I || Meet

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Please note: This story may contain errors and grammatical mistakes. Your understanding and patience are appreciated as this is a work in progress.


Third Person's POV

Maxine stood in the cold, sterile office of her father, Mikhael Lazzaro, the air heavy with unspoken tension between them.

"I've made my decision, Maxine," her dad said, his voice devoid of emotion as he glanced up from his desk.

"You're taking over the organization."

Maxine's eyes narrowed, a mix of anger and disbelief crossing her face.

"Dad, I'm not ready for this. There are so many risks, and you know it. Besides, There are others more experienced than me." Her father's expression hardened.

"Experience is earned, not given. This is not a matter of choice. The organization needs a leader, and I'm not going to wait until you're 'ready.' It's time for you to prove yourself and take control." Her frustration grew.

"You're asking me to dive into the chaos without proper preparation. Why push me into this?" Mikhael's eyes were cold while gazing at his daughter.

"Because there's no time for sentimentality. Leadership demands sacrifice and cold decisions. If you can't handle that, then you're not fit to lead."

Maxine's shoulders sagged, knowing that resisting was not a choice.

"Alright. I'll do it. But I want to understand everything, the alliances, the enemies, and the stakes. I won't step into this blindly."

Mikhael's expression remained unchanged, but a hint of approval flickered in his eyes. "Make no mistake, Maxine. This is your only opportunity. Fail, and there will be no second chances. Show them what it means to be a Lazzaro."

Maxine nodded "I'll make sure they remember."



Aiesha sighed deeply as she packed the last of her things into her suitcase.

Her father's insistence on her returning to the Philippines had come as a shock.

"It's for your own good," he had said, his voice firm and I know that I can't change his mind.

"Finish your studies there. It'll be beneficial for your future."

But Aiesha couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her father's insistence than he was letting on.

The abrupt decision seemed suspicious, especially given how she'd been thriving while studying abroad., At kaya nga siya dinala sa Rome para mag aral din.

That's why Aiesha knew her father too well to believe this was just about her education.

His world was built on power and control, and he wouldn't bring her back without a reason that served his interests.

Clash Of Crowns (MIKHAIAH)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon