Chapter 21 and Epilogue

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Chapter 21 and Epilogue
Jeremy & Haley

6 Months Later   

Life is really good right now and I can't believe I am as happy as I am right now. Haley told me today that she's finally ready to take the next emotional step with me. I know...I sound really girly right now but I can't help it. When the woman that you are falling in love with is looking back at you with just as much intensity it feels...great. The feeling is indescribable and no one will ever be able to give me this feeling again. To think that 6 months ago, I was sure my parents had ruined everything for me. It was the reason why I couldn't wait a second longer to take Haley away from it all. I refused to lose her. By the end of the night she had given me a promise of her all. I was ecstatic and did not mind that she was being fiesty because I knew she was opening up to me. She was showing me a side of her that I had never seen. Grateful could only describe my feelings in that moment.

Telling each other our past and seeing similarities really helped us understand each other. We both realized that no matter how rich or poor you are that feelings of loneliness and pain can always manifest. They can always destroy your self-confidence, your character, and make you jaded to everything good in life. Taking the leap of true happiness with her is something beyond my imagination. It's beyond my imagination because lets face it, I didn't take out my frustrations in the healthiest way when I slept with every girl that was willing. Now that I have Haley everything that was so marvelous about my other life is no longer intriguing or fun. Just having her by my side is enough.

Right now, I am on a hiatus from my parents and damn I would be lying if I said it wasn't peaceful and awesome. Choosing to not associate with them has lifted this weight off my shoulders. At least the good kind, we all know I can still bench press 250 baby. That will never change. Haley hasn't talked to her family in years.After the visit from her sister she has decided that she definitely does not want to reach out. We haven't heard of anything from them either after that day and we are honestly grateful for that. We are only surrounding ourselves with positive and crazy (Sasha) vibes. Sasha is still as wild as ever and my siblings still as overbearing. We love them all the same though and vice versa.

5 Years Later   

I can't believe this is happening right now. Why would he do this to me? This is so embarrassing!! I cried.

Jeremy looked at me and smiled. He looked so handsome in his black and white tuxedo with his hair laid back. His plump lips tempting me for a kiss but also teasing me into running away.

"Haley, I know you hate extravagance and big crowds but I want the world to know you are my amazing woman. I want to show you off to everyone and say you're the one who has tamed me. Shout to the rooftops how I love your beautiful smile, your sultry eyes, your delectable body, your charismatics and your cynical outlook on life. I love the way you look at me every morning and the way you hold me responsible whenever I do something wrong. I can't believe I was able to be loved by someone as charming and intriguing as you but I want you to know that I will NEVER let you go. So right here on my knee, Haley would you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me? Provide me with little Haley and Jeremy's that will run around and drive us crazy. We'll love them all the same no matter how much cookiness they take from your side." he laughed. " Haley Gwenovich I love you and I want to marry you with all my heart? Will you do me the honors? "  he looked at me nervously. He's crazy because I don't understand why he had to propose to me on national television and at one of his biggest games yet. It was currently half time at the football and all I could hear was the whole crowd cheering and chanting "Marry Him".

All of their voices are so overwhelming but I know that I want to be with him forever. So I closed my eyes as a few tears leaked through and screamed "YES!!"  I jumped into his arms as he twirled me around on the field. I can't believe I am engaged and getting married. This has to be the best feeling in the world. I couldn't stop the water leaking from my eyes and I smiled so wide in his arms. I could see Sasha, his brothers and sister walking towards us through my blurry eyes. When they reach us we all did a big group hug and then proceeded to walk off the field. My fiance still had a game to finish and I was going to be his biggest cheerleader tonight. I gave him a good luck kiss and went back to my seat. I looked down at my ring to admire it and it was so beautiful. It was a teardrop shaped opal with diamond encrusted leafs flowing around it. My ring was elegant and different and I couldn't have loved it any harder if I tried. 

That night Jeremy and his team won the championships. I can assure you we went home to celebrate all night long. Who knows? There might be little Jeremy's and Haley's running around a lot sooner than we think. Until Next Time....xoxo <3

Completed: February 21, 2019

Edited: In Process. 

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