Chapter Fourteen: I Trust You

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"Your doing better". Dr. Young noted as he said in his large cushion chair with one leg crossed over the other. A large notebook

sat in the middle of his lap, blank for now.

"Its been almost four months and you seem to be coping well with the death of your mother... have you visited your father as of yet?

Dr. Young asked him resting his chin on top of an slightly closed fist looking at the sitting J.R through his square framed specks.

J.R nodded his head slightly as he looked down to the floor. Seeing his father in a mental hospital wasn't easy, then again for whom would it

be easy for?

"Has he spoken to you? Dr. Young continued.

J.R nodded his head though didn't wish to tell the doctor that his father stared at the ceiling most of the time asking for his master to come and

release him. Maybe a coping. Maybe his father didn't want to believe that he killed his wife. This made him even more angry. Though nothing became more

uneasy to than his words he gave him last weekend.

His father came into the private waiting room, nurses inside and out just in case of an outbrust. His father looked tired. His bags had grown red and purple

and puffed perfectly like the undead that had freshly rose from their sleep. His hair oiled down and messy into a ruffle.

"All of this...for the sake of you", he said to J.R. This J.R didn't understand. Was he stating that hes mother had affairs to possibly better his life?

His father stared at the floor until his hues took sight of his own. "It was well planned. All corners have to disappear after they had been used. The reason why

I'm still here. To riot. She promised me freedom. Freedom of pain. She said that I could have the love I waited. No more affairs. No more sneaking out late at night".

Hes mouth was silent as he paused as if receiving a mental message that he had to listen to due to its importance. He stayed like this for three minutes or so until hes eyes

shot to me like a dangerous dart thrown by a killer of warning.

"After all these years she still loved you. No matter how many souls were sacrificed. It had always been for you. As my son. My youngest boy. Trust her not. Trust her no more.

She will come after you to. This is all for you. You. She loves to deeply. Love doesn't bring truth, it only makes small lies bigger. She will weave many lies, she always have.

Her love for you, we will all die unless she has you. If she has you...then I may sleep". His father turned to him leaning over the oval table that parted him and his son.

"All you have to do is say yes. Do you love her J.R? His father asked him. J.R confused looking to the nursed than to his father. Of course he loved his mother, even in his death.

"DO YOU LOVE HER!!! He shouted slamming his fist on to the table.

"That's enough", both male nurses said walking behind his father.

"Than say yes J.R", his father said.

At a sudden lap the aged looking man quickly forced himself over the table gripped the sides of his son face shaking it.

"THAN SAY YES! WHEN SHE ASK. SAY YES!!! He shouted gritting his teeth shaking his youngest.

Nurses rushed in attempting to pull his father away from his face. "Don't kill me! Dad please don't its me", J.R shouted trying to pull himself away. His father's hold was to strong

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