The price of Roses

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My finger tips trailed slowly up the railing of the staircase as her footsteps gracefully took each step with caution towards the room that held my lover captured. Taking the final step to the top of the second level I paused as I scanned the hall. Darkened the area was, not a single form of light lite a path to anyone's way. Though there was an occasional wall candle here and there that flickered about with the slight cool breeze that haunted the wakes of the hallway.

My dark brown eyes flashed from its dark tint to a brilliant pink as I walked pass the still burning fires. The vision of painted portraits of others that I had seen before only stuck in the times in which they were alive hundreds of years ago. Even their painted coal eyes heeded her warning of staying away from the one that I came for. The walk towards the door of the one I desired wasn't a long travel, each time I visited the walk seemed to be shorter than the last. I placed a hand on to the door knob, slightly twisting it to a turn until opened.

J.R's heavy eye lids open from the creaking sound of his bedroom door opening at its own pace. He laid there behind white canopy curtains that sheltered him from anyone's sight, waiting for the person to announce themselves. His fair skin tone glistened with sweat from a weakened state that his body was now in from the attack last night. J.R tried to push himself up by the help of his elbows, giving it his all to remove himself from the slump lay he had placed himself into against the surrounding of twenty different fluffed pillows.

His deep red blood seeped through the beige bandages that covered his lower neck and the start of his shoulder. Many said it to be an animal bite wound but, J.R of all people knew better.

The warmth of his bedroom had quickly left as if someone or something was draining the soul from the room altogether. J.R swallowed as best as his wounded muscles could, he had felt this freezing sensation before. The feeling was unsatisfied... hungry.

The eyes of J.R widen as he's apple green hues steered their way towards a womanly shadow that created a dramatic image on to the curtains that enclosed him in bed.

Long shadowy fingers stretched, reaching for him, wanting him in all of its needs. Sung-Joo closed his eyes tightly as if trying to stop a bad dream from continuing its course through his mind.

"Wake, up.Wake up", he said softly to himself with each word his fist clenched the sheets of his bed a little tighter. After a deep breath was taken J.R opened his eyes laid a pond not a single shadow or shade. Releasing a sigh, he started to relax more.

"Sung-Joo? I elegantly spoke out. J.R jolted his head to the left of him and froze in place. My chocolate coated skin revealing more within the light of his bedroom. i moved a hand forward to touch the slightly warm skin of Sung-Joo.

"Your slowly receiving a fever a fever",  I spoke to the fearful mate who's body trembled due to him sitting up for a long period of time due to his supposed illness.

"Have you come to kill me? J.R asked in a tired yet worried tone. "My beloved",  I responded to him. "So low you think of me", my words ended with a caring smile that only a devil of her nature could feel comfortable with.

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