Chapter 11

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Really? Does Alex really not give up? I mean come on! Does the whole going to jail thing and possibly getting locked up thing not scare him. Like If I was him I would be practicing not dropping the least that's what people tell me you shouldn't do when you go to jail. Plus, he brought his friends like really. These are the same punks that left him in a bar fight by himself. These are his trusty associates. You have got to be kidding me. I stand next to Jeremy and wait until Alex strolls and stops right in front of us.

"Really? Really Alex?" I hiss. "I don't know what you mean sweet cheeks" he smiles cynically.

"You're not even supposed to be within 1,000 feet of me. Yet, you're standing right here!" I exclaim. "Yeah, because a piece of paper was going to do so much" he threatens. How did I find myself married to him again? Oh right...high school sweethearts! I make really bad decisions. Young love sometimes it can be really horrific when reality hits you. Yeah?

"Well here's a disclaimer, you won't lay another finger on her" responds Jeremy with venom dripping from every word. Alex smiled cockily and said the words I hoped to never hear, "She's my whore and I will have her". I thought it would hurt when I finally heard the words he would mutter about to his friends. He thinks I didn't know he would call me that when I wasn't around. At first I didn't then one day I happen to be in the same restaurant as him and he hadn't even seen me. I remember him saying those words as if he was proud. I try to tell myself that he wasn't talking about me and that he was describing someone else. That didn't make me feel any better. I know what you're thinking right now. Pathetic. Trust me I'm thinking the same thing too.

"Excuse me?" I yelled in outrage. "I'm no one's whore okay?" I paused for effect. "If you come near me again I will gladly let the "people" from back home handle you" I replied while raising an eyebrow. "I may have been too weak in the past to retaliate but I'm not scared of you anymore especially after realizing I'm not you're only enemy with unfinished business" I responded smartly. At this point, Alex looked ready to blow his top and I was basking in his rage. "You bitch!" he snarled. "You wouldn't dare" he growled.

"Oh but you see Alex I really -really would!" Smiling cynically I walked around him in a circle. I could laugh because it was almost as if he were a cartoon and there was nothing but steam pouring out of his ears. Damn! I took my bitchiness to a whole new level but it was about time. If I do say so myself! While I was lost in my head I hadn't notice Alex getting ready to launch at me but Jeremy had caught him just time. To be truthful I had forgotten Jeremy was even there. I stood still in shock as I watch everything happen in slow motion. Jeremy had Alex up against the wall and he repeatedly punched Alex over and over again. By the time I had come out of my shock and tried to stop Jeremy, Alex was already a bloody pulp. Once I had gotten Jeremy to calm down, I had called the police. By the time the police arrived Alex's two friends had already disappeared. So much for having each other's back. The police assured me that Alex would be arrested and that Jeremy wouldn't be charged for beating Alex. I mean he did deserve it. They also told me Alex would not only be charged with harassment charges but with violation of the restraining order. I breathed a sigh of relief to know that I wouldn't be dealing with him anymore. Knowing that bit of information was a burden lifted off me. After everything settled down I went looking for Jeremy to see how he was holding up.

I spotted him sitting in one of the ambulances getting his hand cleaned and wrapped. I walked over to him wondering how we always ending up this position. An ex-boyfriend was always harassing me and he was always there to help. Talk about déjà vu happening every other day. As I stood waiting for the medic to finish I couldn't help but wonder how maybe I was wrong about Jeremy from the beginning. He was always nice to me and I was always the ass that I claimed him to be. I smiled at the medic as he walked away and sat next Jeremy in the ambulance.

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