Chapter Four: Acceptance

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"Have you seen my father? I asked the strange male that sat relaxed as could be as he looked to her. "You're father? Kingston repeated as I watched his crystal gray eyes shot to the ceiling of the hospital as if really taking the time to think about my father.

.Six feet tall, olive skin tone, dark brown eyes, black hair had a wife that was mmm your complexion I suppose. Really kinky curls", he said naming out traits of my mother and father.

"Yes", I responded in a rather hyper tone.

The one called Kingston smiled than looked to me and his laugh became deeper. His laugh became so rich that he had to bring out a satin handkerchief to cover his mouth in a mannered way. I looked to him rather confused than allowed my eyes to look up and down the hallway hoping that there was someone sane that could help her.

"What so amusing? I asked him wondering his thought of the matter. Kingston placed a hand to hold his stomach from the pain that ache him from his laughter.

"What is so damn funny", I shouted becoming angry in the moment. Kingston wiped his eyes that were not watery at all, but did so anyway and hopped from the table and walked slowly towards me.

"Would you like to see what has happen to your parents? He said to me swiping the corner of his mouth than placed his handkerchief inside of his coat and rested both of his thin fingers on to my shoulders.

.What...what has happened to them? I asked looking back to tall well dress man that held me in place of the direction he wished for me to go.

"Oh you will see but first you have to see what you have done to your friends in the care room", he said with a joyful skip in his voice. Nothing major could have happened to them I thought looking back at the double doors that I had come from. After all the room was quite, clean, I even heard a few coughs here and there for patients.

I could feel the push of Kingston's hands pushed me back towards the entrance of the care room, my mind raced as I wondered what I could have caused all by myself to the care room. "I couldn't have done anything. I couldn't move out of bed for three days, maybe longer. I was sleep for who knows how long. It couldn't have been long, when mother and father sent me here, no it couldn't have", I began to blabber as if naming off a list of why I couldn't do anything harmful".

Kingston pushed me forward until I finally placed my hands on to the double doors and pushed it open and halted in my steps. I wouldn't go any farther, I couldn't go any farther. The turn of my stomach couldn't knot any tighter as it was now. To think whatever medicine I had that was last given to me was on its way from my body system and release through my mouth in a layer of disgust but, nothing could be worse than the rare horror that was blamed on me.

"Isn't it beautiful", Kingston's voice said in a breathless awe. Kingston moved from the back of me and stepped over the body parts of what was the sick and helpless. Broken bone and intestines scattered white floors and curtains that were dangling from circled loop hooks. "Aw come now it's not that horrible", he said to me as he lifted up a head of the nurse that I had only taken a blurry glare of during my sickness.

"My God what happened, who did this? I asked frighten to lose my balance and fall into the mess of the whomevers organs were below her feet.

.You did my stupid little girl. Were you not listening when I told you would you like to see what YOU had done first to the care room? He said to me.

" could I? Why? I asked looking away from the gory scene of what I placed in my mind to be fiction.

"You were hungry", Kingston said to him. "You weren't feeding your body so your body feed itself". He said to me as I listened to his footsteps walk towards me and kneel down only to be pick me back up.

"What are you talking about? I eat food not..." I said looking at what was living people. "People ", my expression meshed into a disagreeing way.

"Oh but you do my child, you do. Why do you think your parent's called you a monster? Your father had the right idea you know, you did receive it from your mother's side of the family", patting my untamed head.

"Speaking of your mother and father", he said to her taking my hand and pulling me along into the waiting room where the sick patient's family and friends would sit if they chose to come and in many times they didn't. Kingston smiled having not to open the door to the waiting room as it was already propped open by a ripped limb of someone's arm. Pushing through he brought me into the room that matched the same coating as the care center. This made did not make me feel a single dime better; if anything whatever was coming up from my stomach was closer than I thought. "Hold on to it", Kingston said as he stopped near empty rows of chairs.

"There they are", he said pointing to the last room of wooden seats of where her parent's bodies rested back with their heads almost clear off their shoulders. I held my self, allowing my arms to comfort me as my father's arms did when I felt upset. My lower lip shivered and my eyes frowned in pure despair of my actions. I was at the point that I couldn't mutter not even the vows within the words mother and father but that didn't stop Kingston from saying it.

"Oh look. It looks like dear mummy and daddy-kins did die together, finally I clearly thought that your mother would end your father...or your father end your mother", he laughed once more sitting beside my father's dead body slapping his cold shoulder as if my father got the joke which caused his head to finish its drop on to the floor behind his body.

.What have I done? I asked dropping to my knees as tears dripped down my cheeks. The sigh of Kingston I did not pay attention to as I bathed in my own self worry.

.Well you died, you killed and you live", Kingston spoke as if it was something that had to be done in everyone's life. "Do you know what you are my dear? Kingston said lowered himself to my level. "You are the night, you are what simple humans dream to be and you are what immortals wish to be. You are a natural born birth right, a killer and a vampire".

Those were the words he said to me. I remember looking to him with angered and confused eyes.

"Are you mad? I said.

"How else would you explain it? The killing and eating of living people, do you have any clue why you would do it. Give me a reason for your fangs. Why you sleep until the dusk. Why normal food and medicine feels like you're dying when you consume it. The best of doctors cannot solve us. Neither could the nuns or priest, believe me I have tried. The reason why you do not hold the rest of our traits is for the fact that you did not drink from these worthless humans. I watched you bite, rip and spit out blood that could have feed most of my family. Then again I wouldn't blame you the taste of the sick is peasant food to those that we feed from. Not the best of meat, I suppose. Whatever you decided then and now it is the same. Your past life is no more, here starts a new life".

Kingston speech had gotten to me; he had always had a way with words. During my time of gazing the smell of smoke filled my nostrils as the spark of flames I caught from the distance. It was Kingston setting the hospital to blaze in truth it should have been burned down a long time ago, from the start as it brought only what I could now bring...death.

In the matter of minutes I stood outside of the hospital surrounded by not a single building and watched the place dance of fire that would erase the pass that I was supposed to forget but, I kept it with me for years even now as you read this. I remembered. I remembered through the closing of my eyes to the opening of them to greet the night. I remembered each time I took a life, each time I strayed a women or male from their spouse to drink in what is now my life's need. I remembered when my coven moved to Korea for the time being, I remembered when I meet him, my beautiful Sung-Joo.

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