Chapter one: Abandon home

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The time was of midnight when a pale blue light flashed about the elder room that was dressed in cobwebs and grey dust. Furniture covered by ghost like sheets that stuck to the fabric of the chairs telling the age of the floors more. A young boy no younger than seven teen walked the dusty floor as his shoes collected and kicked dirt and ash throughout the large living room.

He walked without fear, without caution as if he had been there before. The flashlight he carried circled around the room lightening things that he wanted to see much clearer. The young boy rubbed his nose with the back of his arm that was covered by a long sleeve, white sweater as he continued through his wonder.

The course of heavy wind outside of the home forced long branches from nude tress to scratch against large windows creating warning of a thunderstorm that was soon coming. Nothing seemed to raise the interest of the young boy as he started to leave for the exit of the living room. A huff coming out of his pink lips as he lowered his head a bit until a rough draft blew past him with quickness.

The boy turned his body around to see what felt like a brush pass and pointed his flash light in directions that he thought the movement had wondered off too. Taking steps forward, back into the living room as his walks were slower than before. "Hello? His voice called out to anyone or anything that could be within the room.

A Thick shadow of a round object that wasn't there before behind one of the large chairs began to ramble about as he watched its shadow on the wall. The boy stopped in his track, hoping that it was something that he could explain.

A mouse running from behind the chair as a grey cat followed close behind it in its chase for supper. The boy puffed out his cheeks releasing the oxygen from his mouth slowly.

"Do not be frightened, Jewel tends to hunt loudly", a feminine voice spoke through the crisp silence of the room.

The young boy turned back around to view the brown skinned female standing in front of him in a white dress shirt and black vest that clung to her body, her lower pants and boots matched with the clinging and color of her vest.

"Who are did you get in here? The boy asked her with a shaking voice.

Adriana looked to him with soft sights as her dark eyes flashed neon pink due to the shine of the flash light pointed into her face.

"I use you live here" Adriana said looking around the place that she and her family once resided in.

"A long time ago", she said to him once more. "Where are my manners, forgive me", she said to the young boy who didn't have enough trust in her to remove the flash light from her face. "My name is Adriana", she said to him.

"Adriana. What no last name? The teen spoke smarty. "A last name? I use to have a last name. I suppose...that I have forgotten it. Times change when your situation does", she said walking away from the pointed light and into the direction of the cat and mouse.

"Who forgets their last name? He asked curiously.

"Are you sick or something? He continued.

"Sick? You can say that. That I a way", Adriana spoke kneeling down to pick up the cat now covered in blood that was not its own into her arms.

"Well that still doesn't answer how you got in here. It was locked I check all the doors before I- "Broke in", Adriana finished his sentence.

The boy taken back by her words and lowered his head. "No need to fill shameful, we have all sinned in our lives", Adriana said standing up with the cat inside of her arms.

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