purgatory. Except Baku, who can summon doors out of thin air, apparently
I Z A N A M I - Weaker version of the above, can be countered with the 'FUCK THAT ANIME SHIT' trap card
Teleportation - Can manifest anywhere at anytime, but mostly doesn't care to use it
Omniscience - Has an unparalleled grasp of how the world and how the odd powers the other three (Baku particularly) possess work