Chapter Eight: Kingston's plan

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J.R reached his hand forward as it inched towards the leather back during its rattling and shaking.

“Wait”, Evan grab hold on J.R’s wrist and looked at him than the cautious book. “Are you seriously thinking about opening it? Evan asked swallowing trying to keep the tone of his voice. J.R looked through his dark bangs that fell in front of his face at times. “Evan I have opened it before. It’s not like its going to suck us into the book”, J.R said jerking his wrist away. “Yeah trust a book that shakes, glows and demands you to read it”. J.R shook his head opening the cover and flipped it to the glow of the page. The page blank as it was once more until it happen the words in deep red and orange burnt in writing on to the tattered page. “What now? Evan  spoke gawking at the writing. “Now…we read”, J.R lifted the book into his hands and sat back, Evan joined him at his side and read with him.

-          Now glad you decided to read once more. As I have stated before it is of importance for you to read, understand the issue at hand that I need your help. I did not make this diary for my health… that is if I had health to worry about it. Now from where we left off. I sat within the study of our coven’s leader. I never enjoyed sitting within the large vintage red chair waiting for his word or appearance. He was like a father I never had, I hadn’t had a father for a while then and a mother figure I would assume I will never  have one, scared by what my birth mother and her dealings I am almost glad of her death if asked. The dark gray room decorated with dark wood and healthy green vines that climbed windows and corners of the room from hanging planets. Red and green furniture rested about with cases of books of stories of people he had met before. The man known as Kingston that rise me during my immortal years. There I was waiting for judgment to come. My clothing tattered painting the color of my attire with blood but the blood not my own. The opening of the door tapped my hearing, though I did not turn to acknowledge it. Clear footsteps walked across the wooden floor from behind me and around the large oak desk; clean with nothing more than simple paper and pen that lay on the top.  

“Well, it looks like someone has had a productive night this evening”, he said in a tone that only a guardian could give.

“Productive, you can say that”. I responded.

“So productive that you have the blood of ten elder guards on your hands from no other than the Black Lotus Clan”, Kingston unbutton his middle button that held his suite together. I sat there without an response how could I lie about this, the scent of their blood could be picked up by any immortal no doubt.

“What? No answer…no remark? He asked leaning forward, lacing his hands together than in front of him to place on to his desk. Still I sat.

“Now why would the Lotus clan… want you head on their plates, hmm? He asked in a confused voice, his face read the same.

“What did you do this time? It had to be something great. Was it the boy? He asked me. Of course it was the boy, those green eyes that could part waters. His angelic like face which held flaws of its own. The more I drowned in my thoughts of him the more the voice of Kingston began to fade more.

“ADRIAN!!! He shouted his fist rocketed on to his desk bring my eyes to meet his.

“You are not a child anymore. You cannot possibly fall for simple looks of this…. This… boy”. Kingston seemed disappointed in me. Having to work so hard to turn me into a cold killer and not make the same mistake he did ages ago. Loving.

"It was his blood wasn’t it, is he like the other immortals you have killed? The undying thirst of your lounge, you had to have him so bad that you stalked him for months” he spoke out attempting to calm himself but his annoyance with me was to great that he stood from his chair to walk about.  “I didn’t”, was the only thing I could say.

“Couldn’t what, Adrian? You could take him under your fangs as the others. Was hunting him not enough for you? Out of all the pray you choose him. You’re becoming gluttons Adrian, very greedy”. Kingston stopped at the half curtain window to look out amongst the grounds. “I didn’t taste him”, I spoke becoming angered myself.

“I…I simply looked at him… watched him for just a bit as I always did for the past time. He caught me. He didn’t mind it, he knew I was there the entire time”, my voice shock with the thought of ending the young prince’s life by my hands.

“Watching? Watching anything close to our nature will grant you a death wish, especially with the Lotus prince. Hmp watching him? Kingston shook his head. “Watching him”, he chuckled in disbelief. “I knew you were sneaking out, I followed you. You and your sick twisted ways for you means”. Kingston spit at his right hand mentor.

“I was not hunting him”, I stood to my feet in anger. Kingston turned to face me as if I had lost all sense of my mind all together, which did not scare my defense away. I remember blinking and coming to starring at the venomous eyes of Kingston as his chilled fingers chocked my throat holding my back against the wall and feet five inches from the ground. I gritted my teeth, even though I have forgotten how to use my air ways the clench and squeeze made up for it.

“You hadn’t feed from him, rip his flesh apart, lap his blood from the floors and walls…yet”, he said to me releasing me to fall on to the floor. “Yet”, he voicing down at me. “You were not born for failure. You will not fall for it. I will not allow my hard work to fall for someone so fair to you. Shakespeare has lived and died and so have the emotions for his works allowing with him to the grave. You are banished to see him. Do you hear me BANISHED! Now”, Kingston fixed his attire and cleared his throat turning into a more calm and approachable Kingston. “To teach you a lesson or two you are to be oven”. I have only been through this punished with this method oh I would say ten to fifteen times, there is no getting used to being tortured.  Yes you know what to look forward to but nothing ever prepares you for the pain each time…no matter how much to try to boost up your mental aspect for it.

The familiar shadow stood above as, I noticed after being told of my punishment. “Jean…you know what to do”, Kingston said to him walking back to his desk. Jean lowered himself to grab on under my arm to help me on to my feet and escorted me from the study.  

“I told you not to look at him, I told you he was nothing but trouble”, Jean muttered at my side walking me through the halls of the resided home of the coven. “I didn’t do anything. I was only defending myself, nothing more”, my defense never fading from what truly was defense. Jean released by arm and forced me to turn to him as we both stopped our walk toward my punishment. “Do you honest think Kingston gives a damn about you killing the guards? It’s the prince”. Jeans glowing eyes took a quick look on both sides of him and stepped closer so that only I and him were able to hear each other. “Look Kingston has lived for a very, very long time. A.D whichever and like all of us he doesn’t wish to hide anymore. He is planning to take over each and every being of the world”. He said to me.

I understand you thinking. Typical for others like my kind and kin to decided and try to do something as of this. Mind you during this time we had had enough of being only myth and nothing more. To stand there only to exist with other that wrote and told stories about you. In all you are not real… not supposed to be anyway. Why can we not live as well with the living? Though having a history of devouring bodies, blood and souls doesn’t make it an easy rub to take by someone. To think, hi my name is Adrian. I’m undead and I drink blood and consume entrails in order to sustain life. Would you invite me into your family then…allow me into your home?

“And your prince is the key of his take over”, Jean words ended.

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