Chapter Five: First Look

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"Alright J.R it's time for lights out", the sound of his mother's voice from behind his bedroom door commanded him to ready for bed. J.R looked up from the false diary, his brown eyes traveling to his door as if starring his mother down for disturbing him during his readings. "J.R did you hear me? His mother called out once more.

"Yes mom I hear you", he said huffing and closing the leather diary. J.R pushed himself up, ignoring the pain he felt in his back for resting on his slightly arched back while his mind traveled In the past with the story. Closing the book he removed his shirt and pants and kicked his sneaker into a corner of his room. Lucky for him it was summer and he wouldn't have to fight a battle to get himself up in the morning, though he would have to sit through another violin lesson from his mother mid-morning. J.R moved the book to his night stand and placed himself on top of his bed, not minding to cover himself up since he so easily over heated.

The left side of his face kissing the cool side of his pillow, as he leaned forward to shut off his lamp his face was determined not to remove his face from such a cool placement once the lights went out. J.R hoped that what he had seen, what he had read this night would all be a fact of a silly, odd dream that he usually had. There was no way that vampires were real nor the fact that if they were how could he help with any of the mess made? It wasn't his war to win. Especially if there were clans of vampires fighting against each other. Clans always meant that there were more.

"Psh, vampires. Yeah right", were the last words that he given for the night as he closed tired scanning eyes to sleep.

There J.R dreamt what to him was an usual dream. There he was standing in the center of dancing people in a time which was not his own. A time much later, when women were discovering their sexuality and strengths though still holding elegance in the entire manner. The clothing he were he could never remember nor thought to examine it when in this dream state.

The feeling he felt was of something of great importance were to happen... something coming...someone. He would turn around in a hast, his eyes would widen slightly, his mouth would drop a little as the person's shadow cast over him. J.R would reach out his hand slowly and once his fingertips were almost there he would fade into another part, another section of dream.

There laid within a canopied bed big enough for five as his body rested in an ill manner, maybe sickness had become of him. His body could never move from this state, though with his great will be managed to sit up and balance on his right elbow. "You are here to- J.R would speak to the upcoming long length shadowy fingers that reached for him as he watched them draw near on the curtains of the bed.

J.R opened his eyes sharply as he sat up panting heavily as sweat slowly rolled down the side of his face. Sniffing, rubbing his arm across his nose as he removed himself from his bed and traveled to his bedroom window that outlook part of his neighborhood. Unlatching the lock he lifted the glass window open and allowed the summer breath to wash over his body to cool and dry him.

"Fucking dreams", he said to himself. "Always the same dream". J.R placed his hands on to the lower frame of the window and lowered his head to help the breeze cut through his dark hair. A large smack against his nightstand caused him to jump and hit his head on to the raised frame, which caused him to groan for a moment or two. J.R turned around seeing that the diary had flew open which J.R thought was impossible, a breeze is never that strong. J.R walked to his night stand and looked over the diary and closed it.

J.R turned his body back around to return to his cooling session until it happened again. WHACK!!! The opening of the diary sounded. "Okay this time...there wasn't any a breeze? He said slowly twisting his body to walk back to the stand once more. J.R picked the diary up viewing blank pages on the left and right begins to fill on its own letter by letter. At first the print glow in red ink than settled down to a cooling pink against tarnished paper. "Not again", J.R said sitting down on to his bed.

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