Chapter Fifteen: Realization

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"Sung-Joo, you were obsessed with him weren't you? J.R asked as he laid on his bed upside down at the foot of it.

"I was in love", Adrian responded with a raised brow at the notion of her being obsessed.

"Call it what you want, clearly you had a fascination with him". J.R smirked holding the diary as he flip through the pages that he had already read.

"Are you not suppose to be fascinated with the one you love? Adrian settled herself on to his bedroom floor.

"I guess you don't really hear people of today speaking about the one that they're dating in words like your". J.R protested.

"Well then maybe their not in love in the first place. Then again the mortals of this time are more lazy, ignorant at the most". Adrian defended.

"Hey I'm a human of these times". J.R rolled onto his stomach.

"Yes pity", Adrian said.

"Though I can say that you haven't always been apart of these times".

"Hmm, what does that suppose to mean? J.R now curious.

"Once you die your soul travels until reborn. Well most of the", she said.

"You believe that? J.R asked.

"In this life time you need something to believe in". Adrian said.

"But, yes I have personally seen it happen".

"Is that so, do you have proof? J.R still in disbelief.

"Yes. You are proof". Adrian said to him.

"Me...Really? Who was I? What was I? J.R jumping off the bed to settle in front of Adrian on to his floor.

"You were a who", Adrian said smirking.

"You were a highly important person".

"Was I a king, prince or maybe an earl...was I a princess? J.R snarl at the possible fact.

"Luckily no. Though you should have been you were extremely dramatic, like how you are now". She laughed. "You were a prince of an very important clan".

J.R's eyes widen large as if he was attempted to read the vampire's mind.

"A...princes? J.R repeated

"And, how did we know each other? He asked her

"Were we close?

Adrian paused at the question her plume tinted iris viewed the floor in thought.

"HEY! Hello, any one there? J.R said snapping her fingers in front of her trying to gain her attention back.

"Were we enemies? J.R asked.

"We were close. Enemies; it was a given, Kingston thought everyone to be an enemy if they were not family nor blood.". Adrian frown at her leader's mind


"So we were close and not enemies? So we were friends did I have a name?

J.R wanted to know all about his past life. Anything was better than remembering events that had already happened.

"Yes you had a name. But, I tended to call you green eyes". Adrian explained.


'You had the most stunning green eyes. You still do. The times had only made them even more beautiful than before.

It was a trait that you held. You could make anyone do what you wished with a simple glance of those lovely orbs.".

"Are you speaking metaphorically? He asked her.

"Yes and no". Adrian said.

'Explain? J.R wanted to know.

"I've already said to much". Adrian gave a tone that had almost ended the conversation.

"Come on its not like I remember anything. Isn't that the purpose of reincarnation? He asked trying to squeeze a bit more information out of her.

"Yes, but you of all people were not suppose to die. That is the injustice of it all", Adrian worded.

"Well all humans have to die, you know its the circle of life", J.R said to her.

'Not yours! Adrian yelled.

"Whoa! Calm down. Didn't mean to strike a nerve".

"Its getting late", Adrian began to stand.

"What come on you can't leave now! I want to know more. If I wasn't suppose to die how old would I have been in this time?

Adrian opened the door to exist his bedroom door. She travel down the stairs and turn to the sound of a parking car within the driveway of the home.

"Are you coming back tomorrow? Lets have lunch. A human lunch. You know with food", J.R said not wanting to be on her menu.

"Okay, okay. We'll go to an pet store and buy you a rabbit". J.R trying to compromise.

Adrian stop and turn slightly to pause J.R's following.

"At least the age. Wait I wouldn't have been dead when did we meet?

Adrian sighed. "You would have been 244 now. We met in the year 1770. We first caught eyes in a tea room in Paris".

J.R smiled at the information closing the door behind the demon and rested his back against the wood of the door.

"244. In a tea room in Paris". J.R thought it cool to know what his life was like before the one before this. It almost erased away the family tragic time.

through the past months.

"WAIT!!! 244? TEA ROOM IN PARIS? J.R wish an un-describe look projected on to his expression.

"244, Tea room in Paris"

"244, Tea room in Paris"

"244, Tea room in Paris"...J.R continued to repeated.

It was lucky that J.R didn't trip over him while walking up the stairs.

Quickly looking for the diary. Pushing items posters, games, books and other things. He found it underneath a pile of clothing.

Flipping the first chapters of the book he spotted it and read the words aloud.

"Tea room, Paris, France". Flipping to other chapters.

"Sour green apples....Green eyes."

The shaking of his hands almost caused J.R to drop the diary away from his grasp.


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